Basic Data Structure Part2: Learn to add an elements using push ( ) and unshift( ) . Remove elements using pop and shift methods in JavaScript.
Hello everyone hope you are all doing well, My name is Surya L.
I have divided the Basic Data Structure topics in many parts to teach you Data Structure in detail.
In this blog we will Learn to add an elements using push ( ) and unshift( ) . Remove elements using pop and shift methods in JavaScript.
In computing, the term array refers to a collection of items stored on contiguous memory locations. The idea is to store multiple items of the same type together. An array's index starts at 0 and is called Zero indexing.
- In JavaScript we can insert or data using push ( ) and unshift( ).
- push ( ) method inserts an element or data at last index or end of an array.
- unshift( ) method is also used to insert an element but unlike push ( ) method which inserts the element at the end of the array , unshift inserts the element at the starting location in an array.
- Program
let fruits=["Apple","Kiwi","Pineapple"];
console.log("Before Adding: "+fruits);
console.log("After Adding: "+fruits);
- Output:
Before Adding: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple
After Adding: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple,Mango
//As you can see, the new element Mango inserted at last in the array.
- Program
let fruits=["Apple","Kiwi","Pineapple"];
console.log("Before Adding: "+fruits);
console.log("After Adding: "+fruits);
- Output
Before Adding: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple
After Adding: Mango,Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple
//When using unshift() method the new element Mango inserted at First.
- In JavaScript we can remove element or data using pop( ) and shift( ) Method.
- pop( ) method removes an element or data at last index or end of an array.
- shift( ) method is also used to remove an element but unlike pop( ) method which removes the element at the end of the array , shift removes the element at the starting location in an array.
- Program
let fruits=["Apple","Kiwi","Pineapple","Mango","Banana","Strawberry"];
console.log("Before Removing: "+fruits);
console.log("After Removing: "+fruits);
- Output
Before Removing: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple,Mango,Banana,Strawberry
After Removing: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple,Mango,Banana
//As you can see the output
//fruits.pop removed Strawberry which is last element in Array
- Program
let fruits=["Apple","Kiwi","Pineapple","Mango","Banana","Strawberry"];
console.log("Before Removing: "+fruits);
console.log("After Removing: "+fruits);
- Output
Before Removing: Apple,Kiwi,Pineapple,Mango,Banana,Strawberry
After Removing: Kiwi,Pineapple,Mango,Banana,Strawberry
//As you can see the output
//fruits.shift() removed Apple which is first element in Array
- In JavaScript we can insert or data using push ( ) and unshift( ).We can remove element or data using pop( ) and shift( ) Method.
- push ( ) method inserts an element or data at last index or end of an array.
- unshift( ) method is also used to insert an element but unlike push ( ) method which inserts the element at the end of the array , unshift inserts the element at the starting location in an array.
- pop( ) method removes an element or data at last index or end of an array.
- shift( ) method is also used to remove an element but unlike pop( ) method which removes the element at the end of the array , shift removes the element at the starting location in an array.
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