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1119 lines (966 loc) · 36.6 KB

Upcoming 0.7.3 Engine Preview Mode (1/2)


For skin, new standard #GRID_ sprites are available and skins should implement them. Engines can use these sprites in preview mode to draw lines (although engines are discouraged to use them for everything, eg don't use them for lanes but use actual lane sprites) Sprites:

Simple overview of preview mode:

  • Preview mode simply draws everything onto a canvas like a static image, and player can scroll around.
  • Typically you draw the level as a 2D image like various chart viewers.
  • Implement archetypes of interest. Eg if you want to draw notes, implement the note archetype that has the same name as in level data.
  • preprocess callback should have very light workload, most of the work should be done in render callback.
  • Typically in preprocess callback you would setup UI, and canvas (scrolling direction and size).
  • For engines that don't have length available in level so canvas size can't be calculated directly, you would have variables storing the latest beat/time of notes, and each note entity updates those variables in preprocess callback.
  • render callback simply does the drawing.

Upcoming 0.7.3 Engine Preview Mode (2/2)

For Sonolus.js users:

Sonolus.js guide:

Sonolus.js project templates are updated, you can bootstrap using the 0.7.3 branches.

Upcoming 0.7.4 Engine Changes (1/2)


  • New progress UI configuration, used in preview and watch mode.

Play Mode

  • Remove autoplay, replaced by watch mode.

Preview Mode

  • Add progress UI.

New Watch Mode

Allows player to watch a level with advanced features like pause/resume/time skip.

Specs: Runtime definitions: Sonolus.js Guide: Sonolus.js Guide Code:


  • Watch mode can be thought of as a scripted video.
  • When player uses progress bar to time skip, the skip value in Runtime Update block will be set to 1.
  • Entity spawning/despwaning is entirely managed by Sonolus runtime.
  • Watch mode has a global updateSpawn callback, where you need to return a value indicating the current "time" (it can be any timeline)
  • Archetype has spawnTime and despawnTime callback where you need to return values indicating when said entity is alive.
  • Any entity where the current time is within spawn/despawn time range, will be automatically spawned; and automatically despawned when outside of range.
  • Spawn function can only be called during preprocess. Entities spawned by Spawn will also be managed the same way as regular entities.
  • Entities with input need to set time in Entity Input block.
  • SFX must be scheduled during preprocess using the scheduled variants. Non scheduled functions are not supported.
  • Particles will be cleared when time skips.

Upcoming 0.7.4 Engine Changes (2/2)

Patterns and gotchas in watch mode:

  • Progress UI is recommended to be full width at bottom of the screen.
  • updateSpawn typically returns the current scaled time (or time if the engine does not use time scale)
  • Note's spawnTime typically returns the minimum visual time, and despawnTime typically returns the maximum visual time.
  • For entities that should always be alive, you can simply return large numbers (eg spawnTime returns -999999, despawnTime returns 999999)
  • For entities that have despawn time smaller than spawn time, they will never be spawned.
  • An entity can be spawned and despawned multiple times due to time skip.
  • Because of multiple spawns, initialize callback may be called multiple times. If you have logic that is only supposed to execute once, do something like this:
initialize() {
    if (hasInitialized) return
    hasInitialized = true

    // One time initialization logic here
  • An entity can be despawned because it leaves the time range, or it could be because player used time skip. Logics in your terminate callback that are only meant to be executed when leaving the time range (such as note playing particle effects), should check the skip value in Runtime Update block:
terminate() {
    if (skip) return

    // Spawn particle effect
  • For entities that deal with persistent particle effects (such as hold connectors), keep in mind that particle effects are cleared on every time skip, so you must spawn them again.
  • For Sonolus.js users, packages are available under beta tag.
  • For Sonolus.js users, you can use Sekai engine as reference implementation:

Upcoming 0.8.0 Engine Changes (1/3)

No specs are available yet, you can type type definition in:


  • Version updates to 12.

Level Data

  • Entity ref is now renamed to name (however entity data ref is still ref, no change)

Engine Play/Watch/Preview Data

  • Archetype data is now renamed to imports.

Engine Play Data

  • Archetype now has exports, for exporting data to be saved in a replay and used in watch mode.

Engine Watch Data

  • Now has buckets, for result screen when watching replay.

Play Mode

  • New ExportValue(index, value) function to export value for the specific index of exports.

Watch Mode

  • Now has inputOffset and replay value in Runtime Environment block.
  • New Level Bucket block (similar to play mode)
  • Two special archetype import name #JUDGMENT and #ACCURACY.

Overview of Replay

  • At play mode result screen, player can now create a replay. Sonolus will store all necessary information in replay configuration and replay data resources.
  • A replay can be watched using watch mode of the engine.
  • In play mode, engine can use exports to export values needed in order for watch mode to watch the replay.
  • In watch mode, engine can use imports to import not only values from Level Data, but also values exported by play mode, as well as the special #JUDGMENT and #ACCURACY values.
  • Using these imported values, watch mode needs to reconstruct what the replay gameplay was like, so players can watch and study it.

Upcoming 0.8.0 Engine Changes (2/3)

Replay Implementation Guide

  • Determine what data is necessary for watch mode to reconstruct a replay's gameplay. For most engines, judgment and accuracy are enough and they are automatically available for importing. For some engines you might need more data, such as activation/deactivation times of sliders in Sekai.
  • In play mode code, implement exporting those data.
  • In watch mode code, implement importing those data and changing gameplay based on them.
  • Note despawn time in watch mode: because accuracy value is supposed to be hitTime - targetTime, so despawn time can be simply shifted by adding its accuracy.
  • Note hit effects in watch mode: change it depending on its judgment. This includes particle effects, SFX (Perfect/Great/Good sounds), lane effects, etc.
  • Sim line despawn time in watch mode: change it depending on connecting notes despawn times.
  • Buckets in watch mode: implementation should be the same as play mode.


  • Use the replay value in Runtime Environment block to determine if watch mode is currently watching replay or not, and skip unnecessary code.
  • When exporting values in play mode, exporting 0 will be optimized away by Sonolus in the final replay data file to not take up any extra space, so encode your data in a way that can best make use of this to reduce replay data file size.

Upcoming 0.8.0 Engine Changes (3/3)

For Sonolus.js Users

class Note extends Archetype {
    export = defineExport({
        foo: { name: 'ExportNameForFoo', type: Number },
        bar: { name: 'ExportNameForBar', type: Boolean },
        baz: { name: 'ExportNameForBaz', type: DataType<MyEnum> },

    updateParallel() {
        this.export('foo', 42)
        this.export('bar', true)
        this.export('baz', MyEnum.MagicValue)
  • You can use replay.isReplay in watch mode to check if it's currently watching replay.

Upcoming 0.8.0 Custom Server Changes for Multiplayer (1/5)

Specs are not yet available, use sonolus-0.8.0 branch in sonolus-core repo as reference for type definitions.

GET /sonolus/info

  • New hasMultiplayer indicates if server has multiplayer.
type ServerInfo = {
+   hasMultiplayer: boolean

GET /sonolus/rooms/info

Identical to other item types.

GET /sonolus/rooms/list

Identical to other item types.

POST /sonolus/rooms/create

  • When client attempts to create a room, a request with body of CreateRoomRequest will be sent.
  • If server decides room creation is allowed, should respond with a body of CreateRoomResponse.
  • Once player has entered the room, exiting the app to share room link for other players to join might cause disconnect, so name contains the name of room to be created and allows room creator to share the room link before the room has finished being created.
  • Server should either create the room immediately and allow everyone to join but reserving a spot for the room creator, or reserve the room until room creator has finished creating.
  • When client has finished creating, it joins the room with create options as query with header Sonolus-Room-Key containing the value of key.
  • Server can use Sonolus-Room-Key to verify the client joining is the room creator, and create/reconfigure the room based on query.
type CreateRoomRequest = {}

type CreateRoomResponse = {
    name: string
    key: string
    creates: ServerOptionsSection[]

Upcoming 0.8.0 Custom Server Changes for Multiplayer (2/5)

POST /sonolus/rooms/{name}

  • When client attempts to join a room, a request with body of JoinRoomRequest will be sent with header Sonolus-Signature containing signature of the body signed by Sonolus.
  • Server should verify that: the signature matches body; type is of value authenticateMultiplayer; address is server's address; room is room's name; time is recent.
  • If server decides joining is successful, should respond with a body of JoinRoomResponse.
  • url contains the URL to WebSocket multiplayer server (wss://... or ws://...), type contains the room type (currently only round).
  • Connect request to the multiplayer server will have Sonolus-Room-Session header with value of session, server can use it to relay information to the multiplayer server.
type JoinRoomRequest = {
    type: 'authenticateMultiplayer'
    address: string
    room: string
    time: number
    userProfile: UserProfile

type JoinRoomResponse = {
    url: string
    type: 'round'
    session: string


type RoomItem = {
    name: string
    title: string
    subtitle: string
    master: string
    tags: Tag[]
    cover?: SRL
    bgm?: SRL
    preview?: SRL


Server search is now renamed to ServerOptionsSection and is used in many places, eg room creation options.

- type Search = {
+ type ServerOptionsSection = {
    type: string
    title: Text | (string & {})
    icon?: Icon
    options: ServerOption[]


Type is no longer necessary.

- type SRL<T extends ResourceType> = {
-   type: T
+ type SRL = {
    hash: string
    url: string


  • Ease is now camelCase.
  • This affects UI in Engine Configuration and Particle Data.
  • Particle version bumped to 3.

Engine Play Mode

  • A new multiplayer value in Runtime Environment block.

Upcoming 0.8.0 Custom Server Changes for Multiplayer (3/5)


  • Multiplayer is a WebSocket server.
  • Messages from server to clients are called events, messages from clients to server are called commands. Type definitions can be found in sonolus-core repo.
  • Server owns the room state (room status, current selected level, players in the room, etc)
  • Client upon joining the room, first receives an UpdateEvent and makes a local copy of the room state.
  • When server changes the room state, server should send the corresponding event to clients.
  • Clients upon receiving events, mutate their local copies of the room state accordingly to keep in sync with server's room state.
  • Clients when performing actions, send the corresponding commands to server.
  • If an command is allowed, server mutates its room state and send event to clients.
  • To improve UX in high latency situations, client has optimistic update.
  • This means that clients may send invalid commands to server, and server should be tolerant to invalid commands.
  • Clients however are not tolerant to invalid events, so server should always make sure events are valid.

Initialization and Suspension

  • When client first connects to the server, it's in an uninitialized state, and will ignore all received messages until an UpdateEvent.
  • When client starts gameplay, it enters a suspended state, and will ignore all received messages.
  • When client exits gameplay, it sends a FinishGameplayCommand and reverts back to uninitialized state, awaiting an UpdateEvent.


Events are designed in a way to accommodate common state mutations such that multiplayer server can scale with large amount of players. For example, when a player has finished gameplay and server needs to update the score of said player, server sending the entire scoreboard (n players' scores) to all clients (n players) would result in an O(n^2) update. Instead, server can send a specialized event achieving O(n).

Upcoming 0.8.0 Custom Server Changes for Multiplayer (4/5)

Round Room Gameplay

  • Room has three phases: selecting, preparing, and playing.
  • During selecting: room lead can select which level to play, change standard level options and auto exit, and manage suggestions; other players can add levels to suggestions. Once room lead clicks confirm, room moves to preparing phase.
  • During preparing: every player can change configuration, and ready/skip. Once room master clicks start, room moves to playing phase.
  • During playing: readied players will start playing the level; skipped players remain in the room waiting for results and can participate in other activities such as chatting and suggesting for next round's level. Once room master clicks finish, room moves back to selecting phase.

Room Master

  • Room master can: give room master to another player; change who is room lead; kick players; starts and finishes rounds; edit room options.
  • Server can set room master to room so no player is room master.

Room Lead

  • Room lead can: select level; change standard level options; change auto exit; manage suggestions.
  • Server can set room lead to room so no player is room lead.


  • Suggestions is a collaborative editing level list that can be used for multiple purposes.
  • The most basic usage is for other players to suggest levels to room lead.
  • However server can use it as a playlist, as a way for everyone to pick a level and randomize which one to be played, as a way for a competitive match to do pick and bans, etc.


  • Self explanatory.
  • Server can use chat to implement more complex features such as bot commands.


  • Scoreboard is completely customizable by the server, and can be used to implement any type of scoring.
  • Different scoreboard sections can be used to group players together, and can be used to represent teams.
  • Player scores are strings, so you can use not just numbers but also texts like "winner" etc.

Upcoming 0.8.0 Custom Server Changes for Multiplayer (5/5)

Implementation Strategy

  • Start with a representation of room state.
  • When a client connects, implement sending connected client UpdateEvent; implement sending other clients AddUserEvent.
  • When a client disconnects, implement sending other clients RemoveUserEvent.
  • When receiving a command from client, implement handling the command by mutating room state and sending events to all clients.

Implementation Notes

  • RoomUser: authentication is the body of JoinRoomRequest base64 encoded, signature is the Sonolus-Signature header of JoinRoomRequest.
  • AddChatMessageCommand: nonce should be echoed back to the sender's AddChatMessageEvent, but omitted from other clients.
  • state in StartRoundEvent: will be echoed back by clients in StartGameplayCommand and FinishGameplayCommand, server should use it to check if the round has already ended.
  • seed in StartRoundEvent: should be a number between 0 and 1, will be used to populate PRNG so every client will randomize the same.
  • UpdateLevelEvent: upon receiving, client will reset level options to empty.
  • UpdateStatusEvent: upon receiving, if changing status to selecting, client will set all user statuses to waiting; if changing status to playing, client will reset results to empty, and set all skipped user's statuses to waiting.
  • UpdateStatusEvent: upon receiving, if changing status to playing, server should send StartRoundEvent to readied clients.
  • FinishGameplayCommand: upon receiving, client will go back to uninitialized state and wait for an UpdateEvent.
  • AddUserEvent: upon receiving, client will set added user's status to waiting.
  • RemoveUserEvent: upon receiving, client will set master to room if removed user was master; will set lead to room if removed user was lead; will remove removed user's result; will remove removed user's status; will remove removed user from scoreboard sections.

Upcoming 0.8.2 Custom Server Changes (1/2)

Specs and types are not yet available.

GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}

  • New hasCommunity indicates if item has community section.
type ItemDetails<T> = {
    item: T
    description: string
+   hasCommunity: boolean
    sections: ItemSection<T>[]

GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community

  • Actions are presented as buttons, clicking will bring up a form for player to fill out and submit.
  • If there are top comments, more button is available to expand into fully paginated comments list; otherwise "no comments" is display and cannot expand.
type ItemCommunity = {
    actions: ServerForm[]
    topComments: ItemCommunityComment[]

GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/comments/list

  • Paginated comment list.
type ItemCommunityCommentList = {
    pageCount: number
    comments: ItemCommunityComment[]

POST /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community

  • Requested when player submits an action.
  • Server can use response to instruct Sonolus to update community section.
type SubmitItemCommunityActionRequest = {
    values: string

type SubmitItemCommunityActionResponse = {
    shouldUpdateCommunity?: boolean
    shouldNavigateCommentsToPage?: number

Upcoming 0.8.2 Custom Server Changes (2/2)

New limit in text option

type ServerTextOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    type: 'text'
    placeholder: Text | (string & {})
+   limit?: number

New text area option

type ServerTextAreaOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    type: 'textArea'
    placeholder: Text | (string & {})
    limit?: number

ServerOptionsSection renamed to ServerForm

- type ServerOptionsSection = {
+ type ServerForm = {
    type: string
    title: Text | (string & {})
    icon?: Icon
    options: ServerOption[]


type ItemCommunityComment = {
    author: string
    time: number
    content: string
    actions: ServerForm[]

Upcoming 0.8.3 Custom Server Changes (1/4)

Specs and types are not yet available. This update includes breaking changes.

GET /sonolus/info

  • Now server specifies a list of buttons to be displayed on home page.
type ServerInfo = {
    title: string
    description?: string
-   hasAuthentication: boolean
-   hasMultiplayer: boolean
+   buttons: ServerInfoButton[]
    banner?: SRL
type ServerInfoButton = {
        | 'authentication'
        | 'multiplayer'
        | 'post'
        | 'playlist'
        | 'level'
        | 'replay'
        | 'skin'
        | 'background'
        | 'effect'
        | 'particle'
        | 'engine'

GET /sonolus/{type}/info

  • Now has optional creates property.
  • If present, a create button will be visible, and player can click it to bring up the forms to fill out to create an item.
  • Creating process will lead to /create and /upload endpoints below.
type ItemInfo<T> = {
+   creates?: ServerForm[]
    searches?: ServerForm[]
    sections: ItemSection<T>[]
    banner?: SRL

POST /sonolus/{type}/create

  • After filling out the create form, a request with form values will be posted.
  • If success, server should respond with name of the created item.
  • If additionally files need to be uploaded, the response should also include an upload key, and a list of hashes of files to be uploaded.
  • Hashes should be obtained from the form values.
type CreateItemRequest = {
    values: string

type CreateItemResponse = {
    name: string
    key: string
    hashes: string[]

POST /sonolus/{type}/upload

  • Client will post to this endpoint if /create needs files to be uploaded.
  • Sonolus-Upload-Key will contain the value of key.
  • Body will be a multipart form with files specified by hashes.
type UploadItemResponse = {}

Upcoming 0.8.3 Custom Server Changes (2/4)

GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}

  • New optional leaderboard feature.
  • A list of leaderboards can be specified with leaderboards property.
  • Player can select to view each leaderboard.
  • All item types can have leaderboards, not limited to levels. Server can for example have a post for a seasonal competition, and use post's leaderboard for competition's player rankings.
type ItemDetails<T> = {
    item: T
    description: string
    hasCommunity: boolean
+   leaderboards: ItemLeaderboard[]
    sections: ItemSection<T>[]
type ItemLeaderboard = {
    name: string
    title: Text | (string & {})

GET /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/leaderboards/{leaderboardName}

  • Details of a leaderboard.
  • It should contain the top records; if signed in, should also show player's placement.
  • Player can further expand to see all records of the leaderboard.
type ItemLeaderboardDetails = {
    topRecords: ItemLeaderboardRecord[]

type ItemLeaderboardRecord = {
    name: string
    rank: Text | (string & {})
    player: string
    value: Text | (string & {})

GET /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/leaderboards/{leaderboardName}/records/list

  • Paginated list of the records of a leaderboard.
type ItemLeaderboardRecordList = {
    pageCount: number
    records: ItemLeaderboardRecord[]

GET /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/leaderboards/{leaderboardName}/records/{recordName}

  • Details of a record, contains replays.
type ItemLeaderboardRecordDetails = {
    replays: ReplayItem[]

Upcoming 0.8.3 Custom Server Changes (3/4)

POST /sonolus/rooms/create

  • Removed creates.
type CreateRoomResponse = {
    name: string
    key: string
-   creates: ServerForm[]

GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/info

  • Moved endpoint.
- GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community
+ GET /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/info

POST /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/submit

  • Moved endpoint.
  • Now only community actions are submitted here.
- POST /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community
+ POST /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/submit


  • Now has name property.
  • Will be used for submitting a comment's action.
type ItemCommunityComment = {
+   name: string
    author: string
    time: number
    content: string
    actions: ServerForm[]

POST /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/community/comments/{commentName}/submit

  • Now comments' actions are submitted here.
  • Same as POST /sonolus/{type}/{name}/community/submit.

Upcoming 0.8.3 Custom Server Changes (4/4)


  • Now has optional description property.
  • Now has optional required property. If true, will require player to modify the value before submitting.
+ description?: string
+ required?: boolean


  • New option type which allows player to select an item from the current server.
  • Value will be name of the selected item.
type ServerServerItemOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required?: boolean
    type: 'serverItem'
    itemType: ItemType


  • New option type which allows player to select an item from collections.
  • Value will be JSON of the selected item.
type ServerCollectionItemOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required?: boolean
    type: 'collectionItem'
    itemType: ItemType


  • New option type which allows player to select a file.
  • Value will be hash of the selected file.
type ServerFileOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required?: boolean
    type: 'file'

Upcoming 0.8.4 Custom Server Changes (1/4)

Specs and types are not yet available. This update includes breaking changes.


  • Stricter JSON validation and detailed validation errors.

Server Configuration

  • New server configuration.
  • To offer configuration, server should include a button of type configuration.
  • Configuration has general options (localization and auto login), as well as server specified options.
  • Server specified option values will be included in every request's query just like localization.
  • For servers that don't have options, configuration button is optional, but it might still be offered for localization and auto login.
type ServerInfo = {
    title: string
    description?: string
    buttons: ServerInfoButton[]
+   configuration: ServerConfiguration
    banner?: Srl

type ServerInfoButton = {
        | 'authentication'
        // ...
+       | 'configuration'
type ServerConfiguration = {
    options: ServerOption[]

Item Details Actions

  • Server can add actions to item details, which will appear as buttons alongside existing buttons like Save/Share/Update/etc.
  • This can be used to implement likes/dislikes, rating an item, editing, etc.
  • Players can click the buttons to fill out forms and submit actions to POST /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/submit.
type ServerItemDetails<T> = {
    item: T
    description?: string
+   actions: ServerForm[]
    hasCommunity: boolean
    leaderboards: ServerItemLeaderboard[]
    sections: ServerItemSection<T>[]

POST /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/submit and POST /sonolus/{type}/{itemName}/upload

  • Endpoint for submitting item details actions and uploading.
type ServerSubmitItemActionRequest = {
    values: string

type ServerSubmitItemActionResponse = {
    shouldUpdate?: boolean
    shouldRemove?: boolean
    key: string
    hashes: string[]

Upcoming 0.8.4 Custom Server Changes (2/4)

Item Community Actions and Comment Actions

  • Now can upload.
type ServerSubmitItemCommunityActionResponse = {
    shouldUpdateCommunity?: boolean
    shouldNavigateCommentsToPage?: number
+   key: string
+   hashes: string[]

Item Leaderboard

  • Now can have description.
type ServerItemLeaderboard = {
    name: string
    title: Text | (string & {})
+   description?: string

Server Item Section

  • Now can display items of any type, specified by itemType (eg 'level').
  • Now has searchValues, if present, a more button will be available and clicking will bring player to lists with the search values as queries.
  • Now has search, if present, a search button will be available and clicking will bring up search form with search values pre filled.
type ServerItemSection<T> = {
    title: Text | (string & {})
    icon?: Icon | (string & {})
+   itemType: ItemType
    items: T[]
+   search?: ServerForm
+   searchValues?: string

Server Form

  • Now can have description.
  • Now can required player to confirm before submitting.
type ServerForm = {
    type: string
    title: Text | (string & {})
    icon?: Icon | (string & {})
+   description?: string
+   requireConfirmation: boolean
    options: ServerOption[]


  • Now hash and url are optional.
type Srl = {
-   hash: string
+   hash?: string | null
-   url: string
+   url?: string | null


  • Sonolus item locator, used in various places such as forms and multiplayer.
type Sil = {
    address: string
    name: string

Upcoming 0.8.4 Custom Server Changes (3/4)

Server Options

  • required now required.
type ServerOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
-   required?: boolean
+   required: boolean

Server Text Option

  • New def for default value.
  • limit now required, use 0 for unlimited.
  • New shortcuts for a list of shortcut buttons player can use to quickly insert texts.
type ServerTextOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'text'
+   def: string
    placeholder: Text | (string & {})
-   limit?: number
+   limit: number
+   shortcuts: string[]

Server Text Area Option

  • New def for default value.
  • limit now required, use 0 for unlimited.
  • New shortcuts for a list of shortcut buttons player can use to quickly insert texts.
type ServerTextAreaOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'textArea'
+   def: string
    placeholder: Text | (string & {})
-   limit?: number
+   limit: number
+   shortcuts: string[]

Server Toggle Option

  • def is now boolean.
type ServerToggleOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'toggle'
-   def: 0 | 1
+   def: boolean

Server Multi Option

  • defs now renamed to def.
type ServerMultiOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'multi'
-   defs: boolean[]
+   def: boolean[]
    values: (Text | (string & {}))[]

Server Server Item Option

  • New def for default value.
  • New allowOtherServers for controlling if selecting from another server is allowed.
  • Serialized value now uses SIL.
type ServerServerItemOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'serverItem'
    itemType: ItemType
+   def: Sil | null
+   allowOtherServers: boolean

Server Server Items Option

  • New option for selecting multiple server items.
type ServerServerItemsOption = {
    // ...
    type: 'serverItems'
    itemType: ItemType
    def: Sil[]
    allowOtherServers: boolean
    limit: number

Upcoming 0.8.4 Custom Server Changes (4/4)


  • Now uses SIL instead of level locator.
type AddSuggestionCommand = {
    type: 'addSuggestion'
-   level: LevelLocator
+   level: Sil

type UpdateLevelCommand = {
    type: 'updateLevel'
-   level: LevelLocator
+   level: Sil

type UpdateEvent = {
    type: 'update'
    // ...
-   level?: LevelLocator
+   level: Sil | null
    // ...

type UpdateLevelEvent = {
    type: 'updateLevel'
-   level?: LevelLocator
+   level: Sil | null

type Suggestion = {
    userId: ServiceUserId
-   level: LevelLocator
+   level: Sil


  • Now uses null for room as master/lead rather than 'room'.
type UpdateEvent = {
    type: 'update'
    // ...
-   master: 'room' | ServiceUserId
+   master: ServiceUserId | null
-   lead: 'room' | ServiceUserId
+   lead: ServiceUserId | null
    // ...

type UpdateLeadEvent = {
    type: 'updateLead'
-   lead: 'room' | ServiceUserId
+   lead: ServiceUserId | null

type UpdateMasterEvent = {
    type: 'updateMaster'
-   master: 'room' | ServiceUserId
+   master: ServiceUserId | null

type TextChatMessage = {
-   userId: 'room' | ServiceUserId
+   userId: ServiceUserId | null
    type: 'text'
    value: string

Upcoming 0.8.5 Custom Server Changes (1/1)

Specs and types are not yet available. This update includes breaking changes.

Error Response

  • In all endpoints and SRL resources, when returning an error status code, server can optionally return ServerMessage, which will be displayed to user.

External Authentication

  • Now required to respond with ServerMessage.

GET /sonolus/levels/result/info

  • When user creates a replay at result screen, Sonolus will ask user if they want to upload the created replay to source server.
  • If confirmed, this endpoint will be requested.
  • Respond with a list of submit forms for user to fill out, or respond with empty array/no submits to indicate uploading replay is not supported.
  • Server must implement this endpoint even if uploading replay is not supported.
type ServerLevelResultInfo = {
    submits?: ServerForm[]

POST /sonolus/levels/result/submit and POST /sonolus/levels/result/upload

  • Similar to other submit/upload endpoints.
type ServerSubmitLevelResultRequest = {
    replay: ReplayItem
    values: string

type ServerSubmitLevelResultResponse = {
    key: string
    hashes: string

Create Item

  • Now has actions server can instruct client to take.
type ServerCreateItemResponse = {
-   name: string
    key: string
    hashes: string[]
+   shouldUpdateInfo?: boolean
+   shouldNavigateToItem?: string

Submit Item Action

  • Now has actions server can instruct client to take.
type ServerSubmitItemActionResponse = {
-   shouldUpdate?: boolean
-   shouldRemove?: boolean
    key: string
    hashes: string[]
+   shouldUpdateItem?: boolean
+   shouldRemoveItem?: boolean
+   shouldNavigateToItem?: string


type ServerMessage = {
    message?: string


  • New optional description property.
  • New optional help property.


  • New optional help property.

Upcoming 0.8.9 Custom Server Changes (1/2)

Specs and types are not yet available. This update includes breaking changes.


  • New def field for default value, use empty string for no file selected.
type ServerFileOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required: boolean
    type: 'file'
+   def: string


  • values is now objects with name and title.
  • def is now name of the default value.
  • Query is now name of the selected value.
type ServerSelectOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required: boolean
    type: 'select'
-   def: number
+   def: string
-   values: (Text | (string & {}))[]
+   values: {
+       name: string
+       title: Text | (string & {})
+   }[]


  • values is now objects with name and title.
  • Query is now comma separated list of names of the selected values.
type ServerMultiOption = {
    query: string
    name: Text | (string & {})
    description?: string
    required: boolean
    type: 'multi'
    def: boolean[]
-   values: (Text | (string & {}))[]
+   values: {
+       name: string
+       title: Text | (string & {})
+   }[]

Upcoming 0.8.9 Custom Server Changes (2/2)

Infinite Pagination

Infinite pagination in various lists has been reworked:

  • When pageCount is negative, it is treated as infinite pagination.
  • In infinite pagination, player can only request next pages one by one.
  • If cursor is specified, it will be attached as query when requesting next page.
  • If cursor is not specified, it is considered done and no more pages can be loaded.
type ServerItemList<T> = {
    pageCount: number
+   cursor?: string
    items: T[]
    searches?: ServerForm[]

type ServerItemCommunityCommentList = {
    pageCount: number
+   cursor?: string
    comments: ServerItemCommunityComment[]

type ServerItemLeaderboardRecordList = {
    pageCount: number
+   cursor?: string
    records: ServerItemLeaderboardRecord[]