When to use your adrenaline auto-injector (AAI), also known as an epinephrine emergency shot, such as a brand name EpiPen® device?
Use your adrenaline auto-injector immediately if you experience ANY of the following serious symptoms of anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, or anaphylactoid shock:
Breathing difficulties, such as fast, shallow breathing, or wheezing
A fast heartbeat
Clammy skin
Feeling light-headed or faint
Confusion and anxiety
Loss of consciousness
If you are only experiencing the following mild symptoms, then take your usual antihistamines and treatments, and in addition have your adrenaline auto-injector ready in case of worsening symptoms:
Red, raised, itchy rash
Swelling of face, lips or eyelids
Abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting
Tingling mouth
Source: "EpiPen Explained" by the EpiPen company, edited for clarity.