Welcome to MindCare.
MindCare is a web app that analyses the psychological and mental health conditions of an individual and provide solutions to the problems.
MindCare is a mental health solution that aims to provide users with easy access to resources related to mental wellbeing. MindCare will help people to identify these issues timely and take necessary steps to improve the conditions of the victims and provide care to those, who are at risk of serious mental complications. The purpose of MindCare is to assist its users by providing solutions to their mental health conditions without requiring professional help in most cases. We have observed that these solutions work efficiently in bettering their mental health conditions. Users can also track their habits and keep a record of how often they have been doing the same. In serious cases, users will be able to book an appointment with a psychologist for consultation and get timely help.
- The home page consists of an about section, a services section and a contact section and a authentication system where in order to use certain services you need to sign up.
- In the first services section, there is a Stress Analysis section where the analysis of stress is visualized through different interactive plots using Plotly.
- The next section consists of Stress Detection where the ML model uses K-Nearest Neighbour to find the stress level of a person.
- Now comes the our solution to mental healh firsly music therapy which helps user to concentrate and meditate which releases stress.
- Music Therapy : User can meditate for set duration of time with soothing music playing the background.
- Exercise Recommendations : User can exercise for set duration of time by following the instructions that is being displayed on the screen.
- Our user can also get access to our ChatBot which can answer them the general questions.
- The web application is built using python library -> Flask and Web Programming languages -> HTML, CSS, , Js Bootstrap
- The entire application is finally deployed on Heroku by adding - Procfile (informs Heroku that which application is to be run first), Requirements (notifies Heroku about the libraries that needs to be installed before deploying or running our application)
- See the deployed application here.
Demo Video Link : https://youtu.be/7BL3_NhBIfs
Open VSCode -
1.1 git clone <repo link>
1.2 cd MindCare
1.3 pip install -r requirements.txt
1.4 flask run
- Jayesh Kumar Shaw
- Tandrima Singha
- Soumyo Nath Tripathy