diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/AdhocScripts/Support/RelationshipCreationScript.sql b/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/AdhocScripts/Support/RelationshipCreationScript.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aad25a72c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/AdhocScripts/Support/RelationshipCreationScript.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Relationship creation script
+The purpose of this script is to create a Employer-Provider Relationship record in commitments. Under normal circumstances,
+a Relationship is created when the Employer first sends a Provider a Cohort. When this Relationship is not created due to
+technical issues at the time (at time of writing, the two operations are not atomic), when the Provider goes to view the cohort
+and exception is thrown and the only known work-around is to have the Employer send another, empty cohort, to their Provider.
+declare @ProviderId bigint = 0; -- Set the UKPRN of the provider for whom to create the relationship
+declare @EmployerAccountId bigint = 0; -- Set the AccountId of the employer for whom to create the relationship
+declare @LegalEntityCode nvarchar(50) = ''; --Set the Code of the legal entity for whom to create the relationship
+************* MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE AT YOUR PERIL *******************
+insert into [dbo].[Relationship]
+top 1
+null as Verified,
+GETDATE() as CreatedOn
+[dbo].[Commitment] c
+where c.ProviderId = @ProviderId and c.EmployerAccountId = @EmployerAccountId and c.LegalEntityId = @LegalEntityCode
+and not exists (select 1 from Relationship where ProviderId = @ProviderId and EmployerAccountId = @EmployerAccountId and LegalEntityId = @LegalEntityCode)
+order by c.Id desc
+ print 'Error - Relationship already exists, or no Commitment found'
diff --git a/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database.sqlproj b/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database.sqlproj
index 14efe69c1c..99b2d27216 100644
--- a/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database.sqlproj
+++ b/src/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database/SFA.DAS.Commitments.Database.sqlproj
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@