The module is made of two submodule: app and classification. App is the submodule which serves the result to the opus endpoint, classification is the submodule used by App to obtain part of the information about an artwork. Note: the classification submodule will be used in beta
Note: Google vision Api key are not in the version control, ask to out team to receive the credentials
Before starting the app, install the requirements listed in the file ArtGuide/image_analysis/app/requirements.txt
$ pip install -r ArtGuide/image_analysis/app/requirements.txt
To start the service set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS such that it contains the absolute path to the Google Cloud Vision API key and the ROUTES_JSON pointing to the routes.json file (also absolute path). Then, from the project root (ArtGuide directory) start
$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/Desktop/Projects/ArtGuide/image_analysis/app/key/vision_api_keys.json ROUTES_JSON=~/Desktop/Projects/ArtGuide/routes.json python image_analysis/app/
Build the container from the project root.
$ docker build -t art/ia -f ia.dockerfile
The paths for the google application keys and the routes must be respectively "./image_analysis/key/vision_api.json" and "/routes.json". Then just run
$ docker run -p 2345:2345 art/ia