List of free courses and content on programming
Channel | Content | Language | Channel | Content | Language |
Angela Delise | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma, UI/UX and Snippets | Awa Melvine | PHP and SQL | ||
Bóson Treinamentos | Logic, C/C++, Data Structures, OOP, Python, SQL, API, UML, Data Modeling, Security e Cryptography and Computer Network | Brian Design | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, AdobeXD and UI/UX | ||
Celke | MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS), PHP, NextJS, React Native, OOP, JQuery, SQL and Snippets | Clever Programmer | ReactJS, NextJS, Python, Django and UI Clone | ||
Code Easy | JavaScript, PHP, Slim, OOP and API | Codecourse | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, VueJS, JQuery, SQL, Laravel, OOP and Snippets | ||
Codegate01 | HTML, Java, Spring and Python | Codegrid | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Landing Page Designs, Animations, UI and Snippets | ||
Descompila | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, VueJS, Java and JPA | Coding Journey | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Animations and Hover Effects | ||
Escola Front-end | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS and Angular | Coding Nepal | JavaScript, PHP and some Snippets | ||
EspecializaTI | PHP, Laravel and VueJS | Dark Code | Several Snippets with HTML, CSS and JavaScript | ||
Fabrício Paixão | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL and Bootstrap | Dev Ed | CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS and UI/UX | ||
Fernando Leonid | Git & GitHub, Figma, API, PHP, AWS and JavaScript | GTCoding | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma, ReactJS and Snippets | ||
Full Cycle | Docker, Go Lang, Microservices and Design Patterns | HamScript | ReactJS | ||
Guilherme Aquino | PHP, Laravel and ReactJS | Host Programming | Flutter, Flutter Driver, PHP, Rust, Java, Python, Go Lang, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, NodeJS, JQuery and Laravel | ||
GumpDev | JavaScript & TypeScript | JavaScript Mastery | MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS) | ||
iConectado - Cursos Online | HTML, CSS, WordPress, SEO and Magento | myweb | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, CodeIgniter and JQuery | ||
João Ribeiro | C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, Java, Xamarin, Bootstrap, TypeScript, Laravel, Ajax, Angular, SQL, CodeIgniter, SASS, .NET, Git, Python, VueJS, ReactJS and Flutter | Online Mentor | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Website Design, AdobeXD, Landing Page Tutorials | ||
Leandro Guarino | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, ReactJS, NestJS, Data Structures, Java and SQL | Online Tutorials | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Creative Animations, Hover Effects, UI/UX, Complete websites designs and Snippets | ||
Loiane Groner | Angular, Java and Spring | Traversy Media | MERN (MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS) Python, Django, GraphQL, Docker, PHP, JavaScript, Laravel, Angular, WordPress, Zend, Ionic, CakePHP, CodeIgniter and Joomla | ||
Lucas Dev | VueJS | WatchMeCode | ReactJS, React Native, Android and UI Clone | ||
Maransatto | Git, NodeJS, API, Angular and JavaScript | Web Dev Simplied | ReactJS, Firebase, GraphQL, MongoDB, NodeJS, Design Patterns, SQL and JavaScript | ||
Marco Bruno | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma and NodeJS | ||||
Matheus Battisti | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django, Bootstrap, MongoDB, VueJS, WordPress, NodeJS, ReactJS and Laravel | ||||
Mesaque Mota - Wordpress Pro X | WordPress, Woocomerce, Elementor, Web Design, Complete websites using WordPress | ||||
Micheli Brito | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Java, Spring, Angular, GitHub, API and JPA | ||||
Násser Yousef Ali | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, SASS, Figma, Animations and Snippets | ||||
Node Studio Treinamentos | Logic, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, FlexBox, PHP, OOP and MVC | ||||
Robson Borges | PHP and SQL | ||||
SatellaSoft | HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MVC, Laravel, Unity 3D, VueJS and MariaDB | ||||
Sérgio Roberto Delfino | Java, Spring and Android | ||||
Vida FullStack | HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Flexbox, GitHub, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS and Angular | ||||
Vinicius Dacal | JavaScript and ReactJS | ||||
Wazana | HTML, CSS, Python, NextJS, ReactJS and UI Clone | ||||
WDEV | PHP, MVC, OOP, CSS, HTTP, cURL, RegEx, VueJS, Git and React Native | ||||
Webdesign em Foco | PHP, MVC, Laravel, Python, JavaScript, NodeJS, ReactJS & React Native |