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Onfido SDK Migration Guides

These guides below are provided to ease the transition of existing applications using the Onfido SDK from one version to another that introduces breaking API changes.

Onfido iOS SDK 10.3.0 Migration Guide

Onfido iOS SDK 10.2.0 Migration Guide


The following string keys have been added:

  • onfido_accessibility_camera_capture_shutter
  • onfido_accessibility_liveness_start_record
  • onfido_accessibility_liveness_end_record
  • onfido_accessibility_liveness_next_challenge

Onfido iOS SDK 10.1.0 Migration Guide

Onfido iOS SDK 10.0.0 Migration Guide


  • Xcode 10.0
  • Swift 3.4 or Swift 4.2

Strings removed:

  • onfido_privacy_policy_title
  • onfido_privacy_policy_position_doc
  • onfido_privacy_policy_avoid_light
  • onfido_privacy_policy_terms_extended
  • onfido_start

Onfido SDK 9.0.0 Migration Guide

Results objects

In version 9.0.0 we have brought some changes to the api response object (appended with Result).

  • ApplicantResult's id, href, firstName and lastName properties are no longer optional.
  • FaceResults's id, href and createdAt (renamed created_at) properties are no longer optional.
  • Results properties now camel-cased instead of snake-cased.
  • Results objects, except those preappended with ON, no longer inherit from NSObject.

Simulator support

Version 9.0.0 now supports running the SDK on the simulator for which the integrator has no longer to handle OnfidoFlowError.deviceHasNoCamera, which is the reason that it has been deleted.


With this release we have brought a breaking change only for customised languages integrators.

The following string keys has been removed:

  • onfido_message_check_readability_title
  • onfido_message_confirm_face_title

Onfido SDK 8.0.0 Migration Guide

Deployment target

Version 8.0.0 raises the minimum iOS version from 8.0 to 9.0. If you are still using version iOS 8.0 then you must now check if the running iOS version is at least 9.0 before invoking Onfido SDK. You can do it using the following:

if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
    // call onfido here
} else {
    // can't verify user

Alternatively you can use a guard:

guard #available(iOS 9.0, *) else {
    // can't verify user

Flow dismissal

With this release we have brought a breaking change for all integrations. The default behaviour now is upon completion of the flow (user cancels, error occurs or user goes through the whole flow), the flow will dismiss itself. You can still maintain previous behaviour and dismiss the flow at your convenience by setting dismissFlowOnCompletion argument to false on the method call with(responseHandler: _, shouldDismissFlowOnCompletion: _). For example:


OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config)
.with(responseHandler: { /* handle response */ }, dismissFlowOnCompletion: false)


ONFlow *onFlow = [[ONFlow alloc] initWithFlowConfiguration:config];
void (^responseHandler)(ONFlowResponse *response) = ^(ONFlowResponse *response) {
    // handle response
[onFlow withResponseHandler:responseHandler dismissFlowOnCompletion:false];


The following string keys have been removed:

  • onfido_document_selection_cancel

The following string keys have been added:

  • onfido_locale

Onfido SDK 7.2.0 Migration Guide

With this release we have brought a breaking change only for customised languages integrators.

The following string keys has been added:

  • "onfido_barcode_error_title"
  • "onfido_barcode_error_subtitle"
  • "onfido_barcode_error_third_title"
  • "onfido_error_dialog_title"
  • "onfido_error_connection_message"
  • "onfido_suggested_country"
  • "onfido_all_countries"
  • "onfido_country_selection_toolbar_title"
  • "onfido_unsupported_document_title"
  • "onfido_unsupported_document_description"
  • "onfido_select_another_document"
  • "onfido_close"

Onfido SDK 7.1.0 Migration Guide

With this release we have brought a breaking change only for customised languages integrators.

We have added the following string keys:

  • "onfido_document_selection_title"
  • "onfido_document_selection_subtitle"

We have removed the following string keys:

  • "onfido_document_selection_message"

Onfido SDK 7.0.0 Migration Guide

With this release we have brought a breaking change only for customised languages integrators.

Note: The string custom translation version scheme has changed, going forward if the strings translations change it will result in a MINOR version change, therefore you are responsible for testing your translated layout in case you are using custom translations.

We have added the following string keys:

  • "onfido_no_document"
  • "onfido_no_face"
  • "onfido_multiple_faces"
  • "onfido_message_validation_error_document"
  • "onfido_message_validation_error_face"

We have removed the following string keys:

  • "onfido_no_document_error_message"
  • "onfido_message_validation_error_no_face"

Please update your custom languages accordingly. Otherwise the language will fallback to English by default.

Onfido SDK 6.0.0 Migration Guide

This version is mainly an upgrade to the compiled SDK form. In order to use this version check out the requirements below.


  • Xcode 9.3
  • Swift 3.3 or Swift 4.1

Breaking API changes

There are no breaking api changes in terms of coding.

Onfido SDK 5.6.0 Migration Guide

With this release we have brought minor memory management improvements to the Objective-C integrator. You are no longer required to hold a strong reference to ONFlow instance during the flow execution.

Onfido SDK 5.5.0 Migration Guide

While this is a minor release there are memory management improvements which means it's no longer necessary to keep a strong reference to OnfidoFlow for the swift interface (objective C interface still needs it). This means you can create the object, use it and not have to keep it as a property.

Onfido SDK 5.1.0 Migration Guide

While this is a minor release and there are no breaking changes we have deprecated parts of the API.


We have deprecated OnfidoConfig.builder().withApplicant(applicant) in favour of OnfidoConfig.builder().withApplicantId(applicantId). We now recommend that you create an Onfido applicant yourself on your backend and pass the applicant ID to the SDK. Similarly the applicantResult object in the responseHandler is also deprecated. Both withApplicant and applicantResult will continue to work as before, but will be removed in the next major release of the SDK.

Onfido SDK 5.0.0 Migration Guide

This version is mainly an upgrade to the compiled SDK form. In order to use this version check out the requirements below.


  • Xcode 9.1
  • Swift 3.2.2 or Swift 4.0.2

Breaking API changes

There are no breaking api changes in terms of coding.

Onfido SDK 4.0.0 Migration Guide

This version has some major changes that include a full refactor of the API (breaking) with which you can integrate more easily and use our latest face video capture feature.


  • Xcode 9.0+
  • iOS 8+
  • Swift 3.2 or Swift 4

Benefits of upgrading

  • Easier to integrate with API
  • New face video capture feature

Breaking API Changes

The SDK now does not allow to be used as a capture only tool. Upload and validation of capture is now mandatory. The option to disable analytics has also been removed.

Configuring and Running SDK

We have been given feedback that API could be easier to integrate with. We have learnt from our customers how they use the SDK and applied that knowledge, together with the lessons learned, in order to provide better experience and cut down on the SDK integration time.

The code below compares a simple configuration of document and face capture with upload to the Onfido API.

Note: Capture only configurations are no longer supported

// Onfido iOS SDK 3

let applicant =
    firstName: "Theresa",
    lastName: "May"

let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(apiToken: "YOUR_MOBILE_TOKEN", allowAnalytics: false)
    .and(capture: [.document, .livePhoto])
    .and(create: [.applicant(applicant), .document(validate:true), .livePhoto])
    .and(handleResponseWith: { results in
      // Callback when flow ends

// Onfido iOS SDK 4.0.0

let applicant =
    firstName: "Theresa",
    lastName: "May"

Note: option to disable analytics no longer supported
let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo)

let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config)
    .with(responseHandler: { results in
        // Callback when flow ends

The document step capture with a pre-selected document type with country has also changed in the new API.

// Onfido iOS SDK 3

let applicant =
    firstName: "Theresa",
    lastName: "May"

let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(apiToken: "YOUR_MOBILE_TOKEN")
    .and(capture: [.documentWith(documentType: .drivingLicence, countryCode: "GBR"), .livePhoto]) // .documentWith(documentType: _, countryCode: _) as capture option for document type pre-selection
    .and(create: [.applicant(applicant), .document(validate:true), .livePhoto])
    .and(handleResponseWith: { results in
      // Callback when flow ends

// Onfido iOS SDK 4.0.0

let applicant =
    firstName: "Theresa",
    lastName: "May"

let config = try! OnfidoConfig.builder()
    .withDocumentStep(ofType: .drivingLicence, andCountryCode: "GBR") // document type step with pre-selection
    .withFaceStep(ofVariant: .photo)

let onfidoFlow = OnfidoFlow(withConfiguration: config)
    .with(responseHandler: { results in
        // Callback when flow ends

Success handling

We have changed the way document results are handled and removed the capture image by the user.

// Onfido iOS SDK 3

let document: Optional<OnfidoResult> = results.filter({ result in
  if case OnfidoResult.document = result { return true }
  return false

if let documentUnwrapped = document, case OnfidoResult.document(validationResult: let documentResponse, data: let documentData) = documentUnwrapped {
  let image = UIImage(data: documentData)

// Onfido iOS SDK 4.0.0

let document: Optional<OnfidoResult> = results.filter({ result in
  if case OnfidoResult.document = result { return true }
  return false

if let documentUnwrapped = document, case OnfidoResult.document(let documentResponse) = documentUnwrapped {
  // you can now find the image capture by accessing the following field:
  let imageUrl = documentResponse.href

We have changed livePhoto similarly to document (no capture returned), but additionally OnfidoResult.livePhoto has been renamed to OnfidoResult.face. The renamed enum value now takes a payload of FaceResult instead of LivePhotoResult, which also includes the result from video upload in the case where the face step specifies .video variant whilst configuring the SDK (pre-run).

// Onfido iOS SDK 3

let livePhoto: Optional<LivePhotoResult> = results.filter({ result in
  if case OnfidoResult.livePhoto = result { return true }
  return false

if let livePhotoUnwrapped = livePhoto, case OnfidoResult.livePhoto(validationResult: let documentResponse, data: let livePhotoData) = documentUnwrapped {
  let image = UIImage(data: livePhotoData)
// Onfido iOS SDK 4.0.0

let faceResult: Optional<FaceResult> = results.filter({ result in
  if case OnfidoResult.face = result { return true }
  return false

if let faceUnwrapped = face, case OnfidoResult.face(let documentResponse, data: let faceResult) = faceUnwrapped {
  let imageUrl = livePhoto.href


You will be required to have the NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription keys in your application's Info.plist file:

<string>Required for document and facial capture</string>
<string>Required for video capture</string>

Note: Both keys will be required for app submission.

Error handling

We have simplified errors that are returned by our API and denested them. We have gone away from domain based errors to higher level errors i.e.: OnfidoFlowError.document(DocumentError.upload(OnfidoApiError)) and OnfidoFlowError.applicant(ApplicantError.upload(OnfidoApiError)) have now been merged and simplified into OnfidoFlowError.upload(OnfidoApiError).

Onfido SDK 3.0.0 Migration Guide

This version is mainly an upgrade to the compiled SDK form. In order to use this version check out the requirements below.


  • Xcode 9
  • Swift 3.2 or Swift 4

Breaking API changes

There are no breaking api changes in terms of coding.

New Features

Added new document type support

The user can now select Resident Permit Card in the document type selection action sheet.

Furthermore DocumentType.residencePermit can now be added as the first parameter of CaptureOption.documentWith(documentType: _, countryCode: _). This will no longer prompt the user to select the document type that they wish to submit but rather will be expected to upload a Resident Permit Card.

Improved UI

The SDK is now continuously evaluating if document on live camera stream has glare and notifies the user with text on bubble when detected.