Note: the age-related code is still under development, so please try the current implementation and please let me know if something doesn't work well for you. If possible:
- record the session (e.g. using asciinema)
- collect the agent log by setting
environment variable
Install age 1.1.0+ or rage 0.9.0+.
Generate an identity by running:
$ age-plugin-trezor -i "John Doe" | tee identity
# recipient: age1wpl78afms4x36mucnd4j65sanrtj9873up47qq39h68q0aw7n4xqdlw6tk
# SLIP-0017: John Doe
Use the recipient ID from above (see age/rage instructions):
$ date | age -r age1wpl78afms4x36mucnd4j65sanrtj9873up47qq39h68q0aw7n4xqdlw6tk > secret.age
Make sure age-plugin-trezor
is installed and available (it will be invoked by age
for decryption):
$ age -d -i identity < secret.age
Mon 26 Dec 2022 21:10:26 IST
First install passage
from and initialize it to use your hardware-based identity:
$ mkdir -p ~/.passage/store
$ age-plugin-trezor -i "John Doe" | tee ~/.passage/identities
# recipient: age1wpl78afms4x36mucnd4j65sanrtj9873up47qq39h68q0aw7n4xqdlw6tk
# SLIP-0017: John Doe
$ awk '/# recipient:/ {print $3}' ~/.passage/identities | tee -a ~/.passage/store/.age-recipients
$ passage generate Dev/github 32
$ passage generate Social/hackernews 32
$ passage generate Social/twitter 32
$ passage generate VPS/linode 32
$ passage
├── Dev
│ └── github
├── Social
│ ├── hackernews
│ └── twitter
└── VPS
└── linode
In order to paste them into the browser, you'd need to decrypt the password using your hardware device:
$ passage --clip VPS/linode
Copied VPS/linode to clipboard. Will clear in 45 seconds.