This is plan for manual tests run before every release.
- Go to and remove Roombelt
- Clear up browser cookies for Roombelt domain
- Open home page, click "Log in to admin panel". Deny access to your account. You should be redirected back to home page.
- Open home page, click "Log in to admin panel". Allow access. You should see Roombelt dashboard.
- Click "Get help". You should see Roombelt docs.
- Click "Connect device" and click Close.
- Click "Connect device" and put some arbitrary connection code. Click "Next". You should see message "Invalid connection code".
- In another browser (so that it doesn't have Roombelt cookies) open Roombelt and click "Register device".
- Put this code to connect device in admin panel.
- Ensure that the device window shows "No calendar has been selected for this device".
- Choose some calendar and pick english language. Click "Voila". You should see device on the devices list in admin panel.
- Ensure that device browser shows calendar view.
- In admin panel click connected device to edit it. Pick another calendar and click "OK". After 30s ensure that the calendar has changed on the device browser window.
- In admin panel click connected device to edit it. Pick polish language and click "OK". After 30s ensure that the language has changed on the device browser window.
- Ensure that displayed time is valid.
- Click "15 min" to start a meeting. Ensure that start and end time is valid.
- Click "End now" and "Cancel". You should see the "Extend" screen.
- Click "+15 min". Validate that the meeting end time is valid.
- Click "+1h". Validate that the meeting end time is valid.
- Click "End now" and "Confirm".
- Click "1h". Ensure that start and end time is valid.
- Click "End now" and "Confirm".
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting in Google Calendar in 2h. Wait 30s and validate that this meeting is visible in device screen.
- Click "Create 15min". Click "Extend 30min" and "Extend 15min". Ensure that only relevant buttons for meeting extension are visible.
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting in Google Calendar in 10 minutes. Wait 30s and validate that this meeting is visible in device screen.
- Click "Create". Ensure that the 10 minutes meeting has been created.
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting without a title in Google Calendar in 4 minutes.
- Wait 30s and validate that the "Check in" button is visible.
- Click "check in".
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting in Google Calendar in 4 minutes.
- Wait 30s and validate that the "Check in" button is visible.
- Click "Cancel meeting" and "Back".
- Click "Cancel meeting" and "Confirm".
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting started 5 minutes ago in Google Calendar.
- Wait 30s and validate that the "Check in" button is visible.
- Click "Check in".
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a meeting started 5 minutes ago in Google Calendar.
- Wait 30s and validate that the "Check in" button is visible.
- Click "Cancel meeting" and "Back.
- Click "Cancel meeting" and "Confirm".
- Go to Google Calendar and remove all meetings for today.
- Create a recurring event from the last week starting 10 minutes before now.
- Wait 30s and validate that the "Check in" button is visible.
- Check-in to this meeting.
- Extend the meeting by 30 minutes.
- Validate that only this instance of recurring meeting is altered.
- End meeting.
- Validate that only this instance of recurring meeting is altered.
- On device window click "Full screen".
- The app should move full screen and the "Full screen" link should disappear.
- Press escape. The browser chrome should be visible and "Full screen" link should appear again.
- Open chrome dev tools and switch to offline.
- Click any action button. The "Unable to connect to the server" screen should appear.
- Click "Refresh page". The offline screen should appear again.
- Switch to online. Regular device view should appear after 30s.
- Open chrome dev tools and switch to offline.
- Wait 30s. Offline screen should appear.
- Switch back to online. Wait 30s. Online screen should appear.
- Open Admin panel
- Click actions menu for calendar and select Disconnect.
- Click cancel.
- Click actions menu for calendar and select Disconnect.
- Click "Disconnect"
- Verify that device browser shows information that the device has been removed.
- Refresh device browser and verify that the "removed device" message is still shown.
- Click "OK" and connect device again.