This plugin adds a message of the day to the server, that is displayed either on join or when you hop into a plane.
As MOTD is an optional plugin, you need to activate it in main.yaml first like so:
- motd
The plugin itself is configured via yaml, as many others. If you don't generate your custom yaml file (sample available in the samples directory), the plugin will not generate any messages.
To be able to create a message on "birth", MISSION_STATISTICS = true has to be enabled on your server.
on_birth: # message will fire when someone enters a plane
report: greeting.json # the respective report will be used (see Reporting Framework)
display_type: popup # the message will generate a popup ..
display_time: 20 # .. which lasts for 20 seconds
- delay: 3600 # the following message will be displayed every 3600 seconds (1h)
message: "All members, be aware of our weekly mission, every Sunday at 1700 UTC!"
recipients: 'Members' # the message only goes to specific recipients (see below)
display_type: chat # the message will be displayed in the in-game chat
- delay: 120 # this message will be displayed every 2 mins
message: "To see your stats, you can link your user by using /linkme in your discord!"
recipients: '!@everyone' # and will be sent to anybody that is not linked yet (has not the discord role @everyone)
display_type: popup # Message will be a popup
on_join: # The message will be displayed in the in-game chat on join of the server.
message: Welcome to our public server! Teamkills will be punished.
recipients can be a list of Discord groups that the player either is part of or not (prepend with !).
!@everyone means, this message is for people that are not a member of your Discord.
If you want to play sounds, make sure that you loaded them into the mission first (see MizEdit).
delay: 60 # this time, only one delay is set. You can even use a list in here.
- message: This awesome server is presented to you by\nCome and join us!
recipients": "!@everyone"
display_type: popup
display_time: 20
- message": Glad to have you guys here!
recipients: DCS Admin
display_type: popup
display_time: 20
- delay: 3600 # the following message will be displayed every 3600 seconds (1h)
message: "All members, be aware of our weekly mission, every Sunday at 1700 UTC!"
recipients: 'Members' # the message only goes to specific recipients (see below)
display_type: chat # the message will be displayed in the in-game chat
- delay: 120 # this message will be displayed every 2 mins
message: "To see your stats, you can link your user by using /linkme in your discord!"
receipients: '!@everyone' # and will be sent to anybody that is not linked yet (has not the discord role @everyone)
display_type: popup # Message will be a popup
delay: 3600
random: true # If set to true (default: false), a random pick will be made out of the messages list.
messages: # Please keep in mind that, if you use recipients, only those recipients of that specific message will receive.
- message: This is the first test message!
display_type: popup
display_time: 20
- message": This is the second test message!
display_type: popup
display_time: 20