MDF-XL is a runtime material editor. This tool aims to extend equipment and weapon customization. Built with a robust preset system, allowing a high level of compatibility without any file editing.
- Monster Hunter Wilds
- Toggle submeshes and mesh flags.
- Material Parameter Editor, with a search bar and options for copy, paste, reset and mark as favorite.
- Runtime texture swapping.
- Changes can be saved to a preset that can be switched to at any time when that piece of gear is equipped. The last selected preset will also persist between game sessions and auto-load either after a loading screen (if the gear is still in use) or after equipping the gear through the equipment menu.
- Toggle sheathed weapon visibility via Hotkeys. (Supports KBM and Controllers)
[And much more that's yet to be covered.]
- praydog for creating REFramework.
- alphaZomega for his work on EMV Engine, which heavily inspired this tool, and for his guidance.
- Members of the Modding Haven Discord Server for testing.