- Use selenium for scraping
- Try seleniumbase for scraping
- scrape hdfc netbanking site to download daily transaction sheet.
- parse transaction sheet
- make DB schema
- store transactions in db
- upload transactions to cloud db (maybe ?), so that app can read off it and list it to user
- user can add/remove tags, add description (text) to the transactions
- transactions that don't have tags added to them should be up on the list
- screen to show split of expenses on each tag
- cron job
- cloud function (can we schedule this ?)
- spin up container every night, process, and kill container
- On local machine - use environment variables or files (variables are better, because we can use them for runtime only)
- Eg.
VAR1=value1 VAR2=value2 command
are used only for running thecommand
- Eg.
- On cloud - can use AWS Secrets Manager to securely retreive netbanking credentials.