base on the requirement, the object structure are as below :
Departments( DeptID, DeptName, Location )
Courses( CourseID, Title, Level )
Offer( DeptID, CourseID, Year, ClassSize, AvailablePlaces )
Students( StudentID, StuName, DOB )
Enrolled( StudentID, Year, CourseID, EnrolDate );
Consider the requirement and the relation of data structure.
It show Offer
have direct relationship to Department
and Course
, by the DeptID
and CourseID
. However, there are no direct relation bewteen Department
and Course
While the Student
model have direct bonding with Enrolled
, by the StudentID
, while it also linked to Year
, CourseID
that having similar variables to Courses
and Offer
Therefore, the model relationship can draft as below:
Department Object
// Department
Department = {
_id : String<object_id>,
DeptID: String,
DeptName: String,
Location: String,
// Course Obj
Courses: [{
_id : String<object_id>,
CourseID: String,
Title: String,
Level: Number,
// Offer Obj
Offers: [{
_id : String<object_id>,
Year: Number,
ClassSize: Number,
AvailablePlaces: Number
Student Object
// Student Object
Student = {
_id : String<object_id>,
StudentID: String,
StudentName: String,
DOB: Date,
// Enrolled Obj
Enrolled: [{
_id : String<object_id>,
CourseID : String,
Year : String,
EnrollDate: Date
Department Object
// Department
Department = {
_id : String<object_id>,
DeptID: String,
DeptName: String,
Location: String,
// Course Obj
_id : String<object_id>,
DepartmentId : String<department.obj_id>,
CourseID: String,
Title: String,
Level: Number,
Offers:[ String<offer.obj_id>]
Offers = {
_id : String<object_id>,
Year: Number,
ClassSize: Number,
Enrolled : [{
EnrollDate : Date,
StudentID : String<student.obj_id>,
Student Object
Student = {
_id : String<object_id>,
StudentID: String,
StudentName: String,
DOB: Date,
Draft 1 is based on the Department-Course-Offer and Student-Enrolled these relationship, to build the emmbedded document
while Draft 2 is based on the Department, Course-Offer, Offer-Enrolled , Student as the reference collection
Although Draft 1's Data is partrialy replicated, but consider the future use-case in Web Application and mobile application, keeping in same document may less