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Trusted Execution Environments and Sandboxes


Sandboxing is a class of security mechanisms that allow one to impose specific constraints on what an application code can do, for instance, what APIs it has access to or what I/O operations it can perform.

Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) supported by modern hardware technologies such as AMD SEV-SNP confidential VMs, Intel SGX enclaves offer new confidentiality guarantees for the data in use. These guarantees enable processing of sensitive data inside a trusted application while keeping it secret from all other host system components, including privileged ones (such as OS kernel). TEEs can be thought of as “reverse sandboxes”, as they disallow the external parts of the system from “getting in” (accessing information inside TEE), in contrast with sandboxes which stop the sandboxed application from “getting out” (sharing information outside of the sandbox).

The combination of sandboxing techniques with TEEs can be a powerful tool: it may allow running custom, untrusted logic that handles sensitive information – such as user personal data – server-side, while enforcing strong data confidentiality guarantees and keeping this information secret from anyone outside of TEE boundaries.

We propose to use the combination of TEEs and sandboxing mechanisms in programmatic advertising as the building blocks for enforcing user data confidentiality requirements, protecting users from cross-site tracking, giving users transparency and control over their data use while running custom interest-based ad targeting and bidding algorithms server-side.

What are Trusted Execution Environments?

A TEE is a hardware-backed isolated environment for executing code that operates on sensitive data that provides specific security guarantees. These guarantees may include, depending on the specific TEE architecture:

  • Confidentiality – data processed within TEE cannot be accessed from outside the TEE.

  • Integrity – data processed within TEE cannot be interfered with from outside the TEE.

  • Isolation – code running within the TEE cannot be interfered with from outside the TEE.

  • Verifiability and remote attestation – an ability for a remote party to verifiably establish the code that’s executing (or its author) running within the TEE before handing it sensitive data.

Above, “outside the TEE” typically refers to other applications or virtual machines running on the same hardware and privileged components, such as the operating system, the hypervisor and the operator (root or privileged user).

Types of modern trusted execution environments

We briefly describe the two main types of trusted execution environments that are offered by some of the modern hardware. Due to the architectural differences, they offer somewhat different sets of features and have different implications on the developer experience and effort involved in adapting applications to run within TEE.


Hardware enclaves allow an application developer to split an application into two parts, trusted and untrusted, with the trusted part running within the enclave. The trusted part of the application executing within the enclave will take advantage of data confidentiality (via memory encryption) and integrity protections, isolation from all untrusted software running on the host ( including untrusted part of the application, other applications, hypervisor, host OS).

In some implementations, the trusted application part can also provide verifiable proofs to remote parties about the identity and authenticity of the code it runs and its state via remote attestation.

The trusted and the untrusted parts of the application can communicate via the communication channels that the trusted part explicitly creates and enables, for example, shared memory.

An example of an enclave is Intel SGX.

Encrypted virtual machines

Encrypted virtual machines allow to run a regular, unmodified VM image protected with a number of security features, which may include, depending on the implementation:

  • Full memory encryption

  • Memory isolation from the host and integrity protection

  • Remote attestation

Enclaves and encrypted VMs compared

Feature Encrypted VMs Enclaves
Unit of isolation Virtual machine Trusted application part
Trusted computing base (TCB) size Typically, larger: includes guest OS

However, the guest OS can be minimal, e.g. as in the light-weight VMs used by Kata Containers

Smaller: trusted part of the application
Existing code reuse Can run existing code without changes Requires architectural and code changes to split the application into trusted and untrusted parts
RAM available to the TEE Potentially, all system RAM May be limited and thus require costly page swapping between encrypted and regular RAM
Confidentiality protections available RAM encryption and integrity protection[1] RAM encryption and integrity protection
Remote attestation Yes

May need code changes for producing (remote server) and validating (client) attestation


(Specific TEE technologies may have their nuances; we do not aim to compare those in this work)

Intel TDX
Intel SGX

[1] Depending on encrypted VM technology

TEE threat model

Different TEE hardware implementations have variations in the threats they aim to protect against. Most of the TEEs that exist today, or are being developed, treat the entire software stack (outside of the trusted application) running on the host, and most hardware components outside of the CPU package, as untrusted, including:

  • Host OS.

  • BIOS.

  • Other applications running on host OS.

  • Drivers.

  • Host hypervisor.

  • Privileged users.

  • Memory bus.

  • Peripheral devices.

Treating host OS as untrusted means that the secrets maintained by the TEE cannot be accessed even by the privileged code – such as the code running under root user or OS kernel code. In the case of encrypted VMs, guest OS running within the TEE necessarily needs to be trusted; however, its code can be reviewed, audited and attested to ensure it provides the desired security properties. Further, guest OS size can be minimized ( e.g. Kata Containers) to minimize the size of the components (TCB) that need to be reviewed and audited.

The set of trusted components in modern TEEs may be reduced to:

  • CPU chip package – and, consequently, CPU manufacturer.

  • TEE SDK or framework, if any (such as Teaclave, Enarx). It is possible to independently compile and verify the SDK version code to avoid needing to trust it.

  • Application running within the TEE.

Notably, the hardware owner/operator is not among the trusted parties.

Threats not addressed by TEEs

Some of the threats are typically considered out of scope or not foolproof for TEEs. Those include:

  • Hardware scraping.

  • Timing attacks – observing how long operations on different inputs take and making inferences about those inputs, based on the knowledge about the algorithm.

  • Availability attacks – the untrusted system could simply deny access to the cloud servers hosting this job.

  • Malicious TEE hardware vendor

    • Note that there’s inherent trust in the TEE hardware vendor. If that is not the case then no other guarantees hold.
  • Confidential storage – TEEs do not address either concerns about encryption of data at rest in external systems or ensuring that the store doesn’t learn or infer what data was accessed. Other techniques can cover that, such as Private Information Retrieval or Oblivious RAM. TEEs can provide “sealing” to encrypt data with keys that are only stored inside the TEE.

  • Speculative execution attacks – the underlying assumption of hardware assisted TEEs is that there are no hardware security bugs. In recent years we have witnessed attacks such as Spectre, Foreshadow, L1TF, and MDS which exploit hardware implementation flaws attempting to extract TEEs data.

    Some of these vulnerabilities can be mitigated by microcode patches, which can later be verified as part of the attestation process. Other hardware vulnerabilities require patching the software running within the TEE: lfences after branches can mitigate Spectre v1, Retpoline can mitigate Spectre v2, etc. While TEEs may not be a security panacea, they substantially raise the bar for the effort required for unauthorized actors to extract confidential data.

Building blocks

Support for the programmatic advertising use cases with stronger privacy protections based on TEEs will need to rely on a number of building blocks, each playing a different role, summarized below.

Trusted Execution Environment with sandboxing

Formal data flow constraints

In order to meaningfully protect user privacy, it’s important to explicitly define what that entails in terms of the user data flows that should be allowed and disallowed. A Potential Privacy Model for the Web, with major restrictions on cross-site data access and use, proposes one way to define allowed ways of accessing user data for web sites, advertisers and publishers.

TURTLEDOVE and the more specific API definition in FLEDGE are also examples of defining specific restrictions on user data flows in the context of ads personalization. For instance, in TURTLEDOVE, a publisher (or its technology partners) cannot learn about specific user’s activity on the advertiser’s website, and vice versa – an advertiser cannot learn about any single user’s browsing behavior on publisher websites. At the same time, TURTLEDOVE enables publishers to learn aggregated (not specific to any given user) information about their visitors’ interests on advertiser websites, and for advertisers to learn which publisher websites their ads were displayed on – again, only in aggregated form.

A formal language would let us describe these allowed data flows and constraints more expressively and precisely; such a formal language can be developed based upon the existing work on the information flow control (1, 2).

TEE hardware

The hardware may take the form of modern CPUs that support application-level enclaves or encrypted virtual machines. The scope of the provided guarantees and threat vectors that hardware-based TEEs aim to protect against were described above.

TEE hardware abstraction layer

Hardware-assisted TEEs – either application-level enclaves or encrypted virtual machines – require to use new instructions and API surfaces provided by the CPU vendor in order to create, load application code and startup a TEE or perform the remote attestation sequence. These API surfaces can be fairly low-level, and a hardware abstraction layer is needed to isolate the application code from this low-level complexity.

An enclave SDK (such as Enarx or Graphene) enables developers to focus on writing applications that can run within enclave, taking advantage of the confidentiality, integrity and remote attestation features, while abstracting away the complexity and vendor specifics of the underlying low-level hardware interface.

While an SDK is typically necessary for writing applications running inside enclaves, it is possible to run unmodified code built using the conventional toolchains within encrypted VMs ( remote attestation support may still need extra code). At the same time, encrypted VMs require support from the host hypervisor that orchestrates the startup and execution of VMs.

Sandboxing environment

A sandboxing environment or framework enforces the desired information flow constraints and data confidentiality by only exposing a narrow, pre-defined set of allowed APIs to the ads application code (e.g. bidding, auction or reporting logic). The sandboxed application, for instance, may have no access to network, storage, logging or perform any other side effect operations without an explicit permission from the sandbox embedder. In the case of sandboxing for ads personalization, these operations can be allowed only as long as the data leaving the sandbox is sufficiently anonymized.

A few well-known contemporary approaches to sandboxing are described below.

Language and bytecode runtimes

Popular examples of the sandboxing environments include JavaScript runtimes ( such as V8) and WebAssembly runtimes (such as Wasmer). In addition to sandboxed application code execution, these runtimes are platform-independent: application written (and, optionally, compiled, in the case of WebAssembly) once can run on different hardware platforms. By default, both JavaScript and WebAssembly runtimes do not provide access to I/O or any other side effects to application code; these functionalities can only be explicitly provided by the sandbox embedder if deemed necessary. “No access to side effects by default” is a valuable property in enforcing the privacy-motivated data flow constraints.

Sandboxing container runtimes

Other examples of sandboxing environments include container runtimes based on application-level kernel, such as gVisor, and based on light-weight VMs, such as Kata containers and Firecracker. These environments allow to run native Linux-targeted code packaged into containers while imposing sandboxing restrictions by intercepting and implementing syscalls while restricting access to I/O based on the desired sandboxing policy.

Linux seccomp-bpf sandboxes

seccomp-bpf is a security facility in Linux kernel that allows to transition and run a process in a secure state, allowing to intercept and filter system calls. Intercepting system calls allows one to enforce fine-grained policies on access to I/O (disk, network, local sockets), memory allocation and CPU time limits. Sandbox2 is one example of a seccomp-bpf-based sandbox.

Remote attestation

Remote attestation is a process that allows convincing one party (such as a client) about the identity (such as binary hash) of the software running on a remote machine (a server), and usually also part of the hardware state. Remote attestation process frequently relies on:

  • Cryptographic techniques, for instance, the use of asymmetric key signature over a remote attestation quote.

  • Hardware-backed implementation, where a CPU, possibly assisted by TEE firmware, constructs and signs the remote attestation quote with a hardware-bound private key.

Remote attestation in combination with an auditable and open-source codebase, allows clients to establish the confidence that the expected user privacy-motivated constraints and restrictions on the data flows will be enforced. These techniques can be the key components for establishing trust to a remote server in ads personalization.

Custom sandboxed logic

Finally, custom application logic defined and implemented by ad tech companies, publishers and advertisers, and running within the standardized sandboxing environment, can be used for ad targeting, bidding, reporting, fraud and abuse detection and other use cases.

Importantly, the custom application logic itself need not be trusted, reviewed or audited, if it can only be run within the trusted sandboxing environment, which in turn would enforce the intended privacy-driven constraints on the data flows.

By default, the custom logic running inside a sandboxed environment must not have access to the network, I/O or have the ability to produce any side effects. Only the data flows explicitly allowed by the sandboxing environment may be permitted – for instance, submitting events for aggregated reporting.

Potential applications of TEEs in programmatic advertising

Thanks to the properties offered by TEEs and sandboxes (confidentiality and integrity guarantees, binary identity and remote attestation), systems built on top of those can provide verifiably strong data flow and confidentiality protections for different programmatic advertising use cases. A few possible examples are touched on below.

Server-side TURTLEDOVE bidding and auction logic execution

A software framework that relies on sandboxing for the execution of the custom bidding and auction logic and that runs server-side inside a TEE may have the potential to provide strong, verifiable guarantees that may fit the desired privacy model of TURTLEDOVE:

  • Advertisers (and their technology partners) can serve ads based on an interest, but cannot combine that interest with other information about the person — in particular, with who they are or what page they are visiting.

  • Web sites a person visits, and the ad technology partners those sites use, cannot learn about their visitors' ad interests.

Running TURTLEDOVE logic in a trusted server-side environment would enable significant savings of client-side resources, resulting in better user browser experience.

User consent and control

TEEs can facilitate verifiable enforcement of users’ choices about their data use and sharing happening remotely on a server. This may potentially include tools to support privacy regulation compliance. For example, a standardized software framework running within TEEs and used by ad tech companies could enforce user’s consent for server-side sharing of website browsing information with a chosen set of ad technology partners and, optionally, the specific purposes of allowed data use by those partners.

Private aggregation and analytics

Part of the Chrome Privacy Sandbox proposals is an aggregate reporting system that ensures user privacy by providing only aggregated data.

One way that it may be possible to extend this to allow custom aggregation is through using TEEs, with sandboxes, to generate custom reports that would still be subject to the same privacy requirements (via either differential privacy or K-anonymity).

Fraud and abuse detection with strong privacy protections

Modern ad fraud and abuse detection systems may rely on high-entropy or identifying information about user’s devices (such as an IP address or other granular device characteristics) to identify traffic anomalies and distinguish organic traffic from fraudulent activity. While being vital for fraud and abuse detection, such high-entropy signals may present user re-identifiability and cross-site tracking risks. Ad fraud detection mechanisms that rely on such high-entropy signals can be run within a TEE, thus guaranteeing that such signals can only be used for the expected purposes, and cannot be used for tracking or targeting ads to individual users.

Appendix: references

Open-source TEE frameworks

There are a few open-source frameworks and SDKs in active development that make it easier to develop software protected by TEE guarantees:

  • Enarx: allows to run applications compiled to WebAssembly bytecode on Intel SGX and AMD SEV

  • Project Oak: a specification and a reference implementation for the secure transfer, storage and processing of data on top of TEE and sandboxing.

  • Teaclave: A Universal Secure Computing Platform that allows to run user-provided functions securely within a TEE.

TEE whitepapers, specifications and architectural overviews

  1. AMD SEV-SNP: Strengthening VM Isolation with Integrity Protection and More

  2. SEV Secure Nested Paging Firmware ABI Specification

  3. Intel SGX explained

  4. Intel® Trust Domain Extensions

  5. Confidential Computing Deep Dive whitepaper

Oblivious RAM assisted by TEE hardware support

  1. ZeroTrace: Oblivious Memory Primitives from Intel SGX

  2. Hardware-Supported ORAM in Effect: Practical Oblivious Search and Update on Very Large Dataset

Potential practical applications of TEEs

  1. X-Search: Revisiting Private Web Search using Intel SGX

  2. Secure Content-Based Routing Using Intel Software Guard Extensions

  3. pRide: Private Ride Request for Online Ride Hailing Service with Secure Hardware Enclave

Securing applications running within TEEs

  1. Securing Intel SGX Against Side-channel Attacks via Load-time Synthesis