Bespoke boutiques are healthcare provider groups that offer individualized specialized care, such as for general nutrition and wellness, or symptoms such as histamine intolerance or mycotoxin cleanses.
Key points:
Prescriptions: Ensure that all your providers can prescribe any and all medications to you in your local area.
Communications: Ensure that all your providers are communicating with each other, and also with your other provider groups. This may require you to set up data sharing agreements between providers, such as between the bespoke boutique and your local hospital.
Tracking: If you see anything at all about cookie tracking, or anything at all in the terms and conditions that say the group or it's services may use your data "aggregated" or "anonymized" or for "advertising" or "marketing", then move on.
Functional medicine: Ask the provider what that means to them, because there are different kinds of functional medicine. One kind of focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease; this kind tends to not help much with mast cell patients, because no one yet knows the root cause nor how to treat it. The other kind focuses on helping your functional capabilities, such as being able to make a meal, get exercise, do work, and thrive; this kind tends to help mast cell patients because there are many treatments that can each contribute to feeling better, regardless of knowing any root cause.