- Raspberry Pi Internet Thing Videos: Example code to go along with video series on building an internet 'thing' with a Raspberry Pi. Demonstrates building a web app in Python that controls the Pi hardware with a web interface.
- sparkfun Fritzing Parts: This repo houses all of the SFE Fritzing parts for use in diagrams in tutorials. If you create a new part in Fritzing that correlates to an SFE part, please add it here so others may use it and to avoid duplication.
- rust-raspi3-OS-tutorials: 📚 Rust bare-metal and OS tutorials on the Raspberry Pi 3
- Micronucleus: ATTiny usb bootloader with a strong emphasis on bootloader compactness.
- Building my ideal router for $50
- gopro-py-api: Unofficial GoPro API Library for Python - connect to HERO3/3+/4/5/+/6 via WiFi.
- Tomu - A tiny ARM microprocessor which fits in your USB port.
- ESP32-Paxcounter: Wifi & BLE driven passenger flow metering with cheap ESP32 boards
- OpenWRT em Mikrotik Routerboard 750
- Lexra: Lexra did implement a 32-bit variant of the MIPS architecture.
- EspressoBin
- Raptor Computing Systems::BK1B01 Intro
- Teensy 3.1 bare metal: Writing a USB driver and github
- Linux maker boards learn how to specialize
- MicroPython pyboard D-series
- TinyUSB: USB Full-Speed core written in migen/LiteX
- TinyFPGA B2 Board: Open source design files for the TinyFPGA B-Series boards.
- TinyFPGA-Programmer-Application
- TinyFPGA-A-Series: Open source design files for the TinyFPGA A-Series boards.
- RFStorm nRF24LU1+ Research Firmware: Firmware and research tools for Nordic Semiconductor nRF24LU1+ based USB dongles and breakout boards.
- FX-SaberOS: System code for Arduino based Lightsaber replicas for DIYino family boards
- Lessons from Running a Small-Scale Electronics Factory in my Guest Bedroom, part 1: Design
- NTPClient
- OSC: Arduino and Teensy implementation of OSC encoding
- ESPFLIX: A free video streaming service that runs on a ESP32.
- A Simple HomeMade Wi-Fi Jammer by using an ESP8266
- ESP8266 USB Software Driver: Software-only ESP8266 USB Device
- (pt-br) O perigo da utilização do módulo Wifi ESP8266 na criação de uma backdoor
- Adafruit CircuitPython Library Bundle
- gpiozero: A simple interface to GPIO devices with Raspberry Pi
- Quick2Wire: Use the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi without running as root (deprecated)
- VoCore2:Coin-sized Linux Computer with WiFi
Nice projects to try. Let's do it!
- (pt-br)Documentação Franzininho DIY
- Weather Forecast Clock Using Old Alarm and Arduino
- Literary Clock Made From E-reader: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
- The Beginning of the End of WPA-2 — Cracking WPA-2 Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
- Blink an LED With Arduino in Tinkercad: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
- Building a network attached storage device with a Raspberry Pi
- Pixelblaze by Ben Hencke
- Build a social media follower counter
- Designing Solo, a new U2F/FIDO2 Token
- Circlean: USB key cleaner
- How to turn on an LED with Fedora IoT
- HDMI Light V2, github: FPGA based Ambilight clone with direct HDMI input
- Build Your Own Professional-Grade Audio Amp on the Sort of Cheap
- H2HC 2018 Badge
- Build your own ADS-B receiver – Pi24
- 96-core ARM supercomputer using the NanoPi-Fire3
- Repurpose Optical Drive With RPi
- Apple Airplay on Raspberry Pi in 7 Easy Steps shairport
- Easy Motion and Gesture Detection by PIR Sensor & Arduino
- Franzininho: Placa Franzininho DIY - Repositório da placa Franzininho DIY
- raspberry-pi-dramble: RGB LEDs controlled via GPIO
- My Own DIY Smart Mirror. github
- DiY Lowcost Bluetooth Jammer
- PostgreSQL performance on Raspberry Pi: Modern PostgreSQL (>=9.6), out-of-the-box, achieves around 200 TPS (TPC-B (sort of)) on a Raspberry Pi 3B. That's 17+ million transactions per day!
- How to design a proper USB-C™ power sink
- Build a Raspberry Pi powered live train station sign for your desk
- Flypi: An open source, modular, affordable tool for imaging experiments. cheap microscope/experimental setup
- Solar Powered Raspberry Pi Camera
- USB PD Stand-alone Sink Controller: leveraging it for powering everything under 100 watt. repo
- The Open Book Project: The Open Book aims to be a simple device that anyone with a soldering iron can build for themselves.
- BrachioGraph: the cheapest, simplest possible pen-plotter
- smart glasses (WS2812 edition)
- My NFC powered blinky business card
- An open-source MICROSCOPE built using LEGO bricks, 3D-printing, Arduino and Raspberry Pi: An open-source, motorized, and modular microscope built using LEGO bricks, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and 3D printing.
- Show & tell: a steampunk desktop background radiation monitor
- LeakyPick: IoT Audio Spy Detector. News: This device keeps Alexa and other voice assistants from snooping on you.
- HomeSnitch: Behavior Transparency and Control for Smart Home IoT Devices.
- Openbot
- Analog Terminal Bell
- Guy Built A Bird Feeder That Accepts Bottle Caps For Food, And These Wild Magpies Love It
- Challenges Building an Open-Source E Ink Laptop
- Casio fx-9750GII Webserver: This page is hosted on an Casio fx-9750GII graphical calculator, running a SuperH SH4 processor. It's running a port of the uIP TCP/IP stack, using SLIP over the 3pin 2.5mm serial port.
- State of netbooting Raspberry Pi in 2021
- PIEEG: Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Brain-Computer-Interface to measure biosignals
- e-radionica.com FRITZING: bunch of common use sensors/modules for makers as well as e-radionica.com products prepared for Fritzing
- fritzing-parts: Electronic components for use in the Fritzing app (aka the parts library)
- Programming SPI flash with an FT232H breakout
- Oops, I Wrote a C++ Compiler: TLDR; I wrote a .NET library that can compile C/C++ code into a byte code that it can also interpret. It is used in my app iCircuit to simulate Arduinos. You can use it yourself with the nuget package CLanguage. CLanguage: C parser, compiler, and interpreter for .NET
- The MOnSter 6502: A dis-integrated circuit project to make a complete, working transistor-scale replica of the classic MOS 6502 microprocessor.
- Arduino Wave Shield 01: I bought the Adafruit Wave Shield and thought it would be a funny first project to have an entrance theme play every time I get home from work.
- nRF52832-MDK: An Open Source, Micro Development Kit for IoT Embedded Applications using nRF52832 SoC
- arduino-cli: Arduino command line interface
- Using Web Bluetooth to communicate with Bluetooth devices
- balena-web-ble: A project to showcase a Web BLE app communicating with a balena powered BLE peripheral
- HF Ham Radio on a Budget: QRP Labs, QRPGuys, CW Academy
- IMSI-catcher: This program show you IMSI numbers of cellphones around you.
- NPR New Packet Radio
- Basic Photocell Reading | Basic Resistor Sensor Reading on Raspberry Pi
- Adding a shutdown button to raspberry pi with Adafruit RGB Matrix HAT
- ADS-B USB Dongle (R820T2) + Small Indoor Antenna
- OpenBCI: Open Source Biosensing Tools (EEG, EMG, EKG, and more)
- pigpio: pigpio is a C library for the Raspberry which allows control of the General Purpose Input Outputs (GPIO).
- Your DS18B20 temperature sensor is likely a fake, counterfeit, clone... How to tell original from fake DS18B20 temperature sensors.
- lightning-detector-MQTT2HA-Daemon: Linux script to monitor AS3935 lightning detector and report detections to MQTT.
- CubieBoard: A series of open source hardware
- Build a do-it-yourself home air purifier for about $25
- smart-base
- The Mysterious ESP-EYE Development Board from Espressif?
- Seeed: Seeed is the IoT hardware enabler providing services that empower makers to realize their projects and products.
- Banggood: Your favorite supplier of clothing, accessories, electronics, RC, LED lights and much more. We offer the Best Bang for your Buck.
- Espressif: Espressif Systems is a multinational, fabless semiconductor company established in 2008, with headquarters in Shanghai and offices in Greater China, India and Europe.
- Xiaomi Mi Band Teardown - iFixit
- Xiaomi Mi Band 3 Teardown - Mi Band
- Arduino
- Tutoriais com sensores e Arduino
- The curious case of the Raspberry Pi in the network closet: how we found, analyzed (with the help of Reddit) and in the end caught the culprit of a malicious device in our network
- Reverse Engineering of a Not-so-Secure IoT Device
- Lovelace RPi Monitor Card: A Raspberry Pi status display Card for Home Assistant Lovelace
- Raspberry Pi Power Supply Checker: A Custom component for Home-Assistant that checks if your Raspberry Pi power supply is giving enough voltage from the kernel.
- wiz_light: A WiZ Light intergration for Home Assistant.
- Poeschl Home Assistant Supervisor Add-ons: The repository for my Home Assistant Supervisor Add-ons.
- HP Printer integration for Home Assistant
https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Python-Communication-via-USB/ https://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-USB-comunication-Example-Program/
- Raspberry Pi 4 WiFi stops working at 2560x1440 screen resolution
- RIOT: The friendly OS for IoT.
- FarmBot
- Reverse Engineering the M6 Smart Fitness Bracelet
- basic teaser
- DIY Tech (Solar Power Web Server, Stungun, Anti-Drone Gun, Multi Frequency RF Jammer,esp8266_deauther, Skyjak)