This is a Multi Client Chat Platform (Group Chat) with GUI made using Java
Run in a new terminal 1; Run in a new terminal 2 (client 1); Run again in a new terminal 3 (client 2); Can have as many clients as possible (minimum 2 clients);
Enter username for each client, a GUI window should open when done.
Notes for understanding:
- A thread is a sequence of instructions within a program that can be executed independently of other code.
- Threads share a memory space.
- When you launch an executable, it runs in a thread within a process.
- A computer program becomes a process when it is loaded from some store in the computer’s memory and begins execution
- A process can be executed by a single processor or a set of processors
- A processor description in memory contains information such as the program counter (which instruction is currently being executed), registers, variable stores, file handlers and signals, et-cetera.
To learn about Thread class and runnable interface:
- Running 2 or more programs in non overlapping time phases
- At any given time, only one process undergoes execution
Parallel Execution (multi-core):
- tasks performed by a process are broken down into sub tasks and multiple CPUs execute each sub task at the same time
- At any given time multiple(all) processes are executed
- Found in systems having multicore processors
Stack Trace:
- The stack trace, also called as the backtrace, consists of a collection of stack records, which stores an application movement during execution