Laundry detergent recommended by mast cell people. Favor products that are hypoallergenic or that say "Free & Clear". Favor products that are free of unnecessary dyes, scents, colors, and preservatives. Generally avoid dryer sheets, fabric softeners, chlorine bleaches, and essential oils. To get your clothes cleaner, try a long soak in hot water, then a normal wash.
If you clean your clothes well, you shouldn't need added scents and chemicals. If you want a scent, consider using a lavender dryer bag. It's just a bag filled with lavender flowers. Put the bad in the dryer with clothes. Reuse about 10 times.
Earth Breeze Eco Sheets - fragrance free dehydrated detergent
Clean Cult - Liquid Laundry Detergent Refill - Fragrance-Free
All - Free & Clear
Tide - Free & Clear
Rowe Casa’s non toxic detergent
Gain original scent fabric softener
Downey free and clear liquid
Hex unscented
Borax (we have hard water) with a small scoop of oxyclean.
And if things are really dirty, we use white vinegar on the fabric softener cycle.
Dreft. It's baby soap.
Arm and hammer has a sensitive skin detergent that is clear
Dropps gentle unscented mostly.
Mollys Suds
White vinegar rinse.
If there’s a stain, try tallow soap.
The Clean People Fragrance Free Laundry Detergent Sheets - Hypoallergenic Laundry Soap - Ultra Concentrated, Recyclable Packaging, Stain Fighting - Fragrance Free, 32 Pack
Seventh Generation
Blueland, or one of the many unscented laundry detergent sheets.
Or use a 100% wool dryer ball with a few drops of your favorite essential oil in the dryer.
Charlie's unscented soap powder .
Persil and Lysol disinfectant wash stuff. Nothing else.
Rowe Casa Organics laundry detergent and add essential oils to it
Seventh Generation non-chlorine bleach (hydrogen peroxide and water).
Charlies Soap, Washing Soda, Vinegar and/or Boarax. c Alyssa StevensongTop contributor #1 look into laundry stripping. Join the laundry group I linked and look at their docs for stripping among other helpful tips. Clothes will develop build up over time and that's typically what causes them to stink even after they've been washed. Also, some detergents like All are useless. I think the group has a list of the best detergents to use depending on your water hardness and if you have an HE machine.
Lysol laundry sanitizer, fragrance free.
Nellie's washing soda
Sal's Suds and vinegar rinse
Clean People everything - laundry detergent, dryer sheets , dish washer pods
Defunkify free and clear, plus the peppermint deodorizing spray as needed
Buff City Soap is amazing and clean
I can’t get over how many people are saying to use essential oils!!! They are extremely neuro toxic!
- I use dawn dish soap with duck on bottle , can also add a drop of essential oil your not allergic to for scent
I use white vinegar for fabric softener, I love how that's working for me!
Attitude unscented laundry detergent
BioKleen laundry booster.
Organic wool dryer balls.
Tide free and clear
Seventh Generation free and clear concentrate soap
Oxiclean sensitive, pour some vinegar over them, and run the with the 30 soak, extra deep water, and extra rinse cycles. No fabric softener at all on mine.