Contributions are welcome, and are accepted via pull requests. Please review these guidelines before submitting any pull requests.
Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following guidelines:
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
- Search previous suggestions before making a new one, as yours may be a duplicate.
- Use the following format for links: [Package](URL) - Short description
- The pull request and commit should have a useful title.
- 100 stars on Github.
- Support Laravel 5.1 or higher.
- Use PSR-4 autoloader.
- Listed on Packagist.
- Tests!
- Utilize Travis-CI or similar CI tools to automatically check coding standards and run tests.
Note: These requirements are waived off for packages listed on Awesome Laravel (master) prior to 11th October, 2015
- Keep a Changelog
- Adhere to PSR-2 as the coding style guide.
- DocBlock all the things.
- Use Semantic Versioning.
- Maintain an extensive README.
- Excludes non-essential files in .gitattributes.