The cleanup service is your cleaning lady, that deletes all the unnecessary stuff from your disk or discord channels after some time.
The configuration is held in config/services/cleanup.yaml and is straight forward. You can add as many directories or channels as you want to clean up in here.
dcs.log: # Name (can be anything but needs to be unique)
directory: "{instance.home}/Logs" # The directory to clean up
pattern: "*.*" # The pattern of the files to be cleaned up
delete_after: 30 # The min age of the files to be deleted (default: 30)
directory: "{instance.home}/Tracks/Multiplayer"
pattern: "*.trk"
delete_after: 30
channels: # channels have to be defined in the DEFAULT section
channel: # delete all messages from these channels ...
- 112233445566778899
- 998877665544332211
delete_after: 7 # ... which are older than 7 days (default: 0)
directory: "{instance.home}/airboss"
- "*.csv"
- "*.png"
delete_after: 30
directory: "%USERPROFILE%/Documents/Tacview"
pattern: "*.acmi"
recursive: true # If true, subdirectories will be included
delete_after: 30
These are just examples, feel free to add your own directories / channels.
Please keep in mind that deleting a lot of messages will take its time and can result in Discord rate limits.