- Check out this project, and use the provided vagrantbox to do development/testing
- For any changes, include updated/added unit tests, and ensure that the whole suite runs
- Push changes to github
- [optional] Push changes to the 'dev' site (ask Aleks/Casey/Robin for access to it)
- Every week or so, change will be pushed to the 'dev' site for testing, and then, if no problems occur, promoted to "production" soon-thereafter
- Ask Alex/Robin if you would like code promoted earlier.
The ReviewSite codebase includes a vagrantbox for local development and testing. Make sure you have VM VirtualBox installed before doing the next steps.
To use this, you must checkout and build the vagrantbox.
- If Vagrant doesn't install properly, install Vagrant directly from the website at, or install the vagrant gem
$ git config --local "Robin Dunlop" (Enter YOUR name instead)
$ git config --local (Enter YOUR email instead)
cd vagrant_postgres91_utf8_rails
vagrant up (this will also create the databases, and run the bundler)
vagrant ssh
This step is necessary if you make changes to the db schema in development, or if you plan on running the server locally
(inside the VM)
cd workspace
rake db:migrate
(inside the VM)
cd workspace
RAILS_ENV=test rake db:migrate
(inside the VM)
cd workspace
xvfb-run rspec spec
If you repeatedly receive the error "Xvfb failed to start," try xvfb-run --server-num=1 rspec spec
Create a local .env file: (inside the VM)
$ echo "PORT=9292" > .env
$ echo "RACK_ENV=development" >> .env
Start the server:
$ foreman start
(this will not return)
If your foreman is very slow, try getting a new network setup:
$ sudo dhclient
(this will give a File Exists, that's ok)$ foreman start
View the dev site locally:
In order to test logging in as a JC, you will need to add both a new JC, as well as a new user with the same email.
In order to add the test data to the database, the following commands can be run on the virtual machine:
$ rake db:drop
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:schema:load
$ rake db:seed
When deploying heroku to a new heroku instance (developers will NOT need to do this), please specify e-mail account settings in the following configuration variables.
Account details for sending emails from:
The Address that should appear in the "from" line of the sent e-mails:
MAIL_FULL_EMAIL="TW ReviewSite <>"
The base domain that should be used for the links that appear in the emails.
In order to prevent the mailer from sending e-mail on non-production heroku instance, it is possible to redirect all e-mail to an address that you control.