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121 lines (109 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

121 lines (109 loc) · 3.64 KB


Mandatory Installs

  1. Install OpenJDK
    • Java 8 - sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk
    • Java 11 - sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
  2. Install VIM
    • sudo apt install vim
  3. Install git with config
    • git config --global "Guduri Sriram"
    • git config --global ""
    • git config --global core.editor "vim"
  4. Install maven
    • sudo apt install maven
  5. Install Docker
    • Installation walkthrough
    • Add current user to docker group for non sudo execution. (Requires restart)
    • reconfigure with dns option : Link
    • DNS option: /usr/bin/dockerd --dns -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
    • sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    • sudo systemctl restart docker
  6. Install IntelliJ with SNAP
    • Import settings from this repo
  7. Install Brave Browser
  8. Install azcli (Link)
  9. Install kubectl
    • sudo snap install kubectl
    • configure autocomplete. (Link)
    • install kubectx & kubens (Link)
  10. Install helm
  11. Install psql client
    • sudo apt install postgresql-client-common
  12. Install pgcli
    • sudo apt install pgcli
    • disable timing conf by setting timing = False in ~/.config/pgcli/config
  13. Install sshpass
    • sudo apt install sshpass
  14. Install atom
  15. Install sublime
  16. Install copyq
    • sudo apt install copyq
  17. Install terminator
    • sudo apt install terminator
  18. Install httpie
    • sudo apt install httpie
  19. Install fuzzy finder (link)
  20. Install sdkman (link)
  21. Install scala 2.11.7
    • sdk install scala 2.11.7
  22. Install spark 2.0.2
    • sdk install spark 2.0.2
  23. Install ActivityWatcher (Link)
  24. Install xclip
    • sudo apt install xclip
  25. Install pyperclip
    • sudo pip install pyperclip

Bash Config

# blinking cursor
echo -ne '\e[3 q'

# bash colors
export PS1="$GREEN[$L_CYAN\@ $GREEN\u@$YELLOW\h $MAGNETA\W $L_CYAN\$(git branch 2> /dev/null | grep -e '\* ' | sed 's/^..\(.*\)/{\1}/')$GREEN]\$ $NONE"
#end bash colors

#end custom aliases
alias ydl='youtube-dl -f 398+bestaudio --merge-output-format mkv'
alias kctx='kubectx'
alias mvc='mvn clean install'
alias copytoclip='xclip -sel clip <'
alias tcp_dst='sudo tcpdump -A -i wlp3s0 dst'
alias tcp_src='sudo tcpdump -A -i wlp3s0 src'
alias stfu='shutdown now'
alias planner='flatpak run com.github.alainm23.planner'
#end custom aliases


  1. Install youtube-dl
  2. Install ffmpeg
    • sudo apt install ffmpeg

Editor Fonts

  1. Fira Code

Sublime Preferences

	"font_face": "Fira Code",
	"font_size": 22,
	"font_options": [