Release status: beta-v8 Changes: Updated & enabled cpusets. Some commit to improving memory management.
Release status: beta-v7 Changes: Implemented interface to configure Linux PrintK logging. GPU: msm_adreno_tz: added adrenoboost (3 levels of boosting). Removed buggy features like Intelli thermal, MSM limiter, Adreno Idler etc. Wakelocks: cleanups and updated the list of default blocked wakelocks.
Release status: beta-v6 Changes: Added a bunch of kgsl commits to improve the GPU performance. SmartPack boot script: Tweaked Alucard hotplug, impulse CPU Freq gov and more (credits @DanGLES3).
Release status: beta-v5 Changes: Added I/O schedule switcher, a driver to change the I/O scheduler when the screen turns off. CPU Govs: Added Chill & Adaptive. CPU: Added MSM Limiter driver v5.3. MSM Thermal: Added IntelliThermal v3.1. binder: some patches suggested by @DanGLES3. SmartPack boot script: a bunch of updates (credits mainly to @DanGLES3). Misc: set westwood as the default tcp. Misc. Update wireguard. Bunch of other changes. Please check my Github source for more info.
Release status: beta-v4 Changes: Unified to work on both Oreo& Pie. Incorporating recent patches from osm0sis's AnyKernel2 repo. Ramdisk: removed spectrum support and added SmartPack boot script. Misc changes.
Release status: beta-v3 Changes: thermal: msm_thermal: Added advanced parameters. cpufreq: Added tripndroid & Impulse govs. cpufreq: implement zen-tune v4.10 for Ondemand gov. fs: added sdFAT file system. A lot of optimizations and patched for everywhere to make the kernel much snappier.
Release status: beta-v2 Changes: Add control over Min Display Backlight. Added Interactive Pro, Pegasusq Yankactive & Alucard Governers. Add MSM Sleeper CPU Hotplug. Add OS check to the anykernel script so that it won't be installed on any android version except Android 8.1.0 (Oreo).
Release status: beta-v1 The very first release for Moto G3 2015 running Lineage OS 15.1 (Android 8.1.0). Based on the source code.