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Python - Async

The learning objectives are

  • async and await syntax
  • How to execute an async program with asyncio
  • How to run concurrent coroutines
  • How to create asyncio tasks
  • How to use the random module

0. The basics of async

Write an asynchronous coroutine that takes in an integer argument (max_delay, with a default value of 10) named wait_random that waits for a random delay between 0 and max_delay (included and float value) seconds and eventually returns it.

Use the random module.

1. Let's execute multiple coroutines at the same time with async

Import wait_random from the previous python file that you’ve written and write an async routine called wait_n that takes in 2 int arguments (in this order): n and max_delay. You will spawn wait_random n times with the specified max_delay.

wait_n should return the list of all the delays (float values). The list of the delays should be in ascending order without using sort() because of concurrency.

2. Measure the runtime

From the previous file, import wait_n into

Create a measure_time function with integers n and max_delay as arguments that measures the total execution time for wait_n(n, max_delay), and returns total_time / n. Your function should return a float.

Use the time module to measure an approximate elapsed time.

3. Tasks

Import wait_random from 0-basic_async_syntax.

Write a function (do not create an async function, use the regular function syntax to do this) task_wait_random that takes an integer max_delay and returns a asyncio.Task.

4. Tasks

Take the code from wait_n and alter it into a new function task_wait_n. The code is nearly identical to wait_n except task_wait_random is being called.