PocketProtector is a streamlined, people-centric secret management system, built to work with modern distributed version control systems.
This guide will walk you through security scenarios commonly faced by teams, and showcase how PocketProtector's no-nonsense workflow offers a practical alternative to more complicated solutions.
Let's say we have a small engineering team building a software service whose source code is versioned in git, and they're looking to improve their secret management. Our team consists of Engineer Alice, Engineer Bob, CEO Claire, and CTO Tom.
The service interacts with other services, including an email service. The email service provides an API key, which Claire checked into the code on day 1, despite Tom's protests.
Let's migrate to a better way, the PocketProtector way!
Right now, the easiest way to install PocketProtector across all
platforms is with pip
pip install pocket_protector
This will install a command-line application, pocket_protector
conveniently shortened to pprotect
, which you can use to test your
$ pprotect version
pocket_protector version 20.0.0
Once the above is working, we're ready to start using PocketProtector!
With PocketProtector, secrets are encrypted and stored in a file which is versioned alongside your code. Create this file like so:
$ pprotect init
You'll be prompted to add a key custodian, an administrator for the secrets we're trying to protect. In our scenario, CTO Tom would be the natural choice for our first key custodian.
tom@tomtop $ pprotect init
Adding new key custodian.
User email: tom@example.com
Retype passphrase:
After successfully creating his credentials, Tom would see a
now exists in his current directory:
tom@tomtop $ ls -l protected.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tom tom 275 Nov 13 16:25 protected.yaml
PocketProtector will store all secrets encrypted in this YAML file, which is always safe to check in to the project's repository. It's commonly put at the root of the repository for discoverability, but the protected.yaml is self-contained and can exist anywhere in the project tree.
Right now, the protected only contains credentials for our sole key custodian, CTO Tom. Before anyone can add any secrets, Tom needs to create one or more domains.
A domain can represent any set of keys accessible to the same actors,
and in our scenario we're going to have one domain per environment,
which means one domain for prod
(our production datacenter) and one
for dev
(our development laptops).
tom@tomtop $ pprotect add-domain
Verify credentials for /home/tom/work/project/protected.yaml
User email: tom@example.com
Adding new domain.
Domain name: dev
Tom verifies his credentials and creates the "dev" domain, then does the same for the "prod" domain.
Tip: Almost all
subcommands accept a--confirm-diff
option, which enables you to see the actual changes being made to the protected file, with a prompt to accept or reject. You can use this functionality to do dry runs of changes, and don't forget that you can and should commit the file regularly so you can revert any changes you don't want.
Now that we have our first custodian and our two domains, we're ready to start adding secrets!
So far CTO Tom has done all the work. Now it's time for our Engineers to pick up the slack. CTO Tom asks Engineer Alice to start investigating chat integration. Since the chat service requires an API key, Alice is going to have a secret on her hands.
Alice installs pprotect
, pulls the repo with protected.yaml
created by Tom. She adds the "chat-api-key" to the protected's dev
domain like so:
alice@alicetop $ pprotect add-secret
Adding secret value.
Domain name: dev
Secret name: chat-api-key
Secret value: abc5ca1ab1e
Notice that PocketProtector did not prompt Alice for any credentials. Because they were added to the "dev" domain, they were safely added by encrypting them with a key accessible only to Tom right now.
But how did the secret get secured without requiring an authenticated user?
The best analogy for PocketProtector's internal domain security mechanism comes from the NaCl project, on top of which PocketProtector is implemented.
Imagine you're a security-conscious community member, holding a letter you'd like a select few of your neighbors to read.
You want them to securely read the notarized original, so they can be as sure of the authenticity as you are. A copy simply won't do. Because we can't make copies of the letter, how do we securely ensure only specific neighbors read it?
One elegant solution is to put the letter in your own mailbox, and make copies of your mailbox key. Then, put a copy of the key (with instructions) into each of the neighbors' mailboxes.
PocketProtector uses a cryptographic approach known as two-key encryption to implement this scheme. Every domain is a mailbox, and only key custodians assigned to that domain are neighbors with a key to that mailbox.
Another advantage of PocketProtector's scheme is that you don't have to own the mailbox to put another letter in, just as we saw with our Adding Secrets scenario, above. Domains are community mailboxes, where only specific community members have access to the contents.
Thus, PocketProtector provides read protection against leaks, unintentional or otherwise, while relying on repository management practices for write protection. Anyone with push rights to the repo can add a key. In our analogy, only people in the building can drop letters in the mailbox, but it's up to your team to control who can get into the building (i.e., push to your repo).
Speaking of reads, let's check in on our scenario using some PocketProtector's read subcommands.
The first thing to recognize about protected files is that they are designed for some degree of human readability. They are plaintext YAML files that you can open in your editor of choice. You should see something like this:
secret-chat-api-key: ABpVkJKq6WgOgl0rQYDSB0zAjNGD1Gn4aEFmWthMd9l+hjz8rjBJYDm/guyeIVZOwj7m/TQPJNz/yw0D
public-key: AKKRHVwQcbLkk2yK7L3DWmTKzqYhlFuavNpdzl//hbk1
tom@example.com: ANrCtPEyppOZt7waOrW/GDQTd7+/tGTLJNqmtaxX8FhbYVsbPWVgSdvzVNEUVM3/bRFsfpw5GHmF93qVwqC7wUtNnIngp1qiDpGyN12iVHEZ
pwdkm: ALLq2pN0MCqlQ3V0SAl7d71zeOd1D0vBzjZ6y5L5uK3TFMuDKe5uCAA=
- 2020-01-22T18:06:40Z -- created key custodian tom@example.com
- 2020-01-22T19:46:15Z -- created domain dev with owner tom@example.com
- 2020-01-22T19:46:38Z -- added secret chat-api-key in dev
All of the state PocketProtector needs to operate is included in this file. Several of the text values should be recognizable from our scenario above.
But there are more convenient ways to get access to the values designed for external consumption. Let's take a look, with a file that's had a couple more values added to it.
The first way to get acquainted with a protected is to list the domains within the file.
$ pprotect list-domains
As we can see, Tom has added a prod
domain in addition to the dev
one we created above. Many projects need to function in multiple
environments, and PocketProtector's domains are a natural way to
segment the different secrets used in each environment.
If we know which domain we want to inspect, we can list its secrets like so:
$ pprotect list-domain-secrets dev
It seems Tom has recently added a new key for mail integration, in addition to the chat key we added above.
But just because a key is in one domain, doesn't mean it has to be in all of them. Let's get an overview.
Because domains can overlap and also diverge, it can be very useful to
get an overview of all the secrets contained in a protected. The
subcommand gives a sorted list with each secret,
followed by a colon and a comma-separated list of domains that contain
that secret, like so:
$ pprotect list-all-secrets
chat-api-key: dev
mail-api-key: dev, prod
As we can see, that mail integration key is actually present for both
and prod
domains, so Tom may have rush deployed that
integration already.
The actual values for these secrets may or may not be the same. In practice none of them should be, but even if they were, inspecting the file would not give any indication, because internally different encryption keys are used for each domain.
So far we've focused on protected domains and secrets, but PocketProtector also builds in one very useful metadata feature: The audit log.
The audit log keeps a human readable list of operations performed on the protected. You can see this in our full-text example above, but you can also access it from the command line, one entry per line:
$ pprotect list-audit-log
2020-01-22T18:06:40Z -- created key custodian tom@example.com
2020-01-22T19:46:15Z -- created domain dev with owner tom@example.com
2020-01-22T19:46:38Z -- added secret chat-api-key in dev
2020-01-23T05:12:28Z -- created domain prod with owner tom@example.com
2020-01-23T05:13:22Z -- added secret mail-api-key in dev
2020-01-23T05:13:50Z -- added secret mail-api-key in prod
And here we can see how it all went down. The audit log is a pretty
good summary that should be used in conjunction with your source
control management tools. Using git
as an example, git log protected.yaml
and git blame protected.yaml
are both excellent
complements to the audit log.
The audit log is also completely supplementary. It can safely be truncated without affecting any other PocketProtector functionality.