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File metadata and controls

188 lines (179 loc) · 10.7 KB

Linux basics

  • See also Linux log files

Linux folders

  • /: Root
  • /var: Variable Data / Log Files
  • /bin: Binaries / User Commands
  • /sbin: Sys Binaries / Admin Commands
  • /root: Home dir for root user
  • /boot: Store kernel
  • /proc: Direct access to kernel
  • /dev: Hardware storage devices
  • /mnt: Mount devices
  • /etc: Contain all your system configuration files in it e.g.
  • See also path obfuscation | Evading IDS

File permissions in Linux

  • Assigned via the use of the binary equivalent for each rwx group
  • Read-only is equivalent to 4, write is 2, and execute is 1
  • To accumulate permissions, add the numbers
    • 4 is read-only
    • 6 is read and write
    • 7 is read, write and execute
  • Order
    • First number corresponds to the user
    • Second to the group
    • Third is to all others.
  • E.g. chmod 744 anyfile
    • Allow all privileges to the user, read-only for the group, read-only for all others.

Run processes in background

  • Using & will cause the program to run in the background.
  • Makes it only useful for programs that do not need input.
  • The program will terminate if you log out
  • Program can be brought to foreground using fg <job-number>

📝 Common linux commands

  • adduser / addgroup: adds a new user and group to a system.
  • apropos: quickly searches the names and descriptions of all available man pages.
  • ar: creates, modifies, or extracts archives.
  • arch: prints the machine's architecture.
  • bzip2: creates compressed file archives in bzip2 format.
  • cal / ncal: displays a calendar in the output.
  • cat: concatenates files, or data provided on standard input, and prints it on the standard output.
  • cd: changes user's present working directory.
  • chattr: lists and edits extended filesystem attributes for files and folders like the immutable attribute.
  • chgrp: changes the group ownership of a file.
  • chmod: changes access permissions for a file.
  • chown: changes the ownership and group of a file.
  • cksum: prints the CRC checksum and byte count for the input.
  • clear: clears the terminal screen.
  • cmp: perform byte-by-byte comparison of two files.
  • comm: compare two sorted files line-by-line.
  • cp: copying files and directories.
  • cpulimit: limits the CPU usage of a process
  • csh: switches between Linux user shells.
  • csplit: splits a file into sections determined by context lines.
  • curl: downloads files from the internet by HTTP or HTTPS.
  • date: prints or sets the system date and time.
  • dd: copies a file, converting and formatting according to the operands.
  • df: displays the file system disk space usage in output.
  • diffdiff3: compare two files line by line.
  • dig: query DNS servers and to resolve DNS records.
  • dir: lists directory contents.
  • dirname: strips last component from a file name/path.
  • dmesg: prints or controls the kernel ring buffer.
  • dmidecode: command prints a system's DMI (aka SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format.
  • dpkg: a package manager for Debian/Debian-based systems.
  • du: displays disk usage of files present in a directory as well as its sub-directories.
  • echo: displays whatever input text is given to it.
  • ed: a line-oriented text editor.
  • eject: eject removable media (typically, a CD ROM or floppy disk).
  • env: displays the current environment, and edit it.
  • exit: causes the shell to exit.
  • expand: converts tabs present in the input file(s) into spaces, and writes the file contents to standard output.
  • expr: evaluates expressions e.g. expr 1 + 2 outputs 3.
  • factor: prints the prime factors of the input number.
  • fgrep: grep with -F option not treating regular expression metacharacters as special, processing the information as simple string instead.
  • find: search for files in a directory as well as its sub-directories.
  • fold: wraps each input line to fit in specified width.
  • free: displays the amount of free and used memory in the system.
  • grep: searches for a specified pattern in a file (or files) and displays in output lines containing that pattern.
  • groups: displays the name of groups a user is part of.
  • gzip: compresses the input file, replacing the file itself with one having a .gz extension.
  • gunzip: compressed with gzip command can be restored to their original form using the gunzip command.
  • head: displays the first 10 lines of the file to standard output.
  • hostname: displays and sets the system's host name.
  • history: display the history of commands that you typed in on the shell.
  • id: prints user and group information for the current user or specified username.
  • ifconfig: fetch esinformation related to network interfaces and configure network interfaces.
  • join: joins lines of two files on a common field.
  • kill: helps user kill a process by its ID sending the TERM signal to it.
  • killall: kills a process by its name.
  • last: shows listing of last logged in users.
  • ldd: displays in output dependencies of a shared library.
  • ln: creates link between files.
  • locate: locate command helps user find a file by name.
  • logname: prints the user-name of the current user.
  • look: displays lines beginning with a given string.
  • ls: lists contents of a directory in output.
  • lshw: extracts and displays detailed information on the hardware configuration of the machine.
  • lscpu: displays in output system's CPU architecture information (such as number of CPUs, threads, cores, sockets, and more).
  • lsof: displays information related to files opened by processes.
  • man: access reference manual for commands, programs/utilities, as well as functions.
  • md5sum: print or check MD5 (128-bit) checksums.
  • mkdir: creates directories.
  • mkfifo: creates named pipes.
  • more: a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time.
  • mv: either moves a file from one directory to another, or renames it.
  • nano: launches the 'nano' text editor.
  • netstat: prints network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
  • nice: runs a program with modified scheduling priority.
  • nl: writes contents of a file to output, and prepends each line with line number.
  • nm: display symbols from object files.
  • nproc: displays the number of processing units available to the current process.
  • od: dump files in octal as well as some other formats.
  • passwd: used for changing passwords for user accounts.
  • paste: merges lines of files
  • pidof: gives the process ID of a running program/process.
  • ping: checks whether or not a system is up and responding.
  • ps: displays information (in the form of a snapshot) about the currently active processes.
  • pstree: produces information about running processes in the form of a tree.
  • pwd: displays the name of current/working directory.
  • rm: removes files and/or directories.
  • rmdir: deletes empty directories.
  • scp: securely copies files between systems on a network.
  • screen: keeps a terminal session open even when your SSH connection is interrupted,
  • sdiff: performs a side-by-side merge of differences between two files.
  • sed: a stream editor that allows users to perform basic text transformations on an input stream (a file or input from a pipeline).
  • seq: prints numbers from FIRST to LAST, in steps of INCREMENT,
  • sha1sum: print or check SHA1 (160-bit) checksums.
  • shutdown: shut the system in a safe way.
  • size: lists the section sizes as well as the total size for an object or archive file.
  • sleep: specify delay for a specified amount of time.
  • sort: sort lines of text files.
  • split: splits a file into fixed-size pieces.
  • ssh: basically OpenSSH SSH client.
  • ssh-keygen: creates a private/public key pair for SSH.
  • stat: displays status related to a file or a file-system.
  • strings: displays in output printable character sequences that are at least 4 characters long.
  • su: change user-identity.
  • sudo: lets a permitted user run a command as another user (usually root or superuser).
  • sum: prints checksum and block counts for each input file.
  • tac: prints input files in reverse.
  • tail: displays in output the last 10 lines of a file.
  • talk: lets users talk with each other.
  • tar: creates as well as extract archive files.
  • tee: reads from standard input and write to standard output as well as files.
  • test: checks file types and compare values.
  • time: summarizes system resource usage of a program.
  • top: gives a dynamic real-time view of a running system (in terms of its processes).
  • touch: changes file timestamps (the access and modification times).
  • tr: translates/squeezes/deletes characters.
  • tty: prints the filename of the terminal connected to standard input.
  • uname: prints certain system information.
  • unexpand: convert spaces into tabs.
  • uniq: report or omit repeated lines.
  • unexpand: converts spaces present in the input file(s) into tabs, and writes the file contents to standard output.
  • uptime: tells how long the system has been running.
  • users: displays in output the usernames of users currently logged in to the current host.
  • vdir: lists information about contents of a directory (current directory by default).
  • vim: text/programming editor.
  • w: displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes.
  • wall: writes and sends a message to other users that are currently logged in.
  • watch: monitors a program's output.
  • wc: prints newline, word, and byte counts for a file.
  • wget: perform a non-interactive download of files from the Web.
  • whatis: displays single-line manual page descriptions.
  • which: locates a command - the file and the path of the file that gets executed.
  • who: shows who is logged on.
  • whereis: shows in output locations of the binary, source, and manual page files for a command.
  • whoami: prints effective userid of the current user.
  • xargs: builds and executes command lines from standard input.
  • yes: outputs a string repeatedly until killed.
  • zcat: displays the content of gzip compressed files.