This is a reference for the design specifications used in Simplifii.
Simplifii uses fluid typography presets. This means each font size can adapt to any screen size.
The sizes below that describe a range, e.g. 14px - 16px, will show the smaller sizes at smaller screen resolutions, and the larger sizes at larger screen resolutions. The presets with only one number, e.g. 28px, are static and will not adapt to the screen size.
These sizes are defined in theme.json: settings.typography.fontSizes
Design | Theme | CSS Variable |
16px | 14px - 16px 0.875rem - 1rem |
var(--wp--preset--font-size--small) |
18px | 16px - 18px 1rem - 1.125rem |
var(--wp--preset--font-size--medium) |
28px | 28px 1.75rem |
var(--wp--preset--font-size--large) |
36px | 36px 2.25rem |
var(--wp--preset--font-size--x-large) |
330px | 64px - 320px 4rem - 20rem |
var(--wp--preset--font-size--xx-large) |
These sizes are defined in theme.json: styles.elements.{tag}
Tag | Design | Theme | Font Weight |
h1 | 58px | 58px 3.625rem |
400 |
h2 | 42px - 52px | 42px - 52px 2.625rem - 3.25rem |
400 |
h3 | 36px | 36px 2.25rem |
400 |
h4 | 28px - 30px | 28px - 30px 1.75rem - 1.875rem |
400 |
h5 | 18px | 16px - 18px 1rem - 1.125rem |
700 |
h6 | 18px | 16px - 18px 1rem - 1.125rem |
400 |
The theme includes the following font families by default:
Font Family | CSS Variable |
System Font | var(--wp--preset--font-family--system-font) |
Source Serif Pro | var(--wp--preset--font-family--source-serif-pro) |
DM Sans | var(--wp--preset--font-family--dm-sans) |
IBM Plex Mono | var(--wp--preset--font-family--ibm-plex-mono) |
These are defined in theme.json: settings.typography.fontFamilies
Simplifii uses fluid spacing presets, to help maintain consistency across the theme at all screen sizes.
These presets are defined in theme.json: settings.spacing.spacingSizes
Design | Theme | CSS Variable |
24px - 34px | 24px - 32px 1.5rem - 2rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--30) |
30px - 50px | 29px - 48px 1.8rem - 3rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--40) |
39px - 104px | 40px - 104px 2.5rem - 6.5rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--50) |
60px - 114px | 60px - 112px 3.75rem - 7rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--60) |
82px - 129px | 80px - 128px 5rem - 8rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--70) |
114px - 176px | 112px - 176px 7rem - 11rem |
var(--wp--preset--spacing--80) |