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NooSphere is a generic Activity-Centric computing infrastructures that can be used to develop and deployd distributed User Interfaces using activities as distributed data model. The infrastructure encapsulates basic distributed features into ActivityManagers or Nodes that support:

  1. File and data management, by integrating into the native file system and supporting a distributed data model through NoSQL storage exposed through a REST API.
  2. Event propagation, by providing a integrated web socket system for real-time events and messagging.
  3. Context tracking (e.g. location), by supporting a context processor that communicates over REST or UDP.
  4. Discovery and pairing, using both WSDiscovery and Bonjour as well as a dynamic web service mechanism.

#Usage NooSphere runs in its own service host (powered by Owin) and can thus be added and deployed on any type of application or machine. This allows developers to easily launch and destroy activity managers:

class ExampleCode

        static ActivitySystem activitySystem;
        static void Main(string[] args)

            //Create a user
            var user = new User
                Name = "Steven"

            //Create a device
            var device = new Device
                DeviceType = DeviceType.Desktop,
                DevicePortability = DevicePortability.Stationary,
                Owner = user

            //create databaseconfiguration
            var databaseConfiguration = new DatabaseConfiguration("", 8080, "test");

            //create activitysystem: this is the main component that provides an activity-
            //centric wrapper over a pure datastore. This system cam be used by the UI
            //directly through events or be exposed to a REST service using the activityservice
            //and accessed on other devices by using the activityclient
            activitySystem = new ActivitySystem(databaseConfiguration,false) { Device = device };

            //add handlers to the system for local UI support.
            activitySystem.DeviceAdded += activitySystem_DeviceAdded;
            activitySystem.UserAdded += activitySystem_UserAdded;

            //Start a activityservice which wraps an activity system into a REST service
            var activityService = new ActivityService(activitySystem, "", 8060);

            //make the system discoverable on the LAN
            activityService.StartBroadcast(DiscoveryType.Zeroconf, "activitySystem", "mycompany","1234");

            activitySystem.Tracker.TagEnter += Tracker_TagEnter;

            //Wait for one second to allow the service to start

            //Use the discoverymanager to find the activityservice and connect to it
            //using an activityclient. This should be used to connect to the
            //activity system from a different device.
            var disco = new DiscoveryManager();

            disco.DiscoveryAddressAdded += (sender, e) =>
                if (e.ServiceInfo.Code != "1234")

                var foundWebConfiguration = new WebConfiguration(e.ServiceInfo.Address);

                //Note that you don't have to use discovery but can connect directly
                //if you know the IP
                var activityClient = new ActivityClient(foundWebConfiguration.Address, foundWebConfiguration.Port, device);
                activityClient.ActivityAdded += activityClient_ActivityAdded;
                activityClient.UserAdded += activityClient_UserAdded;
                activityClient.DeviceAdded += activityClient_DeviceAdded;

                activityClient.FileResourceAdded += (o, i) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Resource {0} update received from activityclient over http", i.Resource.Id);

                    using (var stream = activityClient.GetFileResource(i.Resource))
                        var fileStream = File.Create(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Desert-"+DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()+".jpg", (int)stream.Length);
                        var bytesInStream = new byte[stream.Length];
                        stream.Read(bytesInStream, 0, bytesInStream.Length);
                        fileStream.Write(bytesInStream, 0, bytesInStream.Length);

                var act = new Activity();

                //    act,
                //    "IMG",
                //    Path.GetFileName(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Desert.jpg"), 
                //    new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Desert.jpg")));


            //To produce test data
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Press a + enter for new activity, press u + enter for new user");
                var input = Console.ReadLine();
                if(input == "a")
                    activitySystem.AddActivity(new Activity());
                if(input == "u")
                    activitySystem.AddUser(new User());


        static void Tracker_TagEnter(Infrastructure.Context.Location.Detector detector, Infrastructure.Context.Location.TagEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}:{1}:{2}, tag {3} entering Detector {4}",

        static void activityClient_DeviceAdded(object sender, DeviceEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Device {0} received from activityclient over http", e.Device.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Associated user is {0}",e.Device.Owner.Name);

        static void activityClient_UserAdded(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("User {0} received from activityclient over http", e.User.Name);

        static void activityClient_ActivityAdded(object sender, Infrastructure.ActivityEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Activity {0} received from activityclient over http", e.Activity.Name);

        static void activitySystem_UserAdded(object sender, UserEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("User {0} received directly from activitysystem", e.User.Name);

        static void activitySystem_DeviceAdded(object sender, DeviceEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Device {0} received directly from activitysystem", e.Device.Name);

        static void activitySystem_ActivityAdded(object sender, Infrastructure.ActivityEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Activity {0} received directly from activitysystem", e.Activity.Name);

#License The licence is included in all files:

(c) 2014 Steven Houben( and Søren Nielsen(

Pervasive Interaction Technology Laboratory (pIT lab) - IT University of Copenhagen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V3 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation. Check for details.


NooSphere: Activity-Based Computing Framework






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