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CH5 Intangible Cultural Heritage

Gabriel Bodard edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 23 revisions

Sunoikisis Digital Cultural Heritage, Spring 2021

Session 5. Intangible Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Heritage

Thursday Feb 18, 16:00 UK = 17:00 CET

Convenors: Brigitte Vézina (Creative Commons), Majd Al-shihabi (Palestine Open Maps), Andrea Wallace (Exeter)

YouTube link:

Slides: tbs

Session outline

In this session we will look at complexities arising around the preservation and management of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional cultural expressions (TCE). We will think about how intellectual property rights systems can create tension or conflict when applied to traditional cultural expressions and their digital reproductions. We will also consider the epistemologies and value systems that inform the preservation, digitization, treatment and reuse of ICH and TCE in material and digital environments. We will discuss some specific initiatives, including Nomad and Palestine Open Maps.

Seminar readings

For discussion in this thread

Further Reading

Other resources


  1. tba

(If you have any technical problems with this exercise, you may ask for help in this forum thread)