In the subfolder ./samples
, you'll find some configuration-file samples for the bot and the different available plugins.
Default file to support the /download
command. Here you can configure which files / patterns you want to support for
DCS Admin users to download from your server. You see a lot of examples in there already. If you don't want people to
download specific items, just remove the respective line from your admin.json.
This file contains the default settings for the DCSServerBot cloud plugin. You can add your TOKEN in here, that you received from me, if you participate in the cloud statistics.
This shows two examples of custom commands you can create with the command's plugin. One command starts a DCS server
and the 2nd command runs a dir
command on your server and returns the output.
Sample file to show you the usage of the credit system. You can get credits for kills or for proper landings (see greenieboard.yaml). People can have initial or max points based on their roles, and you can give people specific discord roles for flight times or credit achievements on your servers. Roles are campaign-based, if you have a campaign configured.
Simple DB-Exporter sample, that exports two tables only (missions and statistics) on a regular basis (every hour). This plugin can be used to export data to another solution like a website, displaying achievement, etc., if that should not have access to the database directly for whatever reason (being remote for instance).
Sample and minimal configuration for the FunkMan plugin. You need at least to point to the place where FunkMan is installed. The rest of the parameters will be read from your existing funkman.ini or can be filled in manually.
This sample contains a proposal for a points system for carrier landings and shows a possibility to configure a persistent embed. In addition, you can see how to configure the Moose.AIRBOSS integration.
This sample contains a default section, that is being used for every server, if nothing else is provided and a specific section for server "DCS.release_server", that is overwriting the default.
Sample configuration which defines a Music upload directory "Music" in your Saved Games<instance>\ folders. Besides that, it defines an SRS radio to be used on a specific SRS channel.
With the ModManager plugin you can install OvGME like packages automatically into your DCS servers. The sample shows two possible ways, by either providing a strict version (2.0.1) or by using the term "latest", to get the latest available version that is provided in one of the installation directories.
Again, this sample shows a default setting and two servers. "DCS.release_server" and "instance2", that don't punish people that are Discord members (@everyone). This might be useful, if you are running public servers but don't want your Discord members to be banned, kicked or whatnot.
Default configuration for the RestAPI webservice.
This sample shows the configuration of 4 servers.
- DCS.release_server is just running 24/7. This will be your default.
- instance2 only runs in the morning from 0-12hrs. it rotates the mission at 04 AM and 08 AM., even if people are flying
populated: true
). onMissionStart and onMissionEnd contain two scripts that should be run, when the mission starts or ends. And onShutdown contains a command (in this case a restart of the whole PC), when the server is being shut down. - instance3 will run in the afternoon from 12 to 24hrs. It will restart with a DCS server shutdown after 480 mins (8 hrs)
mission time, but only, if no player is online (
populated: false
). - mission is a possible configuration for a mission server. It starts every Sunday at 18:00 LT and runs until midnight.
Contains the "warn schedule", meaning at which amount of seconds before a restart / shutdown happens, the users should get warned. This is optional and needs only to be in your configuration, if you want to warn your users (recommended).
Another powerful plugin is the Slotblocking. The sample shows a default configuration, which is valid for every server.
In our case, we restrict the Combined Arms slots to people that are members of your Discord and that carry the Donators
The example for "DCS.release_server" shows the point-based slotblocking system. People can earn points when killing
specific targets (see list). On the other hand, slots can be blocked until a specific amount of points has been reached
by that user ("points"). The "costs" determine, what happens to the users points when he uses this plane.
There is deposit-like system included, that reserves points when you use a plane and returns them to the user, whenever
they bring back the plane intact (landing). Each takeoff will create a deposit. If they crash or get killed,
the deposit is gone, and they'll finally lose their points. This can be enabled with payback: true
like in
the sample.