Create an environment file with:
: the id of the appAZURE_DT_CLIENT_SECRET
: the secret of the appAZURE_DT_TENANT_ID
: the id of the tenant
Due to a bug in the node-red-node-serialport library, it is not possible to execute the docker container directly as described in the following issue
To run the microservice use the following docker command:
$ docker rm operating-block-gateway
$ docker rm operating-block-gateway-rebuilded
$ docker run -d --rm --name operating-block-gateway --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 -v ./data:/data -p 1880:1880 -e NODE_RED_ENABLE_SAFE_MODE=true nodered/node-red
$ docker exec operating-block-gateway /bin/sh -c "cd /data; npm install node-red-contrib-https; npm install node-red-node-serialport; npm install node-red-contrib-semaphore"
$ docker exec operating-block-gateway /bin/sh -c "cd /data; npm rebuild --build-from-source"
$ docker stop operating-block-gateway
$ docker run -p 1880:1880 -v ./data:/data --device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0 --group-add dialout --env-file .env --name operating-block-gateway-rebuilded nodered/node-red
In order to simplify we provide a bash script called that executes all the instructions above automatically.