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Minecrift Mod for Minecraft

Current Version: 0.26 alpha

StellaArtois, mabrowning 2013

With thanks to:

  • Palmer Luckey and his team for creating the Oculus Rift. The future is finally here (well for some people anyway; mine hasn't arrived yet).
  • Markus "Notch" Persson for creating Minecraft. What has it grown into?
  • The team behind the MCP coders' pack, and the Minecraft community - why Mojang bother obsfucating the source when you guys have done such a fantastic job of de-obsfucating it is beyond me!
  • Powback for his initial work on the Java JNI wrapper to the SDK. Seeing this inspired me to get off my arse and get modding. See this Reddit thread
  • shakesoda and Ben (and others?) at MTBS for creating the GLSL version of the oculus distortion shader.
  • The guys at Valve for giving some good advice on updating a game for VR.
  • @PyramidHead76 for building the MacOS libs, and toiling to produce the installation guide!!
  • Brad Larson and his GPUImage library, for the Lanczos GLSL shader implementation for the FSAA.
  • mabrowning for his amazing on-going work to get Optifine and Minecrift integrated. Soon it'll be his name as author, with me as a small credit...

No thanks to:

  • My lack of OpenGL experience.

What is Minecrift?

The cheesy name apart, Minecrift attempts to update Minecraft to support the Oculus Rift. Initially this means allowing headtracking input and using the correct stereo rendering parameters for the Rift. In the future this also means updating Minecraft for various control schemes, and updating the GUI to be in full 3D. Minecrift is also meant as a kick up the arse to Mojang, so that they can add official Oculus support in the near future. As and when Minecraft officially supports the Rift, Minecrift development will probably cease (unless they make a complete hash of it).


I recommend using a vanila Minecraft.jar file for this. Forge compatibility is patially in place, but not copmleted. BACK UP your original minecraft.jar before installing this mod. I make no claims as to the compatibility of this mod with other mods other than Optifine!


REQUIRES Minecraft 1.5.2 With Optifine HD D2 or D3

Magic Launcher

The recommended way to install Minecrift is use the magic launcher, which is available for Windows, OSX, and Linux.

  • Download Optifine HD D3, but don't extract.
  • Extract the
  • Open the Magic Launcher.
  • Click the 'Setup' configuration button.
  • Create a new Configuration and call it "minecrift" (or whatever you prefer)
  • Add these zips, in order:
    • JRift.jar
  • Magic Launcher will complain about 3 errors in minecrift, but this is a false positive.
  • Click 'Test' to make sure it works.
  • When satisfied, click 'OK' to Save the configuration.
  • From now on, just start Magic Launcher and use the "minecrift" configuration to play!


It is possible to install Minecrift without using the Magic launcher, but this way hasn't been tested as well. Use the steps below according to your operating system.


Minecrift for Windows requires Vista or above and a graphics card & driver capable of at least OpenGL 3.3 support.

  • Download Optifine HD D3
  • Change directory to %APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin
  • Open your minecraft.jar file using 7-zip, winzip etc.
  • Select all, and drag and drop in the entire contents of the into the minecraft.jar.
  • Select all, and drag and drop in the entire contents of the / (but not the zip itself) from the Minecrift zip into the minecraft.jar archive.
  • Make sure to delete the META-INF folder in minecraft.jar. Close 7zip / winzip.
  • Copy JRift.jar into<Path to %APPDATA%>\.minecraft\bin
  • IMPORTANT. Install the Microsoft VS2012 C++ redists (both x86 and x64) from here
  • Run up Minecraft and off you go. If you get a black screen on login, trying running an admin command prompt, cd to your minecraft.exe dir and enter the command

java -cp Minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame This should allow any exceptions or errors on Minecraft startup to show up in the console.


Follow the same steps for Windows, but use ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft instead of <Path to %APPDATA%>\.minecraft.

  • The VS2012 C++ redistributable is not required.


Follow the same steps for Windows, but use ~/.minecraft/ instead of %APPDATA%\.minecraft.


Once in game the dual viewports will kick in. I suggest using Large or Normal GUI size for now. Obviously you will want to be at 1280X800 fullscreen for the Oculus currently.

  • F1 to bring up the game HUD / overlay if it isn't already up.
  • Cycle F3 until the Rift debug info appears.
  • Ctrl and - / = for IPD adjustment. Hold ALT as well for fine adjustment. The IPD setting should be saved between sessions.
  • Ctrl O to attempt to reinitialise the Rift (including head tracking).
  • Ctrl P while not in a menu to turn distortion on / off. Sometimes useful if the offset mouse pointer is a pain in the menus. Ctrl-Alt P to toggle chromatic aberration correction.
  • Ctrl L toggles headtracking ON/OFF. Ctrl-Alt L toggles tracking prediction ON/OFF. It is OFF by default.
  • Ctrl U changes the HUD distance. Ctrl-Alt U changes the HUD scale. Ctrl-Alt Y toggles opacity on the HUD.
  • Ctrl-M toggles rendering of the player's mask ON/OFF.
  • FOV adjustment within Minecraft will have no effect - I use the FOV as calculated from within the Oculus SDK.
  • Allow user to use mouse pitch input as well as yaw. Use Ctrl-N to toggle.
  • Large or Auto GUI size recommended.
  • Use Ctrl-B to turn Full Scene Anti-aliasing (FSAA) on/off. Use Ctrl-Alt B to cycle the FSAA renderscale. Be warned; this feature is a resource hog!! If you cannot get 60fps at your desired FSSA level, cycle it to a lower scale factor. Anyone with a nVidia GTX Titan please let me know what average FPS you get at scale factor 4.0!
  • Ctrl , or . decreases or increases the FOV scale factor. This can be used to fine tune FOV if it doesn't look quite right to you.
  • Ctrl-Alt , or . decreases or increases various sizes of distortion border. This can be used to improve rendering speed, at a potential loss of FOV.
  • Ctrl V cycles through head track sensitivity multipliers. Try this at your own risk!

Known Issues

There are (not so) many.

  • FSAA (Super Sampling) doens't work on OSX and is disabled.
  • Linux doesn't support Oculus Rift head tracker (yet).
  • The GUI is on it's way to being 3D. It's still going to be a little rough around the edges however, and is in prototype stage.
  • The crosshair isn't exactly pair to the eyes and can move slightly off the center of the screen when close to objects. It is still accurate, however, so trust the crosshairs no matter where they are: that is where you will click.

Feedback, bug reporting

Please post feedback, bug reports etc. to the forum thread at MTBS:


  • Get 3D GUI working well.
  • Add all current keyboard commands to the options menu GUI.
  • Alternate control scheme options; head look separate to body movement etc.
  • Investigate gamepad / Razor Hydra support.
  • Fix bugs.

Release Notes

The changelist can be seen here

Known Issues:

  • A white line can sometimes be seen at the top or bottom edge of the HUD. Scaling the HUD down one point should remove it.
  • Sometimes an in-game menu will not appear until another menu has been opened and closed first.
  • A settings menu GUI is needed for all the Minecrift settings!


The installation process has been tested on Linux, but was written with cross-platform support in mind, so should be usable on other platforms. Known issues: OSX fernflower doesn't decompile cleanly. Decompile on Windows or Linux and copy over the .minecraft_orig folder.

Download mcp 751 and extract into /mcp (only needed once)

Run (or install.bat) to download minecraft, download optifine, deobfuscate the base system, and apply the patches and new files.

Use the MCP environment in /mcp to modify, test, and recompile.

Run (or build.bat) to create a release .zip. (not currently implemented)

Run (or getchanges.bat) to diff the modified /mcp/src files into version controlled /patches and copy the new classes into the /src/ directory.


See The License File for more information.