Custom item fields are fields that you can add to your item records to gather information specific to your business needs.
These records include the following Accounting and website item records:
- inventory item
- noninventory items
- service items
- expense items
- other charges
- item groups
- kit/packages
- assembly/bill of materials
Name | ID | Type | List | Used For | Help Description | Inventory Item | Kit/Package Item | Assembly/BOM Item | Notes |
Brand | custitem_sp_brand | List/Record | Brand | The product's Brand/Vendor, this field is used for Shopify and other Marketplaces. | The prdouct's Brand/Vendor | F | F | T | N/A |
Apparel Re-Order | custitem_sp_apparel_size_re_order | Integer | N/A | N/A | N/A | T | F | F | N/A |
Assembled In House | custitem_sp_assembled_in_house | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track assemblies that are assembled in our warehouse. | Check this box if this item requires a Work Order. | F | F | T | N/A |
Filled in House | custitem_sp_filled_in_house | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track assemblies that are filled in our warehouse. | Check this box if this item requires a Work Order. | F | F | T | N/A |
Labeled in House | custitem_sp_labeled_in_house | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track assemblies that are labeled in our warehouse. | Check this box if this item requires a Work Order. | F | F | T | N/A |
Discontinue | custitem_sp_discontinue | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track items that will soon be discontinued. | Check this box if this item will be discontinued. | T | T | T | N/A |
Do Not Re-Order | custitem_sp_do_not_reorder | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track items that will not be re-ordered. | Check this box if this item will not be re-ordered. | T | T | T | N/A |
Not For Retail | custitem_sp_not_for_retail | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track items that re not for retail sale. | Check this box if this item is not for retail sale. | T | T | T | N/A |
Not Sold In Store | custitem_sp_not_sold_in_retail_store | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track items that are not for sale at our retail store. | Check this box if this item is not for sale at our retail store. | T | T | T | N/A |
Exclude From Discounts | custitem_sp_exclude_discounts | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to exclude items from native NetSuite promotions. | Check this box if this item should be excluded from NetSuite promotions. This does not exclude it from sales/promotions in other marketplaces. | T | T | T | N/A |
Track Buildable | custitem_sp_track_buildable | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to target buildable items. | Check this box if this item is buildable. | F | F | T | N/A |
Shopify Retail | custitem_sp_shopify_retail | checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track if the product is on Shopify POS. | Check this box if this item is available on Shopify Retail POS. | T | T | T | This field should be deprecated, and set to inactive. |
Shopify Wholesale | custitem_sp_shopify_wholesale | checkbox | N/A | This field is used to track if the product is on Shopify POS. | Check this box if this item is available on Shopify Wholesale POS. | T | T | T | This field should be deprecated, and set to inactive. |
Assembly Item Quantity Buildable - All | custitem_sp_assm_item_bld_all | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to display the currently buildable quantity across all locations. | Autogenerated value. The amount that is currently buildable across all locations. | F | F | T | N/A |
Assembly Item Quantity Buildable | custitem_sp_assm_itm_bld | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to display the currently buildable quantity at the Main Warehouse location. | Autogenerated value. The amount that is currently buildable at the Main Warehouse location. | F | F | T | N/A |
Assembly Item Quantity Buildable - Townsend | custitem_sp_assm_itm_bld_tw | Checkbox | N/A | This field is used to display the currently buildable quantity at the Townsend location. | Autogenerated value. The amount that is currently buildable at the Townsend location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Brush | custitem_sp_brush | Multiple Select | Brush | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | T | T | N/A |
Color | custitem_sp_color | Multiple Select | Color | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | T | T | N/A |
Eyelash | custitem_sp_eyelash | Multiple Select | Eyelash | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | T | T | N/A |
Fragrance | custitem_sp_fragrance | Multiple Select | Fragrance | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | T | T | N/A |
Gift Cards | custitem_sp_gift_cards | Multiple Select | Gift Cards | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | F | F | N/A |
Size | custitem_sp_size | Multiple Select | Size | This field is used for creating matrix items. | Used for creating matrix items. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Height | custitem_sp_item_height | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to track the item's height. | The item's height. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Length | custitem_sp_item_length | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to track the item's length. | The item's length. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Width | custitem_sp_item_width | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to track the item's width. | The item's Width. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity Available | custitem_sp_item_qty_available | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display available quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity available at the Main Warehouse location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity Available - Retail Store | custitem_sp_item_qty_available_store | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display available quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity available at the Retail Store location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity Available - TW | custitem_sp_item_qty_available_tw | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display available quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity available at the Townsend location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity On Back Order | custitem_sp_item_qty_back_order | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display back ordered quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity On Back Order at the Main Warehouse location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity Committed | custitem_sp_item_qty_committed | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display committed quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity committed at the Main Warehouse location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity On Hand | custitem_sp_item_qty_on_hand | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display on hand quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity On Hand at the Main Warehouse location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity On Hand - Retail Store | custitem_sp_item_qty_on_hand_store | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display on hand quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity On Hand at the Retail Store location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item Quantity On Hand - TW | custitem_sp_item_qty_on_hand_tw | Decimal Number | N/A | This field is used to display on hand quantities on the item record without having to view inventory detail. | Quantity On Back Order at the Townsend location. | T | T | T | N/A |
Kit Item Quantity Available | custitem_sp_kit_item_qty_avail_mw | Decimal Number | N/A | What is this used for? | Kit Item Quantity available at the Main Warehouse location. | F | T | F | Don't know if we are even using this??? |
MW Assembly Notification Date Added | custitem_sp_mw_assm_notif_date_added | Date/Time | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. If value is present it will be skipped. | This field's value is autogenerated. It is used to track when a notification was triggered. | F | F | T | N/A |
MW Assembly Notification Minimum | custitem_sp_mw_assm_notif_min | Integer | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. The value is used to determine if a notification should be sent. If value is empty this item will be skipped. | This field is used to trigger a notification when current available inventory is below this value. | F | F | T | N/A |
Townsend Assembly Notification Date Added | custitem_sp_twn_assm_notif_date_added | Date/Time | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. If value is present it will be skipped. | This field's value is autogenerated. It is used to track when a notification was triggered. | F | F | T | N/A |
Townsend Assembly Notification Minimum | custitem_sp_twn_assm_notif_min | Integer | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. The value is used to determine if a notification should be sent. If value is empty this item will be skipped. | This field is used to trigger a notification when current available inventory is below this value. | F | F | T | N/A |
OOS Notification Date - MW | custitem_sp_oos_notification_date_mw | Date/Time | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. If value is present it will be skipped. | This field's value is autogenerated. It is used to track when a notification was triggered. | T | T | T | N/A |
Safety Stock Level Notification - Main Warehouse | custitem_sp_safety_stock_level_mw_date | Date | N/A | This field is used to trigger a notification. If value is present it will be skipped. | This field's value is autogenerated. It is used to track when a notification was triggered. | T | T | T | N/A |
Safety Stock Level Notification - Townsend | custitem_sp_safety_stock_level_tw_date | Date | N/A | N/A | This field's value is autogenerated. It is used to track when a notification was triggered. | T | T | T | N/A |
HS Code | custitem_sp_hs_code | Free-Form_text | N/A | This field is used to display the item's HS Code. | HS Code | T | T | T | This field can be deprecated in favor of the native NetSuite field. |
Reporting Group | custitem_sp_item_reporting_group | Multiple Select | Item Reporting Group | This field is used to attach an item to a Reporting Group. | To associate the current item with a Reporting Group. | T | T | T | N/A |
Item SKU | custitem_sp_item_sku | Free-Form-Text | N/A | This field is used to display the items SKU. This is needed since NetSuite generates the SKU as parent_sku:child_sku for matrix items. | Autogenerated value. The item's SKU. | T | T | T | N/A |
NBC/Universal Assets | custitem_sp_nbc_universal_assets | List/Record | NBC/Universal Assets | This field is used to target NBC/Universal Assets. | If the item is an NBC/Universal asset select the asset. | T | T | T | N/A |
Production Line | custitem_sp_production_line | List/Record | Production Line Names | This field is used on Assembly/BOM items to track production lines. | This field is used on Assembly/BOM items to track production lines. | F | F | T | N/A |