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#00000It's time to say goodbye. Thank you for everything,even though I'm a little embarrassed. Cecilia will missyou, come visit once in a while.$#00001Tell Bermuda not to die out there. If things getdangerous, he should run this way.$#00002I'm so worried about Bermuda, my heart is racing. Comeon, touch it. Can you feel it?.. Huh? It's soft?..What are you touching, you idiot?$#00003What happened? You seem awfully quiet. What? The Hydraroared? Is that true? And Bermuda is still in the Templeof the Sun?$#00004No! I don't want Bermuda to die! Triton, you're a hero,aren't you? Do something!$#00005I don't like Trollovich. I don't like weak guys. A guymust be strong, like Triton or Bermuda.$#00006I don't know if Bermuda is a good guy... I just held hishand, and he turned red... Oh no, why am I turning redtoo?$#00007Triton, what do you think of Bermuda? I don't meanwhether you like him or not, but as a human being.$#00008What? What do I think?.. I don't think it will growinto something serious.$#00009Triton, you're such a perv.$#00010I can't take it any more, my heart is beating so fast!I feel like I'm going to die... Hey! Are you trying totouch me again, you pervert?$#00011Triton! What should I do? I don't want to go on a date!What if he starts acting pervy?$#00012What if he kisses me by accident?.. Ew, no! Triton, dosomething! I'm so nervous, my heart is about to burst!Here, feel it!$#00013Eeek! Where are you touching me, you lecher?$#00014Triton, are you up to the task?$#00015You may want to watch out for Lucia.$#00016I think you've grown a little more manly. You lookeda little meek when we first met.$#00017You didn't find Metis all that scary? Neither do I,but my grandpa, he's terrified of her.$#00018The puzzle in the Temple of the Titans? Did Emeraliatell you to think on your feet? Well, it doesn't meanyou have to use your toes...$#00019Sorry, I've no idea. I usually go there with Cecilia.$#00020Hey, Triton, how are you? Did you go to the Temple ofthe Titans? Isn't it beautiful there? But that placehas a sad history.$#00021The goddess statues were built to honour the courage ofthe Titans who died fighting the Hydra, back when Kronosand Rhea were still around.$#00022Those statues are magnificent, but none of the Titanswill ever see it. They all died because of Medusa.$#00023The reason Lady Metis created that puzzle was probablyso she could be alone with her memories of the Titans.$#00024Which apple did you drop, the silver or the iron one?..Heavens, what am I doing? I think I've picked up some ofgrandpa's habits.$#00025That's the sword of Artemis, isn't it? It's imbued withthe power of Pleasure. Not sure if that's any good, butshe says it's a power none the less.$#00026Well, I'm sure it's a good thing... You're going to theTemple of the Sun, aren't you? Be sure to take the ironapple with you.$#00027You can't just keep the crest. Draw the sword!$#00028You need to get the crest and draw the sword.$#00029So that was the sword of Lady Artemis after all. Whatshould I do? If I don't do something, the Hydra willcome back. It's a horrible monster!$#00030It's a monster of destruction created by Medusa. Ifthe Hydra awakens, not only this galaxy, but the entireuniverse will cease to exist.$#00031That's what my grandpa said. And he has seen the Hydra.$#00032A sword? I don't think he said anything about swords.$#00033Have you met Lady Artemis?.. I should get some cognacpizza sometime. It's delicious.$#00034Did Bermuda tell you the solution? What was it?.. Oh,it was that simple? Even Artemis could solve it.$#00035Truth is, the puzzle used to be so elaborate that LadyArtemis couldn't figure it out. She used to wake me upevery time she went out at night.$#00036Whenever I came to her, she always had something to say.$#00037I've got to admit, I'm starting to like you. Go talk toBermuda.$#00038Would I go if Cecilia came along? No, not even then...Uh? You don't have to stick around for hours? And do youhave to stay until the end?$#00039I see!.. Triton, it's wonderful! We'll talk for a littlewhile and then say goodbye. If that's the idea, thenI'm fine with it.$#00040I'm not going anywhere. Go talk to Fati.$#00041Me, go on a date with Bermuda? Pah! I'd rather go withNarcissus than that guy... Beg me all you want. If youwant a date, just ask Fati.$#00042Yes! Fati and Bermuda should go on a date. Talk to her.It's about time she got interested in men, not flowers.$#00043The Sphinx trap has been in the works for a while, butBermuda changed it the day before Medusa attacked...I shouldn't have slapped him.$#00044Did you fall for the Sphinx trap too? So did I. I'd liketo see Lady Artemis, but I just can't get through.$#00045There's a stone slab not too far off, but I don't knowwhat it means. I think you're supposed to push a button,but Bermuda won't tell me.$#00046And don't put your hand on my shoulder like that. It'snot like we're dating or something.$#00047It's your first time in the Temple of the Moon, right?Take your time, enjoy the scenery.$#00048Where are you from? My name is Druia. I was surprisedwhen the Sea and the Sun suddenly disappeared. Is ittrue that Medusa came for revenge?$#00049What? You are Poseidon's son? No way, you don't looklike him at all. You're quiet and you haven't even growna beard. But your eyes... $#00050No, the eyes don't look like him either. Are you goodwith alcohol? No? You look less and less like Poseidon.How is Cecilia?$#00051That's good to hear. I was a bit worried about Cecilia.$#00052How about you take Druia with you? I can convince her.I think you two would be perfect for each other.$#00053I'm too young to die!$#00054Goodness, the Hydra is about to awaken! But I've somuch yet to see! And what of my retirement harem?..$#00055Don't look too deep into yourself... Say, Triton, howdo you like Druia? She may not look like it, but she'sactually nice and feminine.$#00056How about you take her back to your planet?$#00057Have you met Trollovich? I think Druia's rejected him.Well, that's hardly surprising. Druia needs a good man,just like you.$#00058What? Cursed blood? Sorry, I'm drawing a blank here.Can't tell you about something I don't know.$#00059What do you think of Bermuda? I never really liked him,but Druia seems to be into him... But she didn't haveto date him.$#00060Triton, your persistence will be the death of me. Here,have the bloody sapphire.$#00061I was going to give it to my granddaughter as a weddingpresent, but you seem to need it more.$#00062Damn, you're persistent... I'm going to call youDrytone from now on.$#00063I used to be a surfer when I was young. Very popularwith gals, too. The sapphire-blue sea would always befull of birds chasing me.$#00064What? Sapphires? Never heard of those... Don't fall forthese silly rumours.$#00065Lady Aphrodite truly is the goddess of Beauty. Youshould see her in a swimsuit, that body is just...Perfection!$#00066Don't lose your head over Lady Aphrodite's body. Thatbody the best in the galaxy.$#00067Have you met Lady Aphrodite? She is... oh my. $#00068I used to go on dates at the Temple of the Titans. Fullmoon, just the two of us on a boat, alone... Romantic,isn't it? Best way to a gal's heart.$#00069You've got the sword of Lady Metis? I'm surprised shetrusted you with it... Me and her, we're not on verygood terms. Don't ask me why.$#00070Did you meet Lady Metis? Did she say anything about me?No? That's all right.$#00071Why don't you ask Lady Artemis? As pointless as it is,heh.$#00072Look who's here! It's Drytoe!.. Just kidding, heh-heh.I envy you, you get to go to so many places.$#00073You've come to ask me about something? That puzzle inthe Temple of the Titans? Don't bother. Go ask a woman,the one who's in love with you.$#00074Women can't resist the men they love.$#00075Don't bite an apple just because it's an apple.Especially when it's made of iron! Heh, it's likebiting into Lady Aphrodite.$#00076Whoa! That's the very sword of Lady Artemis! You didit, baby! No one puts you in a corner, eh?.. Oh, thatgives me hope!$#00077You're going back to the Temple of the Sun, aren't you?Be sure to take the iron apple with you.$#00078Hurry up and use the crest of Lady Artemis to draw hersword!$#00079Triton, you need to get the crest from Lady Artemis.$#00080Indeed, I have seen the Hydra. It's a giant immortalwater serpent created by Medusa. With nine heads thatgrow back when they're cut off.$#00081And its blood is so venomous that anyone would go madand die from just a single drop... But that is not thetrue horror of the Hydra.$#00082The Hydra is a monster of destruction. When it awakens,everything will be gone. Not only our galaxy, but theentire universe.$#00083If you don't get the crest from Lady Artemis soon,the world will cease to exist.$#00084The Hydra will awaken... and terrible things willbefall us all. The end of the world is coming, asforetold a long time ago.$#00085'When the rich Aegean Sea falls into heaven,The Sea of Life will turn into drops of deathAnd turn all life to stone.$#00086All light will be extinguished,And the universe will be shrouded in darknessUntil the drops of the Seas of heaven and earth fall.'$#00087A-ah!.. I'm in panic! When the Hydra awakens, it willbe the end of the world!$#00088A gloomy face darkens one's soul. What happened,Triton? You couldn't pull out the sword? What sword?..Oh, the sword of Lady Artemis?$#00089Goodness, something terrible is about to happen! TheHydra is waking up!$#00090Did Lady Artemis offer you a cognac pizza? Don't fallfor it. Bermuda nearly died from that stuff.$#00091Do you like fishing? I absolutely love it. Especiallycatching nice fit gals on the beach...$#00092Do you have a girlfriend?.. Oh. A friend, then?..Ptolemy? That's a silly name. One that you'd attachto a false theory or something.$#00093You should fall in love. It makes you feel alive. Whynot steal the heart of a goddess? Heh-heh.$#00094Bermuda must know the mechanics of the Sphinx trap.He's the one who set up everything here, after all.I just don't like him.$#00095Have you met Druia? Isn't she a beauty? She's actuallymy granddaughter. So keep your hands to yourself.$#00096Heh-heh, seems like the Sphinx statues have thrown youout too. Druia complains about those every day. Theywere once pets of the Titans.$#00097The Hydra wiped them all out, and all that remains noware stone statues like those two.$#00098By the way, Triton, have you seen Lady Artemis? She isthe goddess of the Moon and someone that you will neverforget once you meet her.$#00099Oh, you must be Drytoe, the son of Poseidon, patron godof the Sea... Heh, just kidding, Triton. You look good.$#00100My name is Worme. Surely you've heard of me? The mostfamous playboy in the galaxy. I've had more women thanI can count, and made cry even more.$#00101There were a few women who left their marks on me, ofcourse... Goddesses, even! I'm telling you, I was thetalk of the universe!$#00102Eh? You don't believe me? I'm still popular, you know!With gals of a more... refined age. By the way, haveyou met Druia yet?$#00106So? How do you like it?$#00107Well, suit yourself. $#00108Here I come! A striptease from your lovely Artemis!$#00109Triton, you did it! You've collected four swords! Tocelebrate, your lovely Artemis will give you a peek ofher skin. A small striptease!$#00110Oh... I'm so embarrassed to be naked. But I did it inthe heat of the moment!$#00111I knew about Medusa. Poseidon's father used to complainabout her to me when he got drunk. But I don't reallycare either way.$#00112I know it's disheartening. But Medusa is Medusa, andyou are yourself. Let's cheer you up! Eat some cognacpizza until you can't stand up!$#00113I made it myself. It's delicious, isn't it? Did itcheer you up?.. Well, I'll do it with my own bare handsthen!$#00114Here I come! A striptease from your lovely Artemis!$#00115What's wrong, Triton? Your face will get mouldy frombeing sour like that. If something's bothering you,leave it to Artemis!$#00116Hold on, just a little longer. I'm sure I'll remember.$#00117Cursed blood? I think I've heard that one before...Hold on... Feels like it's about to come up, but itdoesn't. Like I'm constipated!$#00118Goodness, I'm so vulgar! Tee-hee!$#00119Hey, are sapphires tasty?$#00120Sapphires? Are they edible?$#00121I, Artemis won't stand for this! How dare anyone standin your way? How dare anyone waste your precious time?!$#00122... So how about a nice relaxing cup of tea? A littlebit of tea never hurt anyone.$#00123Aphrodite is so mean, playing all these dirty tricks. Apure-hearted maiden like me would never do that to you!$#00124I did have a hand in designing that Sphinx trap, too...Ha-ha, that happens sometimes. It's not like goddessesgrow on trees, you know.$#00125Isn't Aphrodite beautiful? Pity she gets fat so easily.$#00126No, you can't use my sword.$#00127Oh! That's the sword of Metis, the sword of Courage!Neat! Show me how you cut up a cognac pizza with it!$#00128Was Metis mad at me? I took her olives the other daywithout telling her.$#00129A brilliant solution, if I do say so myself. Asexpected of Artemis, goddess of the Moon!$#00130Oh, you're not Ding-dong, you're Triton... Heh-heh.What do you want with me, goddess of the Moon?$#00131Oh, I see. Why don't you just swim across the moat?..Huh? You can't swim? Then why not just learn to swim?$#00132Goodness, who is that?.. Wait, it's Triton! Long timeno see! So wasn't Metis a beauty?.. What? You haven'tmet her yet? What a bore.$#00133What is it? Oh, I see. So you want to be with me, thisbeautiful woman, this goddess, after all? That's goingto be... a no. Ha-ha-ha!$#00134Oh, right. Find the iron apple and go to the Temple ofthe Titans. There you will meet the Titanid Metis.$#00135Metis is very beautiful. Although I'm even morebeautiful than her. Ha-ha!$#00136Hey, Triton. What's wrong? Where's the sword?.. Huh?A crest? Oh no. How could Artemis, goddess of the Moon,forget about that?$#00137What's a crest, again?.. Oh, ha-ha-ha! Don't make sucha face. Here, this is the crest of Artemis.$#00138Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. Here you go. Thatwill be 98 million gold, tax included.$#00139Are you angry with me, Triton?.. No? Good. I'm a littleworried about you.$#00140Every day, I wake up and start worrying about what I'mgoing to do if the universe disappears and I can't eatcognac pizza any more.$#00141I haven't seen old Worme lately. How is he doing? Tellhim to bring me some fish once in a while if he catchessomething. I'm starving.$#00142Today in Galaxy Teleshopping we're introducing thissword of a goddess. It comes with a leather scabbardand is priced at just 10,000 gold.$#00143The scabbard is cross-stitched, so it is sturdy andresistant to fraying. If you buy 10 right now, you willreceive a dagger signed by Artemis!$#00144There is a limited number of daggers available, socall in and don't miss out!$#00145Oh, I've seen your face before. Wait, let me guess...Er, who are you, again?$#00146Oh, I know! You're Triton, right? You don't look likePoseidon at all. How come you don't have a beard?.. Oh.How would a child grow a beard? Ha-ha!$#00147So what brings you here? Ah, I get it. You must behungry, right? Do you want some cognac pizza?.. No?$#00148I see. So, if you're not hungry, are you here... topropose to me, by any chance? Ah, of course. I ambeautiful, after all.$#00149But even if we're getting married right away... What?No? What sword? Well, I wasn't going to marry youanyway. I knew that all along.$#00150I am the goddess of the Moon, after all!.. Heh-heh.Artemis, goddess of the Moon!.. Yeah...$#00151Ahem. So you want the sword of the goddess, eh?..They're near the Sphinx somewhere, grab yourselfa few.$#60000Sword of ApolloOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60001Sword of ArtemisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60002Sword of MetisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60003Sword of AphroditeOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60004Sword of AthenaOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60005Silver AppleKey to the Temple of the Moon.$#60006Iron AppleKey to the Temple of the Titans.$#60007Golden AppleKey to the Temple of Beauty.$#60008Copper AppleKey to the Temple of Wisdom.$#60009Round stoneUnknown.$#60010Square stoneUnknown.$#60011Star-shaped stoneUnknown.$#60012Triangular stoneUnknown.$#60013SapphireEye of the Sphinx.$#60014OlivesFavourite food of Lady Metis.$#60015Crest of ApolloReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60016Crest of ArtemisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60017Crest of MetisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60018Crest of AphroditeReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60019Crest of AthenaReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60020- - - - - - N O T H I N G - - - - - -$#60021I took the silver apple.$#60022I've already taken the silver apple.$#60023I've already taken the sword of Apollo.$#60024I drew the sword of Apollo.$#60025I couldn't draw the sword of Apollo.$#60026I took the round stone.$#60027I've already taken the round stone.$#60028I drew the sword of Artemis.$#60029I couldn't draw the sword of Artemis.$#60030I took the iron apple.$#60031I've already taken the iron apple.$#60032I took the square stone.$#60033I've already taken the square stone.$#60034I drew the sword of Metis.$#60035I couldn't draw the sword of Metis.$#60036I took the golden apple.$#60037I've already taken the golden apple.$#60038I took the star-shaped stone.$#60039I've already taken the star-shaped stone.$#60040I took the copper apple.$#60041I've already taken the copper apple.$#60042I took the triangular stone.$#60043I've already taken the triangular stone.$#60044I drew the sword of Aphrodite.$#60045I couldn't draw the sword of Aphrodite.$#60046I drew the sword of Athena.$#60047I couldn't draw the sword of Athena.$#60048The Sphinx trap has been disabled.$#60100Are you sure you want to quit the game?Yes - left mouse button.No - right mouse button.$@