- TODO: fix decimal.
- TODO: fix TimerUtil.
- TODO: fix analysis.
- TODO: Migrate to null-safety.
- TODO: fix regex mobileExact.
- TODO: fix analysis.
- TODO: RegexUtil add regexPassport, fix TimelineInfo bugs and some updates.
- TODO: fix DataFormats -> DateFormats, fix TimelineInfo bugs.
- TODO: add JsonUtil, EncryptUtil, Some updates.
- TODO: TextUtil, EnDecodeUtil, Some updates.
- TODO: Some updates.
- TODO: NumUtil updates(add subtract multiply divide without loosing precision). MoneyUtil precise conversion.
- TODO: Some updates.
- TODO: Newly TimelineUtil.DateUtil update.No platform restriction found in primary library.
- TODO: Newly added TimerUtil, MoneyUtil, LogUtil,Some updates.
- TODO: fix bug.
- TODO: Newly added NumUtil,Some updates.
- TODO: Newly added DateUtil.
- TODO: Contains ScreenUtil, WidgetUtil, ObjectUtil, RegexUtil.
- TODO: CommonUtils initial release.