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eternal black dotfiles











Use BetterDiscord and Spicetify at your own risk, these are violations of their terms of services

These dotfiles might work out of a box on Manjaro i3 community edition.
Also this is like my home folder so everything I have here is in my home folder

Programs I use

BetterDiscord, Spicetify, Xcursor, Nautilus, cava, rofi, Polybar, i3-gaps, i3-scrot, picom-git, neofetch, code-oss, gtk-3.0, eye of gnome, tty-clock, powerline, kitty
and a lot of others... you can see them in i3 config tho

VS Code and IntelliJ themes

VS Code Color Theme
VS Code Icon Theme
IntelliJ Idea Theme

Some additional install steps

If you want the Nautilus theme to be running you will have to build it on your own from folder themes/phocus.
You have to get the files from this repo as I only provided modified build files in this repo. It is a fork as the creator will be doing some edits that will get rid of this black theme.

To use the grub theme move the folder sleek to /usr/share/grub/themes
Open file /etc/default/grub with your preferred text editor and find the line #GRUB_THEME="" uncomment it and add /usr/share/grub/themes/sleek/theme.txt
into the quotation marks
Final result should look like this GRUB_THEME="/usr/share/grub/themes/sleek/theme.txt"
Save the file and run command sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Steps you should do after installing

  1. Get API and modify in polybar
  2. Also polybar might not work for you out of a box, make sure the screen output is set to your current one
  3. Read through the config files, because something might be different for you
  4. Make sure you have fonts Inconsolata, Dejavu Sans Mono, TerminessTTF Mono, MonacoB


Vista1nik - polybar config
snickerton - modules of polybar
phisch90 - gtk theme called phocus
killown - gtk icons grtcdr - homepage