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EditURL = "workshops/ACNS_2024/Examples/05_SUN_tutorial_BFSO_with_answers.jl"

0. Introduction to the SU(N) formalism with Ba₂FeSi₂O₇

Traditional classical and semiclassical approaches to spin systems start by placing an SU(2) coherent state on each site. An SU(2) coherent state may simply be thought of as a dipole, or as a state of a 2-level quantum system, that is, as a linear combination of combination of $\vert\uparrow\rangle$ and $\vert\downarrow\rangle$ states.

The idea behind the SU(N) generalization of this approach is to instead put an SU(N) coherent state on each site. This is equivalent to having a state from an N-level system on each site, for example, some linear combination of $\vert\frac{N-1}{2}\rangle$, $\vert\frac{N-2}{2}\rangle$, $\ldots$, $\vert\frac{-(N-1)}{2}\rangle$. The expectation of any relevant operator (including the dipole operators) can always be evaluated by taking an expectation value in this coherent state, as we will demonstrate concretely below.

The chief advantage of this approach is that enables a richer description of the local physics. In particular, non-magnetic states can be represented directly and the physics of single-ion anisotropies can be modeled more faithfully. A useful showcase for this formalism the the square lattice antiferromagnet Ba₂FeSi₂O₇. This is is a quasi-2D system with effective $S=2$ and strong easy-plane anisotropy. BFSO (as we will refer to it) has been studied using the SU(N) formalism in a number of recent studies, in particular the following:

1. Anisotropies and large spins

Before specifying the complete Hamiltonian, we'll consider a cartoon picture of the single-ion physics. The Hamiltonian for a single $S=2$ spin with single ion anisotropy is simply $\mathcal{H}_{\mathrm{SI}} = D(\hat{S}^z)^2$, where $\hat{S}^z$ is in the $S=2$ representation. We can use Sunny to represent this as a matrix.

# Import relevant libraries
using Sunny, GLMakie, LinearAlgebra, FFTW, Statistics

S = spin_matrices(2)  # Returns a vector of Sx, Sy, Sz
Sx, Sy, Sz = S        # Julia's "unpacking" syntax
# EXERCISE: Write the single-ion anisotropy (with D=1) and call it H_SI
# EXERCISE: How would you add a Zeeman term?

H_SI = Sz^2  # + h*μB*g*Sz

The result is a diagonal matrix. Ordering of the basis elements is simply $\vert 2\rangle$, $\vert 1\rangle$, $\vert 0\rangle$, $\vert -1\rangle$, and $\vert -2\rangle$. Clearly the ground state is the $\vert 0 \rangle$, which is a non-magnetic state as we can quickly verify. First we'll write a complex vector to represent the ground state:

Z = [0., 0, 1 + 0im, 0, 0]

We can now use this to evaluate the expectation values of the dipole operators.

expectation(op, Z) = real(Z' * op * Z)
sx = expectation(Sx, Z)
sy = expectation(Sy, Z)
sz = expectation(Sz, Z)

This is obviously a non-magnetic state that cannot be represented as a classical dipole of fixed length $S$. The SU(N) formalism provides a way for modeling states like these and calculating their dynamics. To see this in action, we'll make a spin system with only this single-ion anisotropy and no other interactions. We'll start by constructing a primitive tetragonal lattice.

latvecs = lattice_vectors(1, 1, 1.2, 90, 90, 90)
positions = [[0, 0, 0]]
crystal = Crystal(latvecs, positions)

Next we'll create a spin system. This is just as in previous examples, only we will now set the mode to :SUN.

dims = (6, 6, 2)
sys = System(crystal, dims, [SpinInfo(1; S=2, g=2)], :SUN; seed=1)
set_onsite_coupling!(sys, Sz^2, 1) # Set the anisotropy term


Notice that the dipoles are very short -- but we expect them to be zero. This is because the tolerances of the minimize_energy! function were too loose. The tolerance can be made tighter by setting the keyword g_tol to a very small value, say, 1e-16.

minimize_energy!(sys; g_tol=1e-16)

Notice now that no dipoles are visible. We can check this more carefully by examining the state of the spin system. Let's look at the first spin:


We see that this is close enough to zero for all intents and purposes. We can also check the coherent state itself to see if it is equal to Z=(0, 0, 1, 0, 0) up to overall phase. In SU(N) mode, this information is contained in the System field coherents:


# EXERCISE: Construct a primitive _cubic_ lattice and assign the same anisotropy.
# EXERCISE: See what happens when you perform the same procedure in `:dipole` mode.
# EXERCISE: See what happens when you change the sign of `D`.

The anisotropy of BFSO is more complicated than the above, but it has a predominantly easy-plane character -- though, from the exercise above, you may realize it would be more appropriate to call this a "hard-axis" anisotropy. If a Zeeman term is added to a hard-axis anisotropy, it induces a number of level crossings as the field is increased. When exchange interactions are added on top of this, we will find that the ground state evolves with field as a mixture of the $\left\vert 0\right\rangle$ and $\left\vert 1\right\rangle$ states, into a mixture of the $\left\vert 0\right\rangle$ and $\left\vert 2\right\rangle$ states, until finally polarizing completely in the $\left\vert 2\right\rangle$ state.

2. BFSO Hamiltonian specification

We next turn to specification of the model Hamiltonian for BFSO. We'll start by defining a lattice for our magnetic Fe ions. This is a tetragonal lattice as above, but now well use real units. In particular, we'll have a = b = 8.3194 Å and c= 5.336 Å.

# EXERCISE: Specify this crystal
a = 8.3194
c = 5.336
latvecs = lattice_vectors(a, a, c, 90, 90, 90)
positions = [[0, 0, 0]]
spacegroup = 113    # Want to use the space group for original lattice, of which the Fe ions form a subcrystal
crystal = Crystal(latvecs, positions, spacegroup; types=["Fe"])

We use this Crystal to specify a System.

dims = (6, 6, 2)
sys = System(crystal, dims, [SpinInfo(1; S=2, g=1.93)], :SUN)

The anisotropy is predominantly hard-axis, as we studied above, but includes a number of other terms that induce an in-plane XY-ordering as well.

$$\mathcal{H} = D\left(\hat{S}^z\right)^2 + A\left(\left(\hat{S}^x\right)^4 + \left(\hat{S}^y\right)\right) + C\left(\hat{S}^z\right)^4$$

Here $A=1.16 K$, $C=-1.74 K$ and $D=28.65 K$. By default, Sunny using $meV$ and $T$ for units. These values can be converted to $meV$ with the constant meV_per_K

# EXERCISE: Express the single ion anisotropy as a matrix and assign it to the `sys`.
A = 1.16 * meV_per_K
C = -1.74 * meV_per_K
D = 28.65 * meV_per_K

Sx, Sy, Sz = spin_matrices(2)
H_SI = D*(Sz)^2 + A*((Sx)^4 + (Sy)^4) + C*(Sz)^4
set_onsite_coupling!(sys, H_SI, 1)

The single-ion Hamiltonian was described as a polynomial in spin operators. Often times one has access to a description of the crystal-field Hamiltoniann in terms of Stevens operators. Sunny also provides a function for generating this matrices, very similar to spin_matrices. It returns a 2-dimensional array, where the first index corresponds to $k$ (irrep label) and the second to $q$ (row label):

O = stevens_matrices(2)

Note that the indexing for $q$ ranges from $-k$ to $k$. We will not use these further, but this is a useful resource.

We next turn to defining the exchange interactions. We will define three antiferromagnetic Heisenberg couplings: nearest-neighbor in-plane, next-nearest neighbor in-plane, and nearest out-of-plane.

# EXERCISE: Use `view_crystal` to identify bonds representative of the exchange
# interactions just mentioned.

bond1 = Bond(1, 2, [0, 0, 0])
bond2 = Bond(1, 1, [1, 0, 0])
bond3 = Bond(1, 1, [0, 0, 1])

J = 1.028 * meV_per_K
J′ = 0.1J
set_exchange!(sys, J, bond1)
set_exchange!(sys, J′, bond2)
set_exchange!(sys, J′, bond3)

We have now completely specified our Hamiltonian. Let's examine the zero-field ground state.


We clearly see an a staggered XY-ordering in the plane.

# EXERCISE: Examine the `dipoles` and `coherents` fields.
# EXERCISE: using `set_external_field!` to see how the ground state develops with applied field.
# EXERCISE: Write a function that takes dimensions and returns a `System` for BFSO.

function BFSO(dims; mode=:SUN, seed=1)
    a = 8.3194
    c = 5.336
    latvecs = lattice_vectors(a, a, c, 90, 90, 90)
    positions = [[0, 0, 0]]
    spacegroup = 113    # Want to use the space group for original lattice, of which the Fe ions form a subcrystal
    crystal = Crystal(latvecs, positions, spacegroup; types=["Fe"])

    sys = System(crystal, dims, [SpinInfo(1; S=2, g=1.93)], mode; seed)

    A = 1.16 * meV_per_K
    C = -1.74 * meV_per_K
    D = 28.65 * meV_per_K

    Sx, Sy, Sz = spin_matrices(2)
    H_SI = D*(Sz)^2 + A*((Sx)^4 + (Sy)^4) + C*(Sz)^4
    set_onsite_coupling!(sys, H_SI, 1)

    bond1 = Bond(1, 2, [0, 0, 0])
    bond2 = Bond(1, 1, [1, 0, 0])
    bond3 = Bond(1, 1, [0, 0, 1])

    J = 1.028 * meV_per_K
    J′ = 0.1J
    set_exchange!(sys, J, bond1)
    set_exchange!(sys, J′, bond2)
    set_exchange!(sys, J′, bond3)

    return sys

3. M vs. H

Let's now proceed to generate a figure of $M$ vs $H$ for a range of field values. First we'll define a function to calculate the magnetization per site.

function magnetization(sys)
    nsites = prod(size(sys.dipoles))
    M_avg = sum(magnetic_moment(sys, site) for site in eachsite(sys)) / nsites / sys.units.μB
    return norm(M_avg)


We'll also define a function to calculate the relevant order parameter, which in this case is staggered magnetization in the plane.

function order_parameter(sys)
    xy = [√2/2, √2/2, 0]  # Unit vector in the (1, 1, 0) direction
    M_xy = 0.0
    for site in eachsite(sys)
        sublattice = (-1)^(site.I[4]) * (-1)^(site.I[3])
        M_xy = sublattice * (magnetic_moment(sys, site) ⋅ xy) / sys.units.μB
    return abs(M_xy)


Then we'll simply generate a list of applied field values and iteratively apply those fields, reoptimizing the spin configuration each time.

Hs = range(0.0, 55.0, 50)
Ms = Float64[]
OPs = Float64[]
for H in Hs
    set_external_field!(sys, (0, 0, H))
    push!(Ms, magnetization(sys))
    push!(OPs, order_parameter(sys))

fig = Figure(size=(1200,400))
scatter(fig[1,1], Hs, Ms; axis=(xlabel="H", ylabel="M"))
scatter(fig[1,2], Hs, OPs; axis=(xlabel="H", ylabel="Staggered XY Magnetization"))

4. Temperature-dependent bulk characteristics

We'll next consider some bulk measurements that depend on temperature. There is essentially no change in behavior relative to :dipole mode. The same basic functions, e.g. Langevin, suggest_timestep, step!, work without modification. However, in the background Sunny will be using SU(N) coherent states and the Langevin dynamics will be performed using the SU(N) generalization of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations.

We'll first collect information at a range of temperatures: energy, the order parameter, and magnetization along the z-axis. After this initial round of data collection, we'll apply a small field in the z-direction. We'll then be able to make simple estimates of the heat capacity and susceptibility.

Before setting up the main iteration, we'll give some idea of the sorts of test you should perform to determine things like step size, thermalization time, decorrelation time, and related matters.

Let's start by considering step size and thermalization time

sys = BFSO((6, 6, 2))

integrator = Langevin(; kT=0.1*meV_per_K, damping=0.1)
suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-2)
integrator.kT = 1.0*meV_per_K
suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-2)
integrator.kT = 10.0*meV_per_K
suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-2)

integrator.dt = dt = 0.04
integrator.kT = kT = 0.1 * meV_per_K

dur = 25.0
nsteps = round(Int, dur/dt)
OPs = zeros(nsteps)
Es = zeros(nsteps)
for i in 1:nsteps
    step!(sys, integrator)
    OPs[i] = order_parameter(sys)
    Es[i] = energy(sys)

ts = collect(0:nsteps-1) .* dt
fig = Figure(size=(1200,400))
lines(fig[1,1], ts, Es; axis=(ylabel="E", xlabel = "Time (meV⁻¹)"))
lines(fig[2,1], ts, OPs; axis=(ylabel="Staggered Magnetization", xlabel="Time (meV⁻¹)"))

By informal inspection, we can see that the system has thermalized pretty well after a duration of 10 meV⁻¹ at low temperature, so this will certainly be enough for higher temperatures as well. This corresponds to 250 steps. The decorrelation time -- the time needed to run the Langevin dynamics between collecting samples -- can be estimated by looking at a time series after thermalization

dur = 50.0
nsteps = round(Int, dur/dt)
signal = zeros(nsteps)
for i in 1:nsteps
    step!(sys, integrator)
    signal[i] = energy(sys)

ts = collect(0:nsteps-1) .* dt
lines(ts, signal)

We'll next write a quick function to calculate the autocorrelation of this signal. We can use this information to estimate the decorrelation time of the signal.

function ac(sig)
    ts_ft = fft(sig)                  # Calculate the Fourier transform of the signal
    ts_power = conj.(ts_ft) .* ts_ft  # Calculate the power spectrum
    return real.(ifft(ts_power))      # Inverse Fourier transform the power spectrum

lines(ac(signal) ./ nsteps^2)

# EXERCISE: Redo the above using the order parameter instead.

To do this analysis properly, this process should be repeated for many different time-series and averaged. Moreover, the analysis should be performed for each temperature of interest. For the sake of expediency, we'll simply select a decorrelation interval of 125 steps, which looks to be a typical peak "width" at low temperatures, and use it for the remainder of the study.

We'll next select a range of temperatures and collect samples of different properties at each temperature, specifically energy, the order parameter, and magnetization along the z-axis.

sys = BFSO((10, 10, 2); )

# Select a temperature range
nkTs = 25
kTs = 10 .^ collect(range(log10(0.1), log10(2.5), nkTs))  # In Kelvin
kTs *= meV_per_K         # Convert to meV

# Reset the system in the zero-field ground state
set_external_field!(sys, (0, 0, 0))

# Collect statistics
nsamples = 100

Es_μ = zeros(nkTs)
Es_σ = zeros(nkTs)
OPs_μ = zeros(nkTs)

@time for (i, kT) in enumerate(kTs)
    integrator.kT = kT

    # Thermalize the system at the new temperature
    for _ in 1:250
        step!(sys, integrator)

    Es = zeros(nsamples)
    OPs = zeros(nsamples)
    Ms = zeros(nsamples)

    # Collect samples
    @time for n in 1:nsamples

        # Decorrelate the system
        for _ in 1:125
            step!(sys, integrator)

        # Collect samples
        Es[n] = energy_per_site(sys)
        OPs[n] = order_parameter(sys)

    Es_μ[i] = mean(Es)
    Es_σ[i] = std(Es)
    OPs_μ[i] = mean(OPs)

# Estimate heat capacity with finite differences
ΔE = Es_μ[2:end] - Es_μ[1:end-1]
ΔT = kTs[2:end] - kTs[1:end-1]
kTs_mid = (kTs[1:end-1] + kTs[2:end]) / 2

# Plot the results
fig = Figure()
scatter(fig[1,1], kTs / meV_per_K, Es_μ; axis=(xscale=log10, ylabel="Energy (meV)", xlabel="T (K)"))
# scatter(fig[1,2], kTs_mid / meV_per_K, ΔE ./ ΔT; axis=(xscale=log10, ylabel="dE/dT", xlabel="T (K)"))
# scatter(fig[1,3], kTs / meV_per_K, OPs_μ; axis=(xscale=log10, ylabel="OP", xlabel="T (K)"))
# EXERCISE: Collect statistics for a long time, uncomment the above, and examine the results.

5. Spin waves

A conceptually useful way to think of linear spin wave theory is as the quantization of classical dynamics linearized about the ground state. An important point is that for an S=1/2 spin, it is not possible to have longitudinal oscillations classically -- the classical magnitude has a fixed value of S. Similarly, at the linear level, there are no longitudinal oscillations in a traditional SWT calculation -- one has to incorporate 1/S corrections to recover such behavior. In the SU(N) generalization, the "spin" has additional degrees of freedom, corresponding to, for example, higher-order moments like quadrupoles and octupoles. As a consequence, it does the dipole does not have a fixed magnitude. We can illustrate this aspect of the SU(N) classical dynamics with a simple animation.

set_external_field!(sys, (0, 0, 0))

We'll next extend the length of the local dipoles by applying a sublattice-dependent local field.

xy = [√2/2, √2/2, 0]  # Unit vector in the (1, 1, 0) direction
for site in eachsite(sys)
    sublattice = (-1)^(site.I[4]) * (-1)^(site.I[3])
    M_xy = set_external_field_at!(sys, 50*sublattice * xy, site)


We'll remove the magnetic fields and then run a classical trajectory using the generalized Landau-Lifshitz equations. This will allow us to see the longitudinal oscillations.

set_external_field!(sys, (0, 0, 0))
integrator = ImplicitMidpoint(dt)
suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-2)
integrator.dt = 0.01

fig = plot_spins(sys; colorfn=i->norm(sys.dipoles[i][3]))

for _ in 1:500
    for _ in 1:5
        step!(sys, integrator)

This is an important observation: when we go to the SU(N) formalism, longitudinal oscillations become something possible at a classical level as a consequence of the local physics rather than true many-body quantum effects. When we quantize the result below using the SU(N) approach (a kind of multiflavor boson theory), we will be able to capture this longitudinal oscillation at the linear level, that is, without loop expansions.

We now move onto our spin wave calculation by making a new BFSO system representing a single magnetic unit cell. We'll do this both using SU(N) mode, as well as dipole mode. We'll start with a small system to make optimization easy.

sys_sun = BFSO((2, 2, 2); mode=:SUN)
sys_dip = BFSO((2, 2, 2); mode=:dipole)


We'll set the ground state for the :dipole system to the corresponding degenerate ground state so our paths through reciprocal space correspond as well.

for site in eachsite(sys_dip)
    set_dipole!(sys_dip, sys_sun.dipoles[site], site)

Now we'll reduce to a single magnetic unit cell.

suggest_magnetic_supercell([[0, 0, 1/2]])
sys_dip = reshape_supercell(sys_dip, [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 2])
sys_sun = reshape_supercell(sys_sun, [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 2])

Finally, we'll create SpinWaveTheorys for both systems.

swt_dip = SpinWaveTheory(sys_dip)
swt_sun = SpinWaveTheory(sys_sun)

We're now in a position to extract dispersions and intensities. First define a path in reciprocal space that we wish to examine.

points_rlu = [[0, 0, 1/2], [1, 0, 1/2], [2, 0, 1/2], [3, 0, 1/2]]
density = 300
path, xticks = reciprocal_space_path(sys.crystal, points_rlu, density);

# EXERCISE: After completing this section, repeat the same steps using a different path
# through reciprocal space:
# points_rlu_alt = [[0, 0, 1/2], [1/2, 1/2, 1/2],[1, 1, 1/2],[3/2, 3/2, 1/2]]

Next specify how we would like Sunny to calculate the intensities, and then calculate both the dispersion curves as well as intensities with artificial broadening.

formula_disp_dip = intensity_formula(swt_dip, :perp; kernel=delta_function_kernel)
formula_disp_sun = intensity_formula(swt_sun, :perp; kernel=delta_function_kernel)

disp_dip, is_disp_dip = intensities_bands(swt_dip, path, formula_disp_dip)
disp_sun, is_disp_sun = intensities_bands(swt_sun, path, formula_disp_sun)

fwhm = 0.1
formula_dip = intensity_formula(swt_dip, :perp; kernel=Sunny.gaussian(; fwhm))
formula_sun = intensity_formula(swt_sun, :perp; kernel=Sunny.gaussian(; fwhm))

energies = range(0, 3.5, 400)
is_dip = intensities_broadened(swt_dip, path, energies, formula_dip)
is_sun = intensities_broadened(swt_sun, path, energies, formula_sun)

fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
ax2 = Axis(fig[2,1]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
ax3 = Axis(fig[1,2]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
ax4 = Axis(fig[2,2]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
ylims!(ax1, 0, 3.5)
ylims!(ax2, 0, 3.5)
for i in axes(disp_dip, 2)
    lines!(ax1, 1:length(disp_dip[:,i]), disp_dip[:,i]; color=is_disp_dip[:,i], colorrange=(0,1e-5))
for i in axes(disp_sun, 2)
    lines!(ax2, 1:length(disp_sun[:,i]), disp_sun[:,i]; color=is_disp_sun[:,i], colorrange=(0,1e-5))
heatmap!(ax3, 1:size(is_dip, 1), energies, is_dip; colorrange=(0.0, 10))
heatmap!(ax4, 1:size(is_sun, 1), energies, is_sun; colorrange=(0.0, 10))

6. S(q,ω) with classical dynamics

We noted above that the longitudinal mode should actually decay, an effect that can only be captured when going beyond linear SWT by adding 1-loop corrections. While this is a planned future for Sunny, we note for now that some of these effects can be capture in finite-temperature simulations using the classical dynamics. Intuitively, this is possible because the classical dynamics is never linearized, unlike LSWT, so "magnon-magnon" interactions are included up to arbitrary order.

In this next section, we'll calculate 𝒮(q,ω) using the generalized classical dynamics, examining the exact same path through reciprocal space, only this time we'll perform the simulation at T > 0. To start with, we'll make another BFSO system. This time, however, we'll need a large unit cell, rather than a single unit cell.

sys = repeat_periodically(sys_sun, (10, 10, 1))

Next we'll make a Langevin integrator to thermalize and decorrelate the system.

kT = 0.1 * meV_per_K
integrator = Langevin(; kT, damping=0.1)
suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-2)
integrator.dt = dt = 0.04

Now we'll create a SampledCorrelations objects to collect information about trajectory correlations.

nω = 200
ωmax = 3.5
dt = 0.04
sc = dynamical_correlations(sys; nω, ωmax, dt)

nsamples = 10
for _ in 1:nsamples

Thermalize the system

    for _ in 1:500
        step!(sys, integrator)

Add a trajectory

    @time add_sample!(sc, sys)

The procedure for extracting intensities is broadly similar to the LSWT case. First we have to specify a "formula" telling Sunny how the intensities should be calculated.

formula = intensity_formula(sc, :perp; kT)

We can then reuse the same path we specified above and compare to the LSWT result.

is = intensities_interpolated(sc, path, formula)

fig = Figure()
ax1 = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
ax2 = Axis(fig[1,2]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6)
heatmap!(ax1, 1:size(is, 1), available_energies(sc), is; colorrange=(0.0, maximum(is)/3000))
heatmap!(ax2, 1:size(is_sun, 1), energies, is_sun; colorrange=(0.0, 10))

Now let's repeat the procedure above at several different temperatures.

kTs_K = [6, 10, 40] .* (1.38/5.2)
kTs = kTs_K * meV_per_K
scs = []
for kT in kTs
    sc = dynamical_correlations(sys; nω, ωmax, dt)
    integrator.kT = kT

Collect correlations from trajectories

    for _ in 1:nsamples

Thermalize/decorrelate the system

        for _ in 1:500
            step!(sys, integrator)

Add a trajectory

        @time add_sample!(sc, sys)

    push!(scs, sc)

fig = Figure()
for (n, sc) in enumerate(scs)
    is = intensities_interpolated(sc, path, formula)
    ax = Axis(fig[1,n]; xlabel="Momentum (r.l.u.)", ylabel="Energy (meV)", xticks=xticks, xticklabelrotation=π/6, title="kT=$(kTs_K[n])")
    heatmap!(ax, 1:size(is, 1), available_energies(sc), is)

Notice that the longitudinal mode, which decays when 1-loop corrections are applied, is extremely delicate in the classical simulations, dropping in energy and intensity quite rapidly as the temperature is increased.

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