diff --git a/src/data/tools.ts b/src/data/tools.ts index c3f483e8..0dbf4b3a 100644 --- a/src/data/tools.ts +++ b/src/data/tools.ts @@ -12,315 +12,315 @@ export const tools: Tool[] = [ name: 'Nmap', description: 'Network exploration tool and security scanner', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'nmap', + command: 'sudo pacman -S nmap', }, { id: '2', name: 'Wireshark', description: 'Network protocol analyzer for real-time packet capture', category: 'Sniffing & Spoofing', - command: 'wireshark', + command: 'sudo pacman -S wireshark', }, { id: '3', name: 'Metasploit', description: 'Penetration testing framework', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'msfconsole', + command: 'sudo pacman -S metasploit', }, { id: '4', name: 'Burp Suite', description: 'Web vulnerability scanner and proxy tool', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'burpsuite', + command: 'sudo pacman -S burpsuite', }, { id: '5', name: 'Aircrack-ng', description: 'Complete suite for wireless network security assessment', category: 'Wireless Attacks', - command: 'aircrack-ng', + command: 'sudo pacman -S aircrack-ng', }, { id: '6', name: 'John the Ripper', description: 'Password cracker and hash analyzer', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'john', + command: 'sudo pacman -S john', }, { id: '7', name: 'Hydra', description: 'Brute-force password cracking tool', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'hydra', + command: 'sudo pacman -S hydra', }, { id: '8', name: 'Nikto', description: 'Web server scanner for vulnerabilities', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'nikto', + command: 'sudo pacman -S nikto', }, { id: '9', name: 'Airgeddon', description: 'Multi-use bash script for wireless pentesting', category: 'Wireless Attacks', - command: 'airgeddon', + command: 'sudo pacman -S airgeddon', }, { id: '10', name: 'OWASP ZAP', description: 'Open-source web application security scanner', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'zap', + command: 'sudo pacman -S zap', }, { id: '11', name: 'Ettercap', description: 'Comprehensive suite for man-in-the-middle attacks', category: 'Sniffing & Spoofing', - command: 'ettercap', + command: 'sudo pacman -S ettercap', }, { id: '12', name: 'Kali Linux', description: 'Linux distribution with pre-installed security tools', category: 'All', - command: 'kali', + command: 'sudo pacman -S kali-linux', }, { id: '13', name: 'Netcat', description: 'Network utility for reading/writing network connections', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'nc', + command: 'sudo pacman -S netcat', }, { id: '14', name: 'Netdiscover', description: 'Network discovery tool for locating devices on a network', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'netdiscover', + command: 'sudo pacman -S netdiscover', }, { id: '15', name: 'SQLmap', description: 'Automated SQL injection and database takeover tool', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'sqlmap', + command: 'sudo pacman -S sqlmap', }, { id: '16', name: 'Gobuster', description: 'Directory and DNS busting tool for web enumeration', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'gobuster', + command: 'sudo pacman -S gobuster', }, { id: '17', name: 'Nikto2', description: 'Web scanner for vulnerabilities, similar to Nikto', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'nikto2', + command: 'sudo pacman -S nikto2', }, { id: '18', name: 'The Harvester', description: 'Information gathering tool for open-source intelligence (OSINT)', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'theharvester', + command: 'sudo pacman -S theharvester', }, { id: '19', name: 'Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)', description: 'Penetration testing framework for social engineering', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'setoolkit', + command: 'sudo pacman -S setoolkit', }, { id: '20', name: 'Burp Suite Pro', description: 'Advanced web vulnerability scanner with additional features', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'burpsuite_pro', + command: 'sudo pacman -S burpsuite_pro', }, { id: '21', name: 'Beef', description: 'The Browser Exploitation Framework for testing browser security', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'beef', + command: 'sudo pacman -S beef', }, { id: '22', name: 'Sn1per', description: 'Automated pentesting tool for information gathering', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'sn1per', + command: 'sudo pacman -S sn1per', }, { id: '23', name: 'Responder', description: 'Lateral movement tool for exploiting network protocols', category: 'Sniffing & Spoofing', - command: 'responder', + command: 'sudo pacman -S responder', }, { id: '24', name: 'Sublist3r', description: 'Subdomain enumeration tool for information gathering', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'sublist3r', + command: 'sudo pacman -S sublist3r', }, { id: '25', name: 'Hashcat', description: 'Advanced password cracking tool', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'hashcat', + command: 'sudo pacman -S hashcat', }, { id: '26', name: 'Mimikatz', description: 'Windows credential dumper for obtaining passwords', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'mimikatz', + command: 'sudo pacman -S mimikatz', }, { id: '27', name: 'HashID', description: 'Hash identifier tool for identifying hash types', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'hashid', + command: 'sudo pacman -S hashid', }, { id: '28', name: 'BloodHound', description: 'Active Directory enumeration tool for post-exploitation', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'bloodhound', + command: 'sudo pacman -S bloodhound', }, { id: '29', name: 'Lynis', description: 'Security auditing tool for Unix-based systems', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'lynis', + command: 'sudo pacman -S lynis', }, { id: '30', name: 'Wfuzz', description: 'Web fuzzing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web apps', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'wfuzz', + command: 'sudo pacman -S wfuzz', }, { id: '31', name: 'Cobalt Strike', description: 'Adversary simulation software for penetration testers', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'cobaltstrike', + command: 'sudo pacman -S cobaltstrike', }, { id: '32', name: 'Shodan', description: 'Search engine for Internet-connected devices', category: 'Information Gathering', - command: 'shodan', + command: 'sudo pacman -S shodan', }, { id: '33', name: 'CloudBrute', description: 'Brute force cloud storage services', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'cloudbrute', + command: 'sudo pacman -S cloudbrute', }, { id: '34', name: 'FuzzBunch', description: 'A penetration testing framework developed by the NSA', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'fuzzbunch', + command: 'sudo pacman -S fuzzbunch', }, { id: '35', name: 'PowerSploit', description: 'A PowerShell-based exploitation framework', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'powersploit', + command: 'sudo pacman -S powersploit', }, { id: '36', name: 'Powershell Empire', description: 'Post-exploitation and agent-based framework', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'empire', + command: 'sudo pacman -S empire', }, { id: '37', name: 'Reaver', description: 'Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) attack tool', category: 'Wireless Attacks', - command: 'reaver', + command: 'sudo pacman -S reaver', }, { id: '38', name: 'Kismet', description: 'Wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system', category: 'Wireless Attacks', - command: 'kismet', + command: 'sudo pacman -S kismet', }, { id: '39', name: 'Nikto3', description: 'Web server scanner that identifies vulnerabilities', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'nikto3', + command: 'sudo pacman -S nikto3', }, { id: '40', name: 'Scapy', description: 'Network manipulation tool for penetration testing', category: 'Sniffing & Spoofing', - command: 'scapy', + command: 'sudo pacman -S scapy', }, { id: '41', name: 'SSLScan', description: 'SSL scanner for finding vulnerabilities in SSL implementations', category: 'Web Applications', - command: 'sslscan', + command: 'sudo pacman -S sslscan', }, { id: '42', name: 'Gophish', description: 'Open-source phishing framework for social engineering testing', category: 'Social Engineering', - command: 'gophish', + command: 'sudo pacman -S gophish', }, { id: '43', name: 'Empire', description: 'Post-exploitation framework with PowerShell agents', category: 'Exploitation Tools', - command: 'empire', + command: 'sudo pacman -S empire', }, { id: '44', name: 'Pipal', description: 'Password analysis tool to identify weak passwords', category: 'Password Attacks', - command: 'pipal', + command: 'sudo pacman -S pipal', }, { id: '45', name: 'Rekall', description: 'Forensic memory analysis tool for investigating malware', category: 'Forensics', - command: 'rekall', + command: 'sudo pacman -S rekall', }, ];