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File metadata and controls

315 lines (229 loc) · 8.42 KB


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Public API to access open data information about the cooperative

Example queries

Numerical data

Follow the following structure /<metric>[/by/<geolevel>][/on/<date>|[/monthly|/yearly][/from/<date>][/to/<date>]]

  • /contracts All current contracts

  • /members All current members (instead of contracts).

  • /newcontracts New contracts last month (same for members)

  • /canceledcontracts Leaving contracts last month (same will do for members)

  • /contracts/on/2018-02-01 Contracts on a given date (just firsts of month allowed)

  • /contracts/by/city Current contracts aggregated by city

  • /contracts/by/city/on/2018-02-01 Contracts aggregated by city at a given date

  • /contracts/by/state/monthly Contracts aggregated by state every available month

  • /contracts/by/ccaa/yearly Contracts aggregated by CCAA every available year

  • /contracts/by/city/monthly/from/2018-02-01 Contracts aggregated by state every week from a date

  • /contracts/by/city/yearly/from/2018-02-01/to/2018-05-01 Contracts aggregated by city every week from a date until a date

  • /contracts/by/city/weekly/to/2018-05-01 Contracts aggregated by city every week until a date

Using filters

You can append repeatedly query params to filter data just including some geografical regions:

  • /contracts/by/city?city=23423&city=89545 Include just cities with INE code 23423 and 89545

  • /contracts/by/city?city=23423&city=89545&ccaa=04 Include just cities with INE code 23423 and 89545 and also all cities from CCAA 04 (Catalonia)

  • /contracts/by/city?state=04 Include just cities in state 04

Response format

Data is returned by default in YAML. It has a hierarchical structure from the world geographical level to the requested geographical level of detail (country in this example) Each region has as many numbers in list as the top level dates.

- 2014-01-01
- 2015-01-01
- 2016-01-01
- 11905
- 17896
- 23749
    name: Chile
    - 1
    - 1
    - 1
    name: España
    - 11896
    - 17885
    - 23738
    name: France
    - 1
    - 1
    - 1
    name: Germany
    - 1
    - 2
    - 2
    name: Greece
    - 0
    - 0
    - 0
    name: Netherlands
    - 3
    - 3
    - 3
    name: Portugal
    - 1
    - 1
    - 1
    name: United Kingdom
    - 2
    - 2
    - 2
    name: None
    - 0
    - 1
    - 1


All maps are returned as SVG files. Follow the following structure /map/<metric>[/per/<relative>][/by/<geolevel>][/on/<date>|[/monthly|/yearly][/from/<date>][/to/<date>]]

  • /map/contracts All current contracts by ccaa

  • /map/contracts?lang=es All current contracts by ccaa in Spanish

  • /map/members All current members by ccaa

  • /map/contracts/on/2018-02-03 Contracts on a given date

  • /map/contracts/by/state Current contracts aggregated by state

  • /map/contracts/per/population/by/state Current contracts relatives to population aggregated by state

  • /map/contracts/by/state/on/2018-02-03 Contracts aggregated by state at a given date

  • /map/contracts/by/state/monthly Animation with contracts by state every available month

  • /map/contracts/by/ccaa/yearly Animation with contracts aggregated by CCAA every available year

  • /map/contracts/by/state/monthly/from/2018-02-01 Animation with contracts aggregated by state every month from a date

  • /map/contracts/by/state/monthly/from/2018-02-03/to/2018-05-01 Animation with contracts aggregated by state every month from a date until a date

  • /map/contracts/by/state/monthly/to/2018-05-01 Animation with contracts aggregated by state every month until a date

  • /map/contracts/by/city/monthly/to/2018-05-01?localgroup=BaixMontseny Animation with contracts aggregated by city within localgroup BaixMontseny every month until a date


  • /discover/metrics Shows all suported metrics as a list named metrics with

    • id the id used to refer the metric
    • text the translated text to display users
    • description translated text with detailed explanation of the meaning, source and errors of the metric
  • /discover/geolevel Returns a list geolevels with the supported geolevels and related info

    • id is the id used to refer it (its a mnemonic id)
    • text is the translated text to display users
    • plural is the pluralization of id used in yaml's as key when many are given
    • parent tells which other geolevel fully contains its subdivisions.
    • detailable: false tells that a geolevel is not supported as statistics detail level (optional, default true)
    • mapable: false tells that a geolevel is not supported as map detail level (optional, default true)
  • /discover/geolevel/ccaa Returns a list of divisions at the ccaa level as a map options with id -> text

  • /discover/geolevel/city?localgroup=BaixLlobregat Limits the list of cities to the ones included in the localgroup BaixLlobregat

  • /discover/geolevel/localgroup?ccaa=09 Lists all the localgroups working on areas covering cities in Catalonia (09)


Whenever human readable strings are returned, browser language is used by default (accept-language http header). Language can be forced by using lang query parameter.

If the language is not specified in either form or the one selected is not supported, spanish is chosen. But that could be changed in the future to english. So, if you want spanish, please, specify it.

Supported languages are:

  • Catalan (ca)
  • Spanish (es)
  • Euskara (eu)
  • Galician (gl)



sudo apt install libmagickwand-dev inkscape libyaml-dev
python develop

Compile Language Translations

WARNING: Some back-to-back tests will fail if language files are not generated.

./ compile_catalog

Default options are specified in setup.cfg

In order to incorporate new strings from code:

./ extract_messages # generates a new pot file with all extracted strings
./ update_catalog # Merges all translations with new strings

More info about translation management on

Generate documentation

npm install
npm run redocs


Tests are unittest based, using either nosetests or pytest as runner is recommended.

TRAVIS=1 pytest som_opendata

TRAVIS=1 will disable tests for code directly using SomEnergia databases. Mainly queries to extract annonymized by aggregation from non-annonymized original data.

Notice: Some tests require translation catalog to be generated. See above.

Profiling and optimizing

In order to optimize the api, first profile the entry point to detect the bottle necks, you that your efforts are better targeted and to have an objective measure of your progress.

sudo apt install pyprof2calltree kcachegrind
pip install pytest-profiling
PROFILE=1 pytest --profile -v som_opendata/
pyprof2calltree -i prof/ -o profiling-$(date -Iseconds).out


  • Generate language strings (see above)
  • Update version in:
    • som_opendata/
    • package.json
    • openapi.yaml
    • som_opendata/
  • Generate the documentation (see above)
  • Update the (replace unreleased by the actual release date)
  • Commit the version bump
  • tag it opendata-M.m.r

External data sources

Could be used in the future