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#00000Triton... Triton... Wake up. Can you hear my voice?$#00001Wake up... Break through the boy's cocoon.Open yourself up to the bountiful celestial winds.$#00002Even if you are about to fall, do not lean on anyone.Stand firm, eyes wide open, and look up to the sky.$#00003Triton... Triton... Can you see it? I know you cansee it.$#00004A drop of a blue star surrounded by the Sea.$#00005Remember, Triton... Long ago, you were born out there,in space, in the galaxy of gods...$#00009So you must be Triton. Let me take a good look at you.Oh, you have grown up so much! It is all thanks to youthat I am my old self again.$#00010I have so much to tell you, but now is not the time.You must fulfil your destiny. I am giving you my crest,the crest of Apollo.$#00011Remove the last sword from the statue of Rhea and placeit on the pedestal.$#00012No, I cannot do this. The Hydra can only be sealed byyou. Have you forgotten the prophecy?$#00013'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00014All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00015The drop of Seas of heaven and earth is you, Triton, thechild of Poseidon, the patron god of the Sea. Now put mysword, the sword of Love, on the pedestal.$#00016Together we will bring back the Sea and the Sun. You,who have the blood of Poseidon in your veins, are ableto create the Sea.$#00017Now, Triton, think back on the bountiful Aegean Sea...where you swam with your father when you were a baby...$#00018So that gentle voice is you, Triton. I am Apollo,goddess of the Sun. Forgive me for summoning you sofar away.$#00019But you are the only one who can save the galaxyof gods.$#00020The seal of the swords is broken, and the Hydra is aboutto awaken. If this happens, our galaxy of gods and theentire universe will perish.$#00021We must seal the Hydra before it's too late. Gather thefive swords of goddesses, and restore the Sea and theSun to this world.$#00022I know that I am asking a lot, with you having just lostyour father. But you are our only hope.$#00023Triton... Gather the swords of goddesses... You are...$#00024Triton... Triton... Where are you?$#00025Triton... There you are, hiding in there again. Oh, yourascal.$#00026What? You want me to hold you? Oh, you're such a spoiltchild... Goodness, Triton, you're getting heavy.$#00027Soon you'll grow up and grow a beard like your dad.Grow up quickly and be strong.$#00034Lady Apollo is back! Thank you, Triton, you are thebest person the whole universe! Quick, seal the Hydra!I'll give you lots of kisses later!$#00035Triton, save everyone in the temple.$#00036Triton, what do I do? The Hydra roared again. Baba saidthat after two or three more roars it will wake up. Soonthe galaxy of gods will be destroyed!$#00037That's a lie! I refuse to believe that you have Medusa'sblood in your veins!$#00038What's wrong, Triton? Don't say it's nothing. Please,talk to me. What happened?$#00039Triton, could you stay here for a while? Don't leave meall alone.$#00040Cursed blood? Emeralia did say you had a secret. Maybethat's what she meant?$#00041Triton, be my boyfriend just for a moment. And if not,for a moment, stay with me forever. Just don't leave mealone. Please.$#00042Triton! I just heard a horrible roar from under thepedestal. I'm so scared. I think the Hydra is aboutto awaken. Please, hurry up!$#00043The Hydra is sealed deep underneath this temple. If itwakes up, we will be the first to die. I don't want todie without a boyfriend!$#00044Have you met Narcissus? He likes guys. But you likegirls better, right?$#00045Sapphires are said to be the nobility among gems.Like... princes, you know? Triton, I want a sapphire!Buy me one!$#00046I heard that Druia's grandfather had a sapphire. I betDruia will wear it on her tiara when she gets married.$#00047That's so lovely. I want a sapphire too!$#00048Triton, keep it together. Don't give in to Lucia'scharms.$#00049I know how we can get Lucia to talk. Just takeLady Metis with you!$#00050Lucia doesn't get along with Lady Metis, so with herby your side, I'm sure Lucia will let you see Aphrodite.$#00051Hey, Triton, why don't you come along with me on a date?It's so boring being there on my own, let's go ona double date.$#00052I'll leave it to Bermuda or Lucia to explain thewindmill trick... What? Lucia won't tell you? Ha-ha-ha!She'll so use it as bait.$#00053Don't fall for it. She'll drag you on endless datesinstead of telling you. She does this with everyhandsome guy she sees.$#00054Hey, have you met Bermuda? He's been looking kind ofpale and shaky for a while now. I fear he might comedown with anaemia before his date.$#00055Lucia is a cunning one, you better watch out.$#00056Do you have a golden apple? The entrance to the Templeof Beauty is straight ahead from the this temple.$#00057Triton, your face seems to have grown firmer. When wefirst met, you looked more like Trollovich, but now youlook a lot more handsome.$#00058You're going to the Temple of Beauty now, right? Then becareful around Lucia. She has a quick wit.$#00059I'm so happy that Metis gave you her crest. She's verystrict.$#00060Is Lady Metis in a bad mood? That's very unusual. She'susually so calm and collected.$#00061Have you spoken to the Dandelion Princess?$#00062Back when you were little, did you roll around dungbeetles and play with caterpillars? I knew you did!So did I.$#00063See that stone statue on the left without the sword init? That's Lady Kronos. When I was a kid, I used to playwith dung beetles by that statue.$#00064Draw a triple circle. The circle outside is the Sea.Inside it is the land, and the sky is in the middle.And in the middle of the sky is the Sun.$#00065That would mean that there is a Sea both above yourhead and below your feet, right?$#00066How can there be seas both in the sky and on earth?That's easy. The galaxy of gods is in a ball made ofwater. It's a three-layered ball.$#00067The outermost ball is the Sea. The ball inside is theland and the temple, and the ball inside it is the sky.And in the sky is the Sun shining.$#00068That means there are seas both in the sky and on theearth.$#00069What's the solution? Oh, Lady Metis told me not to tellyou. But I can say in secret what happens next. A bridgewill come up over the water.$#00070You'll have to think on your own feet.$#00071Have you met Emeralia? She really hates Bermuda. And youknow why? I almost choked with laughter when I firstheard. She says he touched her butt.$#00072You wouldn't do that, would you? You're old enough toknow better.$#00073Triton, keep it up!$#00074Don't joke around with Emeralia. Or she'll give youthe cold shoulder.$#00075Why are you smiling? Did something good happen? Oh,you got the iron apple, too? Great! Now you can go tothe Temple of the Titans.$#00076Emeralia will provide all the assistance you need. Andif you have any problems, come to me. I'm always happyto help.$#00077What's with the smile? Oh, isn't that Lady Artemis'ssword? She gave you her crest! Great! keep up the goodwork and find the remaining swords.$#00078Old Worme and Druia are both upset over something. Couldyou pop out and talk to them?$#00079Have you met Lady Artemis? She's such a glutton. Youcould sit there talking to her about serious things,and she'd be munching on cake!$#00080She'd always compete with Lord Poseidon at banquetsover who could eat more.$#00081I'm glad it worked out in the end. You look happy.$#00082Be sure to speak to Druia heart-to-heart.$#00083What? Me, go on a date with Bermuda? But Bermuda likesDruia! Plead as much as you like, but you have to giveme a good reason.$#00084Ha-ha! The famous Sphinx trap! I guess Bermuda's beingmean and not telling you... Okay. I'll help you. I'lleven go on a date if Druia comes along.$#00085Triton, you're not giving up, are you?$#00086What's the matter? If it's about the Sphinx trap, askBermuda.$#00087What's the matter, Triton? What can I do for you?$#00088When you go to the Temple of the Moon, see Druia.I'm sure she can help you.$#00089You got the silver apple! Great! Now you can go to theTemple of the Moon. Go up to the Tower of the Sphinx.$#00090What is it, Triton? Don't worry about Bermuda. I'm justa little jumpy, that's all. I'll wait here, and you goon up to Mount Athos.$#00091Triton, I have great news! Bermuda found a silver appleon Mount Athos. With it, you can open portals! Go get itbefore Bermuda uses it.$#00092Portals are doors to the other four temples... Well,they're not really doors, but more like square holes.But they're very handy!$#00093Portals allow you to get to other temples in an instant.$#00094After divining with the crystal ball, Baba said thatthe remaining four swords are in the other temples.$#00095You tried to pull out the sword from the statue of LadyRhea? That's one of the swords that sealed the Hydra.It is the sword of Lady Apollo.$#00096There used to be four more swords of goddesses on thepedestal, but they are all gone now.$#00097Did you see the sword stuck in the statue of Lady Rhea?The one on your right, with a sword in it. That's her.$#00098The one on your left is Lady Kronos, Queen of the Gods.$#00099So you're Triton. Heh. You must take after your Earthmother. I'm Cecilia.$#00100I used to be Lady Apollo's priestess, helping her andcleaning the Sun. Now I remain in this temple onlybecause Apollo has turned to stone.$#00101I'm sorry about your father, Poseidon. He was so niceand friendly... I'm sure he was a wonderful dad to you,too.$#00102I know it's hard for you, but do your best and find theswords of goddesses.$#00103If you're looking for Lady Apollo, she's straight ahead.$#00104What can I do for you? What is your name?$#00105Hello! I don't think I've seen you here before. Whichtemple are you from?$#00107Your Lordship, please hurry!$#00108You have become a man, Lord Triton. Looking at you, Isee the young Lord Poseidon. Now, hurry to the pedestal.$#00109Your Lordship, Lady Metis is looking to talk to you.$#00110It's a lie! Impossible! Lord Triton can't have the sameblood as Medusa! No!..$#00111Your Lordship, don't worry about your blood. There can'tbe cursed blood in such a fine man as you.$#00112That's ridiculous! There is no way Your Lordship's bloodis cursed! Your have such virtuous parents, why wouldyour blood be cursed?$#00113Your Lordship, have you seen Cecilia? She heard the roarof the Hydra. That monster of destruction is about toawaken from its eternal slumber.$#00114If the Hydra roars nine times, it will be the end of theworld. Please, Lord Triton, save us all!$#00115Only the Temple of Wisdom remains... Lady Apollo, I prayto you, give your blessing to Lord Triton!$#00116Your Lordship, your face has changed quite a bit. And Ithink your eyes have become sharper, too.$#00117Lord Poseidon fell in love with Lady Aphrodite, and usedto visit the Temple of Beauty every day.$#00118Lady Apollo tried to reason with him, but he wouldn'tlisten. So Aphrodite had Bermuda set up the windmill.$#00119Lord Poseidon used to quarrel with Bermuda all the timebecause of it.$#00120Sorry for being all gloom and doom... If you're havingtrouble with the windmill, don't ask Trollovich. Theywouldn't tell him the trick.$#00121A weak man like him would fold in an instant if LordPoseidon were to threaten him.$#00122If there's anyone who knows the solution, it's Bermuda.He's strong-minded enough not to give it away underLord Poseidon's threats.$#00123I hear the noise of drops of death outside. I hope noone else dies... After all, Lady Apollo was turned tostone by those same drops of death.$#00124Medusa tried to turn the entire galaxy of gods to stone,but Lady Apollo tapped into the power of the Sun andvaporised most of them.$#00125But her power wasn't enough, and there still remainedone last drop of death. And that drop turned Lady Apolloto stone.$#00126Have you met Lady Aphrodite?$#00127Your Lordship, I think your face has become more rugged.You remind me of Lord Poseidon in his youth.$#00128Is that the sword of Lady Metis, imbued with the powerof Courage? Now you must go to the Temple of Beauty,where you'll meet Lady Aphrodite.$#00129Your Lordship, don't let your guard down. The Hydra hasnot been sealed yet.$#00130I think Lady Metis is mourning for the old days in thegalaxy of gods, before it was disturbed by Medusa.$#00131Your Lordship, the Dandelion Princess has been lookingfor you. She wants to talk to you about something.$#00132For the puzzle in the Temple of the Titans, you willhave to think on your feet, Lord Triton. Then all theanswers will be at your feet.$#00133Did Emeralia suspect you were Medusa? That's to beexpected. Medusa is a sorceress, so Emeralia is wise tobe wary of her evil ways.$#00134After all, it was Medusa who took Lord Poseidon's life.She came to the Temple of the Sea and got him to drinkthe blood of the Hydra.$#00135Lord Poseidon went mad and threw the seawater into theSun. Then he came back to his senses and rushed to stopthe Sea, but it was too late.$#00136The Temple of the Sea was destroyed, and Lord Poseidonfell into the Sun never to be seen again...$#00137Please, for the sake of Lord Poseidon, save the galaxyof gods! Do not let Medusa have her way!$#00138The Temple of the Titans is also known as the graveyardof the Titans. The statues rising out of the water looklike the corpses the Titans.$#00139Your Lordship, don't let the same tragedy befall us!Gather the swords of goddesses and seal the Hydra beforeit awakens.$#00140Have you met Lady Metis?$#00141I'll be waiting here, Your Lordship. Please don't keepLady Metis waiting.$#00142Is that the sword of Lady Artemis, imbued with the powerof Pleasure? You can't seal the Hydra without it. Now,hurry to the Temple of the Titans.$#00143I'm sure Lady Metis is looking forward to meeting you.$#00144Your Lordship, did you find any apples lying around inthe Temple of the Moon?$#00145Your Lordship, you need the crest of Lady Artemis. Didyou forget? Without the crest, you can't pull out thesword of the goddess.$#00146Have you met Lady Artemis? She loves food so much.$#00147I once brought her some sweets, and she was so giddy sheate them right there, munching as she greeted me.$#00148Your Lordship, keep it up!$#00149I'm sorry, Your Lordship. I don't know anything aboutthat trap. That Sphinx statues were built in case theevil Medusa came for revenge.$#00150Just don't listen to Worme's advice on women!$#00151Your Lordship, hurry to the Temple of the Moon. A mannamed Worme will help you there.$#00152Your Lordship, is that a silver apple? Oh, praiseMerciful Apollo! May we forever be safe under herwatchful eye!$#00153Oh dear, you want me to walk you to Mount Athos? I'd behappy to, but with my legs... I'm sorry, Your Lordship.I can't help you there.$#00154But I can show you the way. Head left from here. Whenyou get to the end of the road, turn left and gostraight ahead.$#00155You will see a mountain path - that's Mount Athos. Andif you get lost along the way, ask Bermuda.$#00156Cecilia was making a fuss about something.$#00157You mustn't go outside. The air there is full of dropsof death that will turn you to stone if you touch them.Just wait for Bermuda to make new apples.$#00158You need the crest of the goddess to pull out her sword.$#00159Long ago, Lady Kronos gave her life to seal the Hydra,and the five goddesses used their crests to prevent theswords from being taken by an evil person.$#00160Your Lordship, have you seen Lady Apollo's sword? Theseare the swords that you must find.$#00161Have you spoken to Lady Apollo? She may look like astone statue, but I'm sure her heart is still beating.$#00162My heart aches for you. Long ago, you lost your Earthmother, and now your father, Lord Poseidon, has sufferedthe same fate.$#00163Why is life so unfair?!$#00164Lord Triton! My goodness, you have come a long way! I'mAmus, the gardener here. You've grown up, haven't you?$#00165I remember when you were just a baby. Back then, the skyand the earth were filled with Seas, and the Sun wasshining... Now, everything is in ruins.$#00166I wish your father were here. Lord Poseidon would bringthe Sea back in an instant!$#00167I'm in your debt, Triton. It's all thanks to you thatthe Sea is back and I got close with Druia. I'll missyou, but I'm sure we'll meet again.$#00168I'll be looking forward to it. Be sure to get yourselfa girlfriend.$#00169What? Druia said that?.. What the hell! Druia, wait forme! Bermuda's coming to you!$#00170Triton, do something. My love and my life depend on you.$#00171This is bad. The Hydra roared again. The monster isabout to wake up! And I was just getting to know Druia!Damn it!$#00172Triton, what's wrong? You look like a ghost. What thehell happened?$#00173You seem worried. Is it about Narcissus? Don't fret,I'll talk to him. I owe you my life, after all.$#00174I've already made silver, gold, and iron apples. Yousee, when you have a girl you like, you put your heartinto your work. Find yourself one.$#00175Be careful around Narcissus. In a way, he's scarier thanthe Hydra itself. His psychological attacks willpenetrate anything.$#00176Druia is so cute. She's the best of the priestesses...no, the best of all the goddesses combined!$#00177Triton, I was so nervous! And Druia was nervous, too!She is so cute when she's blushing. She looks manly,but when I held her hand, it was so soft.$#00178And oh, her lips... They are the softest. I don't evenremember what we talked about. But we agreed to meetagain.$#00179Triton, it's all thanks to you! You're my saviour!You're... my Cupid!$#00180Sometimes you have to persuade a woman.$#00181I'm so giddy I almost forgot. Cecilia was looking foryou.$#00182Druia was nervous too? Oh, I'm so happy! I feel likemy heart is about to jump out of my chest!$#00183Damn, I'm so nervous I'm about to throw up.$#00184Ugh, Triton, help me... I can't sit still any more.How early do you think I should get there?$#00185I'm sorry, but could you go check on Druia for me? Or Idon't know, I'll...$#00186Ugh, I'm getting nervous again... Triton, do something!My heart is about to explode! I think I'm gonna throwup...$#00187The Temple of Beauty really is beautiful, isn't it? IfI'm going to meet up with a girl, it has to be in frontof the Sphinx there.$#00188If you don't know the way, ask Cecilia.$#00189Hey, it's our future hero! Looking good, my man! You'vegotten a little more manly now, I tell ya.$#00190Oh! You found the sword of Metis! Neat! Next is theTemple of Beauty. There's a portal across from the maintemple. Give my regards to Trollovich.$#00191Hey, Triton! How are you?$#00192Did you get to meet Metis? That's good. I've justfinished making silver apples. I should make her someiron apples, she'll like that.$#00193The Dandelion Princess has been looking for you. Sheseemed very eager to talk to you.$#00194Sorry, I can't go on a date with Druia without one.$#00195How did you like the Temple of the Titans? That's theirgraveyard. There used to be a lot of Titans, but Medusaand the Hydra wiped them out.$#00196The disappearance of the Sea and the Sun was part ofMedusa's plan. She's a sorceress, and she casts cursesin the form of prophecies.$#00197'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00198All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00199Medusa cursed the Sun to turn everyone to stone when itmade contact with the seawater. She's evil like that.$#00200Thank goodness Apollo used the Sun's power to vaporizethe water. If it weren't for her, everyone would bestone by now.$#00201Sorry, no time to waste. I need to make silver apples.If you seek advice, you'll have to ask someone else.$#00202Don't joke around with Metis.$#00203When you go to the Temple of the Titans, be careful notto touch Emeralia's butt by accident. Or she'll nevertalk to you again.$#00204It never fails once I'm involved, I'm forging applesout of gold... Oh, hello! What's up with the smile?Ah, you found an iron apple!$#00205The Temple of the Titans is straight ahead. It's up thenarrow path and through the tower portal, a snowy place.It's a proper fairyland!$#00206Don't worry, Metis herself isn't, like, a huge Titan.A bit masculine, but women like her will give you allyou want if they fall in love with you.$#00207Triton, if you're going to marry, why don't you marry awoman like Metis? You'll be her little plaything, ha-ha!$#00208If you can't pull the sword out, try pushing it. Isn'tthat how the old saying goes? 'If you can't pull it,push.'$#00209You think it's hard? My, you and Artemis are like twopeas in a pod. Look, how many times do you press theblue button and the red button?$#00210The answer is written on the tablet. Count the blueand the red dots. Then press the respective buttonsthe correct number of times.$#00211If you do it wrong, the Sphinx will push you back again.$#00212Really? She said yes? Woohoo! Damn, that's worth livingfor! Yes! I love it!$#00213Damn, Triton, you're good! I underestimated you, youbeautiful bastard! I'll teach you the trick like Ipromised.$#00214You need to press the blue and the red buttons aspecific number of times. The answer is written on thetablet. Note the blue and red dots.$#00215Just press the buttons the correct number of times. Itused to be more complicated, but Artemis said it was toohard, so I made it easy.$#00216I hope she said yes. What, you haven't asked her yet?Well, go and ask her!$#00217Go on a date with Cecilia? Didn't you hear what I said?I want to hold hands with Druia, not her.$#00218What? A date with Fati? But I said Druia! I don't wantthat flower girl.$#00219I said, go right now.$#00220Hey, it's the apple thief!.. Listen, have you met Druia?She's a nice girl. Madly in love with me, too. And she'sso cute when she denies it.$#00221You want me to tell you the trick of the Sphinx? Well,I'll consider it if you set me up on a date with Druia.Go talk to her right now.$#00222Now give me back my apple. It's my turn to use it.$#00223Give it back! It's mine! You're interfering withsomeone's love!$#00224Oh, isn't that the silver apple I found? Don't take itaway, it's mine to use!$#00225I found an apple on Mount Athos, it's a key to a portal.They say, all roads lead to the Temple of the Sun. Itused to be so beautiful here.$#00226There used to be four kinds of apples: silver, copper,iron, and gold. You could get to any temple via portals.And your father ruined it all.$#00227Is there another way to get to other temples? Well, youcan go outside and walk. But don't blame me if you turnto stone.$#00228Your father is the reason there are all those bubblesfloating around. Drops of death. If you touch one ofthose, you'll turn to stone.$#00229Imagine touching one of these bubbles while you're inthe bathroom. You'll be the laughing stock of thegalaxy!$#00230And by 'apples' I don't mean some red juicy apples.Those are special apples made of metal and filled withhigh tech.$#00231If you want to go to other temples, you have to find theapples. Without them, you can't open the portals.$#00232Why are you still here? If you have nothing to do, gopull out the sword that's stuck in Lady Rhea's statue.$#00233You don't look like your father at all. Well, it's forthe better. I get mad when I see Poseidon's face.$#00234That drunkard, he'd always get close to me, reeking ofalcohol, and tell me that if I'm a man, I should drink.You don't drink, do you?$#00235You're Triton, aren't you? Why are you so calm? The Seais gone because of your drunken old man!$#00236I can't even go girl hunting on the beach now... What?It's not your fault? Well, it's your father's fault, soyou're to clean up the mess.$#00238Please hurry and tell everyone here that you'll makethings right!$#00239I won't say anything else. I just want everyone to besafe... even if it means parting ways with you, Triton.$#00240Are you still not feeling well? What should I do?I wonder if Artemis could cheer you up.$#00241Don't worry, Triton. Even if your aunt is Medusa, Istill like you. There's no way someone who loves flowershas an evil heart.$#00242I won't be bringing Lady Athena any more flowers.$#00243No matter how much I like Lady Athena, how can she saysuch a thing to you?! That's unforgivable!$#00244To claim your blood is cursed is to insult Lord Poseidonhimself! Triton, give me your apple. I'll go and talksome sense into her.$#00245Ah, if you want me to keep living, then I'll live...But in return, please cheer up. You're not yourself.$#00246Something is bothering you, isn't it? Can you tell mewhat it is?$#00247Triton, if I die, will you bring flowers to my grave?I might be dead soon. The Hydra has awakened.$#00248The Temple of the Sun will be gone too. But I'm gladI met you, Triton... I'm sorry, I'm just so scared.$#00249I feel like I may never see you again...$#00250Triton, what do you think of Lady Aphrodite?$#00251Did Lady Aphrodite say anything?.. Oh, Triton, I toldyou she was majestic!$#00252Triton, what did you think of Lucia?$#00253Did Lucia really say that? So what are you going to do,Triton?$#00254Druia is going on a date with Bermuda. Oh, Triton! Youdon't have time for such things, do you? You have tosave the galaxy of the gods.$#00255Isn't the Temple of Beauty lovely? I wish we could gothere together.$#00256Please be careful!$#00257I'm so happy you got the sword of Lady Metis. No, don'tthank me. You're going to the Temple of Beauty, right?Say hello to Lucia for me.$#00258I just wanted you to meet Lady Metis.$#00259I'm so glad you got to meet Lady Metis. It makes meso happy... But you don't care if I'm happy or not.It's okay.$#00260If you promise me that, I'll tell you. There's a tabletin front of the Temple of the Titans. Press the buttonsalong the road as shown there.$#00261A bridge will come up if you do it right. But don't tellanyone that I revealed the trick.$#00262Will you come see me again?$#00263No, sorry, I can't. Lady Metis will get angry with me...$#00264You're looking for someone to help you when you're introuble? Oh, Triton, are you in trouble?$#00265You mean the puzzle in the Temple of the Titans? LadyMetis told me that I shouldn't reveal the trick. Butsince it's you, I just might...$#00266I'm sorry, I keep talking about all these dark things.You don't like me bringing them up? I understand.$#00267I thought maybe you didn't like me because I always endup being all gloom and doom.$#00268Triton, have you ever been in love? I haven't. Bermuda'sa bit rough... I don't like rough people. What kind ofgirls do you like?$#00269I'm glad you came here again. I hope Lady Apollo comesback to life soon. The Sun here shines with the powerof her Love.$#00270The Sun is gone because Lady Apollo has turned to stone,but there is still light because her Love persists.$#00271But one day, the world will go dark.$#00272You don't have seas in the sky back home? Then you can'tknow how there could be seas up there... I wish Ceciliawas here, she'd explain it better.$#00273Hello, Triton! I see you're back from the Temple of theTitans. Have you met Lady Metis?.. I've been looking upat the sky this whole time.$#00274It's now a cold leaden colour. But people used to callour galaxy the galaxy of water, and there were seas inthe sky and on earth.$#00275When the weather was nice, you could see the Temple ofWisdom and the Temple of the Titans up in the sky. Itwas very beautiful.$#00276Triton, please don't give up.$#00277If you get lost along the way, ask Bermuda.$#00278Why are you smiling, Triton? Oh, you found an ironapple! Now you can get to the Temple of the Titans.$#00279You see that narrow path extending from Mount Athosacross the sky, leading to the tower? There's a portalin that tower at the end of it.$#00280You look so happy, Triton. Did something good happen?Oh, you got the sword of Lady Artemis! There are onlyfour left. Keep it up!$#00281I know about the Hydra, although I've only seen it inpictures. It's a terrible monster.$#00282I think you can't pull out a sword of a goddess withouther crest.$#00283I heard that Artemis has a penchant for food. Whenevershe comes to visit, she eats all day long.$#00284What? Druia is going on a date with Bermuda? I see...$#00285If you're looking for a date, talk to Cecilia. Evenbetter, why don't you ask her out?$#00286Hello, Triton. I was a little lonely when you were gone.Are you here to see the flowers?.. I hope Lady Apollocomes back to normal soon.$#00287The Sun will return, and the flowers... What? A date?At a time like this? What with the flowers, the Sun,and the Sea all gone?$#00288But if it's okay with you, Triton...$#00289Oh, you mean a date with Bermuda? No, I don't want to goon a date with someone who doesn't care about flowers.Talk to Cecilia.$#00290I'll support you whatever you do, Triton.$#00291Triton, I know it must be hard being on your own, butplease don't give up.$#00292Triton, this silver apple should open the portal to theTemple of the Moon. Please go there as soon as possible.$#00293Isn't that the silver apple glittering on Mount Athosbehind you? Bermuda must have dug it up. He seems tohave taken great care polishing it.$#00294A portal is a passage through another dimension. Whenyou come up to it with an apple, the portal opens,taking you to another temple.$#00295The were four kinds of apples, but they're all gonebecause of the evil Medusa.$#00296The five swords of goddesses were sent flying by theevil Medusa. Only one of them, the sword of Apollo,remained in this temple.$#00297Are you looking for the swords of goddesses? The swordof Lady Apollo is stuck in the statue of Rhea in thecentral temple.$#00298The sky has been dark and foreboding ever since theevil Medusa came for revenge.$#00299I wish Lady Apollo came back to life. Then the Sun wouldreturn, and the sky would be bright again...$#00300I'm sorry for being so gloomy... Triton, what kind offlowers do you like? White lilies? That's so sweet.And I like dandelions.$#00301Do you like flowers? It's so rare for a boy to likeflowers. Are you Triton, by any chance? My name is Fati.$#00302I bring flowers to the temple every day. Not too longago, there used to be lots of flowers around here, butnow the Sun is gone...$#00304I'm sorry for all the harsh things I've said. I hopeyou'll forgive this old lady for being so grumpy.$#00305Don't worry about me. Hurry up to Lady Apollo andfulfil your destiny.$#00306Medusa was very kind before she became evil. It wasshe who created the most beautiful Sea in the universe.But she was unhappy.$#00307She couldn't bear children. That's why she was so fondof the Hydra. I can't blame her for turning againstLady Kronos and Lady Rhea.$#00308Medusa loved the Hydra as her own child, and they toldher to kill it. She is not evil at all.$#00309Triton, you have to be strong. It doesn't matter whoyour aunt is. What matters is who you are. As long asyou're strong, no one will care.$#00310Oh, Lady Athena! What were you thinking?$#00311Don't think about the cursed blood. You have to thinkabout the future... Honestly, I didn't expect that fromLady Athena.$#00312You don't seem to be in good spirits, or is it just myimagination? What's wrong?$#00313Cecilia has already told you, hasn't she? We must keepcalm in times of trouble. We can't do anything aboutwhat has already happened.$#00314Either the Hydra awakens, or you seal it first. I trustyou with my own life. It's not worth much, but do takecare of it.$#00315By the way, is it true that Druia went on a date withBermuda? Oh, these young girls. What's so good aboutthose skirt chasers?$#00316You've got three swords now. Only two more left. Goodluck, I'm counting on you.$#00317What happened to the sword of Lady Aphrodite?$#00318Are you going to tell me what's going on with Bermuda?He's been acting strange for a while now.$#00319Lucia won't tell you? Oh, that insufferable girl. I'msure Lady Aphrodite will have a good talk with her.$#00320Have you met Lady Aphrodite? She's so beautiful, justlike me.$#00321Don't thank me. Hurry up and go see Lady Aphrodite.$#00322Take good care of the sword of Metis. It has the powerof Courage... What is it, child? Don't thank me. Hurryto the Temple of Beauty!$#00323You don't have to thank me. Hurry up and get the swordof Metis.$#00324Have you met Lady Metis? Isn't she wonderful?.. What?She's being capricious? Oh dear... Actually, I seem toremember she really likes olives.$#00325Whenever she runs out of olives, she gets moody. In theold days, she would drink and go on a rampage withLord Poseidon.$#00326Here, take these olives. I'm sure they will put LadyMetis in a better mood.$#00327The Dandelion Princess looked sad. If you have time,please go talk to her.$#00328If you've got nothing to do, go somewhere. Say, theTemple of the Moon or wherever you want.$#00329Emeralia suspected you of being Medusa?.. Wait, youdidn't touch her bum like Bermuda did, by any chance?$#00330Where's the sword of Lady Metis? Don't come backempty-handed.$#00331What are you doing? Go get the sword of Lady Metis.$#00332Oh, you've got the iron apple? You can now go to theTemple of the Titans. Come on, don't dawdle. Go seeLady Metis.$#00333Don't get carried away having pulled out one sword.There are still four left. And there's only one apple.Did you find any apples there?$#00334I have seen the Hydra too. It's something that does notbelong in this world.$#00335When you meet Artemis, don't let her drag you intosomething silly. She's always in the mood for a party.And you have important work to do.$#00336'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00337All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00338Since you're here, you should at least remember thisprophecy.$#00339Have you met Worme? He's a good man. If you want to bea good man yourself, you should learn from him.$#00340Go on up to the tower of the Sphinx... Oh, wait!If you see Worme, tell him I'm fine.$#00341Looks like it's fate. A long time ago, a goddess whowas a powerful sorceress left us with this prophecy.$#00342'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00343All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00344It says that you can bring back the Sun and the Seathat we've lost. You should remember that.$#00345Now, go up to the tower of the Sphinx and travel tothe Temple of the Moon.$#00346Bermuda seems to have been awfully loud lately. Didhe get ants in his proverbial unmentionables?$#00347Oh, where did the apple go?$#00348I used to use those portals all the time. I could go tothe Temple of the Titans, or wherever I wanted. Just hadto have an apple on me.$#00349The swords of goddesses can only seal the Hydra if youhave five of them. If you have none, they're useless.$#00350What are you waiting for? Time is of the essence! Go on,chop-chop!$#00351'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00352All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00353You must be Triton. My name is Baba. I'm Lady Apollo'sadviser... Oh, you look just like your mother.$#00354And you don't look like Poseidon at all. So thin...How are you going to restore the Sea and the Sun? I'mworried about the universe.$#60000Sword of ApolloOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60001Sword of ArtemisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60002Sword of MetisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60003Sword of AphroditeOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60004Sword of AthenaOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60005Silver AppleKey to the Temple of the Moon.$#60006Iron AppleKey to the Temple of the Titans.$#60007Golden AppleKey to the Temple of Beauty.$#60008Copper AppleKey to the Temple of Wisdom.$#60009Round stoneUnknown.$#60010Square stoneUnknown.$#60011Star-shaped stoneUnknown.$#60012Triangular stoneUnknown.$#60013SapphireEye of the Sphinx.$#60014OlivesFavourite food of Lady Metis.$#60015Crest of ApolloReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60016Crest of ArtemisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60017Crest of MetisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60018Crest of AphroditeReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60019Crest of AthenaReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60020- - - - - - N O T H I N G - - - - - -$#60021I took the silver apple.$#60022I've already taken the silver apple.$#60023I've already taken the sword of Apollo.$#60024I drew the sword of Apollo.$#60025I couldn't draw the sword of Apollo.$#60026I took the round stone.$#60027I've already taken the round stone.$#60028I drew the sword of Artemis.$#60029I couldn't draw the sword of Artemis.$#60030I took the iron apple.$#60031I've already taken the iron apple.$#60032I took the square stone.$#60033I've already taken the square stone.$#60034I drew the sword of Metis.$#60035I couldn't draw the sword of Metis.$#60036I took the golden apple.$#60037I've already taken the golden apple.$#60038I took the star-shaped stone.$#60039I've already taken the star-shaped stone.$#60040I took the copper apple.$#60041I've already taken the copper apple.$#60042I took the triangular stone.$#60043I've already taken the triangular stone.$#60044I drew the sword of Aphrodite.$#60045I couldn't draw the sword of Aphrodite.$#60046I drew the sword of Athena.$#60047I couldn't draw the sword of Athena.$#60048The sword of Apollo is placed on the pedestal.$#60049The sword of Artemis is placed on the pedestal.$#60050The sword of Metis is placed on the pedestal.$#60051The sword of Aphrodite is placed on the pedestal.$#60052The sword of Athena is placed on the pedestal.$#60053Apollo is now free from the curse.$#60100Are you sure you want to quit the game?Yes - left mouse button.No - right mouse button.$#10000You have saved not only the galaxy of gods, but theentire universe!$#10001The name Triton will always be remembered as the nameof the son of a great goddess who saved the universefrom the curse of the evil Medusa.$#10002I look forward to seeing you again.Goodbye... my sweet child.$#10003It's time to say goodbye. Thank you for everything,even though I'm a little embarrassed. Cecilia will missyou, come visit once in a while.$#10004How about you take Druia with you? I can convince her.I think you two would be perfect for each other.$#10005You have grown into a wonderful man. One that is worthyof having taken my sword... But do watch out for drinksand women. Blood is blood.$#10006Cecilia, Fati, Lucia, and even Aphrodite... They allseem to like you.$#10007Oh, please don't tell anyone that I like olives!..Farewell, Triton.$#10008Your Lordship, thank you very much. You are a true hero.When you're back home, don't get complacent and do yourbest. Take care.$#10009Triton, you are so beautiful. I wish you could stay withme forever. Why are you leaving? The Sea is back, soyou should stay too.$#10010Come swim with me sometime. I will show you my perfectbody. See you soon!$#10011You're a hero now. Next time we meet, I... I'll be justas cool as you are!$#10012Before you say goodbye, give me a big hug. And a hotkiss! And tell me you'll never let me go! Hey!..$#10013Thank you so much, Triton. I'm sorry we have to saygoodbye now. I wish we could talk a little longer.$#10014I don't mean to be weird, but we started out as friends,and now... No, what am I saying? Never mind... Pleasewrite to me.$#10015It's not fair that you're leaving me without a singlekiss. But our love grows even more with the distance!$#10016You've done well. I'm so proud of you. Feel free tostop by when you have time.$#10017I won't cry, I shouldn't... I believe we'll meet again,Triton. So I won't say goodbye.$#10018Triton, how are you? Have you forgotten about me,surrounded by all those girls back on Earth?.. I missyou when you're gone.$#10019Let's go to the Windmill of Memories sometime? I heardit's around here somewhere, but Fati won't tell me.$#10020Let's go look for it together. You like adventures,don't you?.. Oh, and let's go to a concert too!$#10021You see, I'm going to give a concert. I know a verynice concert hall, I keep it in my heart.$#10022Look into my heart, and you can hear beautiful musicthat will bring back many memories. Don't be shy.Come and listen.$#10023Thank you for all your hard work. I'm sad to saygoodbye, but I'll come visit with Apollo's permission.Take care!$#10024I'm in your debt, Triton. You brought the Sea back,and got me together with Druia... I'll miss you, but I'msure we'll meet again.$#10025Your Lordship, thank you. You have saved the universe.I am sure Lord Poseidon will be happy to see you in theafterlife.$#10026Triton, woohoo! That's my little munchkin! Ha-ha-ha!Hey, can I have your autograph?.. Oh, you're so cutewhen you're embarrassed.$#10027By the way, are you leaving already?.. I'll miss you.I wish we could play more. But you'll come back again,right?$#10028When you do, let's play together, all of us. Druia,old Worme, Cecilia, Bermuda, everyone... Goodbye!$#20000Your Lordship, what are you playing with?$#20001I can't give you this wheel.$#20002The wheel is starting to give.$#20003The wheel is rattling.$#20004The wheel is about to come off.$#20005The wheel has gone wonky.$#20006The wheel is losing air.$#20007The wheel deflated, and a tube came out.$#20008Turns out, it was a black wiener.$#20009The wiener looks pretty good.$#20010Will you eat the black wiener?Eat it - left mouse button.Don't eat it - right mouse button.$#20011The wiener was absolutely disgusting.$#20012I didn't eat it.I wonder what would've happened if I'd eaten it.$@