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Report Framework

One of the main goals of DCSServerBot is gathering data of your DCS World servers and display them in a useful format.
To achieve this, DCSServerBot already comes with some built-in reports. Many plugins display simple to complex data, which I thought, might be of interest.

To allow you to change the look and feel of existing reports and to make it easier to build your own, I've developed a JSON-based reporting framework. Here you'll find the main features and elements of this framework.

Using Reports in your Plugins

It is very simple to generate a report in your plugins. You just need to instantiate one of the available Report classes with a json file that is stored in the ./reports subdirectory of your plugin.

from core import DCSServerBot, Plugin, Report
from discord.ext import commands

class Test(Plugin):
    async def test(self, ctx):
        report = Report(, self.plugin_name, 'test.json')
        env = await report.render(params={"name": "Special K"})
        await ctx.send(embed=env.embed)

def setup(bot: DCSServerBot):

General Report Structure

Every report results in an Embed in Discord.
An Embed has several attributes and many of them can be set inside the report description:

  "color": "blue",
  "mention": [
  "title": "This is the title of the Embed.",
  "description": "This is a brief description.",
  "url": "",
  "img": "",
  "input": [],
  "pagination": {},
  "elements": [],
  "footer": "This is the footer (will be added to any other footers)"

Mentioning is done with role IDs. So you need to add the IDs of the roles to be mentioned in here.

Input Section

Within the "input" section you can define variables that will be used inside the report or validate such, that came from your render(...) call.

      "name": "ruler_length",                          -- set a variable (here a reserved one, the length of the ruler)
      "value": 27                                      -- to a new value (default is 30)
      "name": "period",
      "range": ["", "day", "week", "month", "year"],   -- validate these passed parameters against a list of possible values
      "default": "day"                                 -- if no value for this variable is provided, set a default
      "sql": "SELECT ucid, name FROM players WHERE discord_id = %(discord_id)s"  -- read these parameters from the database
      "callback": "MissionFocusString"                 -- read a mission variable from DCS with this name

Pagination Section

Only needed for PaginationReports (see below).

Elements Section

The "elements" section contains the real data that you want to present with your report.
You can either use pre-defined elements or write your own element by inheritance of one of the base classes provided by the framework.


You usually work with variables that you pass to the corresponding render() call or that you define in the "input" section. These can be dictionaries like server- or player-data or just single values like server_name. To use them in your reports, expect all strings to be f-string capable:

  "title": "Report for Server {server_name}",
  "description": "Player {player[name]} is causing trouble."

Be aware that player['name'] is written as player[name] in the reports!

Simple Report Elements for Embeds

The following elements can be used in your reports without any additional coding. Anybody familiar with Discord Embeds should be able to create a simple report with them.


A ruler, default size is 25 characters.

"elements": [

Or if you want to change the size:

"elements": [
      "type": "Ruler",
      "params": {
        "ruler_length": 10

You can add a header, too:

"elements": [
      "type": "Ruler",
      "params": {
        "header": "Active Servers"


An image used as a thumbnail.

"elements": [
      "type": "Image",
      "params": {
        "url": ""


A field with a single key/value pair. "default" is optional.

"elements": [
      "type": "Field",
      "params": {
        "name": "Name",
        "value": "Special K",
        "inline": false,
        "default": "n/a"


Multiple fields displayed as a table with a single header line and a maximum of 3 columns.

"elements": [
      "type": "Table",
      "params": {
        "values": [
            "name": "Special K",
            "skill": "limited"
            "name": "Special A",
            "skill": "expert"

A table can be built up from a passed object that needs to be a list of dict. The values section then contains the key of the fields you want to use from these dictionaries and the name you want to display:

"elements": [
      "type": "Table",
      "params": {
        "obj": "servers",
        "values": {
          "display_name": "Server Name",
          "status": "Status",
          "num_players": "Active Players"
        "ansi_colors": false

If ansi_colors is set to true, you can use color coding like \u001b[0;31m to color your values. Default is false and it is therefor optional. Works with SQLTables also (see /infractions as example).


If you want to display a single value from a database table, use the SQLField for it.

"elements": [
      "type": "SQLField",
      "params": {
        "sql": "SELECT points AS \"Points\" FROM sb_points WHERE player_ucid = %(ucid)s",
        "inline": false,
        "no_data": { "Points": 0 },
        "on_error": { "Points": 0 }

If your query needs values, you can provide them as a dictionary to your report() call.


Similar to the Table element but with values from an SQL query:

"elements": [
      "type": "SQLTable",
      "params": {
        "sql": "SELECT init_id as ucid, event, SUM(points) AS points FROM pu_events WHERE init_id = %(ucid)s GROUP BY 1,2",
        "no_data": "You have no points yet!",
        "on_error": "An error occured: {ex}"

no_data can be either a string, or a dictionary. In case of a string, the "name" value will be empty.

Graph Elements

To display nice graphics like bar-charts or pie-charts, you need to wrap them in a Graph element:

"elements": [
    "type": "Graph",
    "params": {
      "width": 10, -- width of the resulting image
      "height": 10, -- height of the resulting image
      "cols": 2, -- number of columns in the grid
      "rows": 1, -- number of rows in the grid
      "elements": [
        ... describe your GraphElements in here ...


Only one Graph element is allowed per report.

Each sub-element has at least the following parameters:

    "elements": [
        "type": "xxx",    -- the type of the element (BarChart, PieChart, etc.)
        "params": {
        "col": 0,         -- the x position of the chart in the grid
        "row": 0,         -- the y position of the chart in the grid
        "colspan": 1,     -- optional: the number of columns that this chart uses
        "rowspan": 1      -- optional: the number of rows that this chart uses


Simple bar chart that will display all elements of a given dictionary.

    "elements": [
        "type": "BarChart",
        "params": {
          "col": 0,
          "row": 0,
          "title": "Test BarChart",
          "color": "blue",
          "rotate_labels": 30,         -- rotate the labels by 30°        
          "bar_labels": true,          -- put the value of each bar at the top
          "is_time": true,             -- select the time formatter
          "orientation": "horizontal", -- set the orientation (vertical is default)
          "show_no_data": false,       -- if no data is available, don't display "No data available." but nothing
          "values": { "Takeoffs": 2, "Landings": 1, "Crashes": 1 }


Same as bar chart, but with an SQL to grab the data from the database.

    "elements": [
        "type": "SQLBarChart",
        "params": {
          "col": 0,
          "row": 0,
          "title": "Kills & Deaths",
          "sql": "SELECT SUM(kills) AS Kills, SUM(deaths) AS Deaths FROM statistics WHERE player_ucid = %(ucid)s"


Simple pie chart that will display all elements of a given dictionary.

    "elements": [
        "type": "PieChart",
        "params": {
          "col": 0,
          "row": 0,
          "title": "Test PieChart",
          "is_time": true,             -- select the time formatter
          "show_no_data": false,       -- if no data is available, don't display "No data available." but nothing
          "values": { "Takeoffs": 2, "Landings": 1, "Crashes": 1 }


Same as pie chart, but with an SQL to grab the data from the database.

    "elements": [
        "type": "SQLPieChart",
        "params": {
          "col": 0,
          "row": 0,
          "title": "Test PieChart",
          "sql": "SELECT SUM(kills) AS Kills, SUM(deaths) AS Deaths FROM statistics WHERE player_ucid = %(ucid)s"

Report Types

There are three report types that you can use:

  1. Report
    Standard implementation. Will output a single report as an embed.
  2. PaginationReport
    Will enable pagination based on a provided parameter list.
  3. PersistentReport
    For auto-updates. Everytime a persistent report is generated, it will update the former embed.

Let's look at the more complex ones.


To use a PaginationReport, your code could look like the following:

from core import PaginationReport
from discord.ext import commands
from typing import Optional

@commands.command(description='Pagination Test', usage='[period] [server name]')
async def test(self, ctx, period: Optional[str] = None, server_name: Optional[str] = None):
    report = PaginationReport(, ctx, self.plugin_name, 'mytest.json')
    await report.render(period=period, server_name=server_name)

Providing None to the pagination value (here server_name) will result in None being the first element to allow aggregated displays. If you provide a strict value, this will be the first to be displayed out of the pagination list.

In your report though, you have to specify a pagination section:

  "color": "blue",
  "title": "My Pagination Test",
  "input": [
      "name": "period",
      "range": ["", "day", "week", "month", "year"],
      "default": "day"
      "name": "server_name",
      "sql": "SELECT DISTINCT server_name FROM missions"
  "elements": []

Now you can use {server_name} in your report elements:

    "elements": [
        "type": "SQLPieChart",
        "params": {
          "col": 0,
          "row": 0,
          "title": "Server Time",
          "sql": "select mission_name, ROUND(SUM(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (mission_end - mission_start))) / 3600) FROM missions GROUP BY 1 WHERE server_name LIKE '{server_name}'"

Persistent Report

To use a PersistentReport, in general you produce a normal report but provide a unique key with it, that will be used to access and update it later on.

from core import utils, PersistentReport
from discord.ext import commands
from typing import Optional

@commands.command(description='Pagination Test', usage='[period] [server name]')
async def test(self, ctx, period: Optional[str] = None, server_name: Optional[str] = None):
    server = await utils.get_server(self, ctx)
    report = PersistentReport(, self.plugin_name, 'mytest.json', server, 'test_embed')
    return await report.render(period=period, server_name=server_name)

Whenever you call .test, you will not generate a new report but update the existing one.


The key is unique in that server. You must not use the same key for two different reports, they will replace each other otherwise.