"Instead of being a write-only data blackhole, logs are now living objects that can be updated, transformed, hold their own context, etc."
- https://github.com/zenml-io/zenml?tab=readme-ov-file#readme
- https://github.com/thelounge/thelounge#readme
- https://github.com/supunlakmal/thismypc#readme
- https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard#readme
- https://github.com/Skydio/revup#readme
- https://github.com/owloops/updo#readme
- https://github.com/L0garithmic/FastColabCopy#readme
Comparisons to other libraries that don't do what this does
- Ora
- Ink
- Clui
Comparisons to libraries that seem similar, but aren't meant for the same thing
- ncursed / blessed
- commander
- inquirer
Why did I make this?
- tl;dr because I tried all of the above and was annoyed
Should I use this flowchart?
lots of wojacks
side by side console.<log|mog>
Centered logo
neat emojis https://github.com/Abblix/Oidc.Server#readme