Below you can find the courses that we strongly recommend you doing to fully get a graps on the fundamentals that we teach in HackYourFuture. If you cannot afford access, you can always ask us to buy you a course.
Build 30 very small projects, and learn the fundamentals of javaScript and how to apply them.
Modern JavaScript from the beginning
JavaScript basic fundamentals, no frameworks, lots of projects.
JavaScript fundamentals, multiple projects.
More Advanced javaScript fundamental concepts (closures,prototypal inheritance, IIFEs)
The complete Node.js Course Node fundamentals, authentication, real-time web apps (,async/await,deployment.
learn Node(wes bos (ask us for access codes) Node fundamentals, taught by wes bos. Very practical, build projects.
React for beginners (wes bos) (ask us for access codes)
Fundamental React concepts,Very practical, build projects.
Eleborate React course on mostly Fundamentals
Advanced React(wes bos) (ask us for access codes)
Advanced React course, graphQL. Very practical, build projects.
Fundamentals including extensive course on Redux.