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#00000You have grown into a wonderful man. One that is worthyof having taken my sword... But do watch out for drinksand women. Blood is blood.$#00001Cecilia, Fati, Lucia, and even Aphrodite... They allseem to like you.$#00002Oh, please don't tell anyone that I like olives!..Farewell, Triton.$#00003Hurry! There's no time to look back.$#00004Go, Triton! The fate of the universe is in your hands.You must bring Apollo back to life and seal the Hydrabefore it awakens!$#00005There are many winds in life. You can feel them now.Don't succumb to your fate. Stand strong, clench yourfists. Shed your boyish clothes.$#00006You look determined. Then I shall be your snake... Yourreal aunt is not a human, but a goddess. You've nevermet her, because she's not here.$#00007She is probably still holding a grudge against us inthe galaxy of nothingness beyond the universe... Ithink you understand already.$#00008Your aunt is Medusa, the one who defied Lady Kronos,wiped out the Titans, and stole the Seas and the Sun...and stole your father from you.$#00009You refuse to believe it? But it is true. Medusa is thereal sister of your father, Poseidon. You have the sameblood as Medusa.$#00010Triton, do not look too deep into yourself. You're theyoungest here. Listen to those who are older and wiser.$#00011I have heard of the Hydra's return. There is no timeto waste. Triton, take the sword of Athena.$#00012Ask Emeralia about the elemental stones.$#00013Hurry to the Temple of Wisdom. We don't have much time.$#00014I can't just sit here hoping a sapphire will justmagically pop up. Let's dive into the lake and see whatwe can find.$#00015There's no need to thank me.$#00016Is there something else?$#00017You've grown more handsome since we last met...Heh-heh. Flattery is good, it makes one bashful. Sowhat brings you to me?$#00018I see. Show Lucia my sword, the sword of Metis. Thatshould make her more complaisant.$#00019A windmill hiding a passage, you say? Oh, GreatAphrodite! You are a goddess, and yet you are so afraidof Medusa?$#00020Are you here to complain about something?$#00021Triton, you really do look just like your mother.Looking at you, I see... That I speak too much. Hurryto the Temple of Beauty!$#00022This sword suits you well. Do you have the goldenapple? Head to the Temple of Beauty.$#00023Do you have business with Great Metis? Triton, I hatebeing interrupted while I am eating olives. This is mysecond least favourite thing.$#00024And my least favourite thing is running out of olives.You may want to leave before I lose my temper.$#00025Where are those olives?.. It's about time! Baba gavethem to you, didn't she? Sorry about my outburst. Takethis as an apology.$#00026This is the crest of Metis. The future of the galaxy ofgods rests on your shoulders.$#00027The evil Medusa cursed the Aegean Sea to punish thosewho sealed away the Hydra, which she loved like a child.$#00028To fulfil the curse, she sneaked into this galaxy andcut off one of the Hydra's heads, mixing its blood withwine, which she gave to Poseidon.$#00029The Sea ran dry and the Sun's fire went out. Havingrealised the curse, Medusa mustered her magic and threwour swords at each of us.$#00030The goddesses put up barriers to prevent the swordsfrom hitting them, but that drained them of theirpower. We cannot oppose Medusa.$#00031And now the Hydra is about awaken with its eternalseal broken. And you know what will happen if the Hydraawakens.$#00032Whether the universe disappears or survives is up you.$#00033Go, Triton! Draw the sword of Metis and head to theTemple of Beauty to meet Aphrodite. Emeralia will tellyou where the sword is.$#00034Didn't you hear me? I'm not in the mood to talk.$#00035I am Metis, goddess of the Titans. You have come a longway. I knew your father, Poseidon.$#00036We weren't good friends... I'm sorry, I don't feel liketalking to you right now. I have to ask you to leave.$#00037Thank you, Lord Triton. You are a true hero. When youget back to Earth, please keep doing your best.Take care.$#00038I look forward to your return after you have defeatedthe Hydra.$#00039Lord Triton, please bring Lady Apollo to life. Restorethe Sea and the Sun to the galaxy of gods.$#00040Lord Triton...$#00041Do not eat the fruit of Wisdom.$#00042Sometimes it is better not to know. Do you rememberwhat happened to those who bit into the fruit of Wisdomin the Garden of Eden?$#00043I do not want to tempt you like the snake that enticedEve. Please leave.$#00044I don't know anything about that.$#00045In the beginning, there was nothing but space. Therewas no time, no light.$#00046Kronos, Queen of the Gods, looked out over the universeand said, 'Let this be our home.' And she created time.Medusa and Poseidon created the Sea.$#00047Lady Rhea gave birth to the Sun and the five goddesses.Medusa created the Hydra to help the Titans build thenine temples.$#00048But after they built six temples, they could no longerignore an obvious problem.$#00049The Hydra was created to help build the temples. Forthat purpose, it had the power to create things. But italso had the power of destruction.$#00050Lady Kronos ordered the Titans to seal the Hydra away.Medusa, who loved the Hydra like her own child, turnedagainst them and wiped them out.$#00051Lady Rhea died giving birth to the five magic swords,and Lady Kronos gave her life to seal the Hydra withthem deep in the Temple of the Sun.$#00052Medusa was banished to the galaxy of nothingness, andthe remaining goddesses sealed their swords so theycould not be drawn by the heartless.$#00053Since then, Medusa has been called evil. But she wasa good goddess in the past.$#00054Even though Medusa took Poseidon's life, I don't thinkshe had any intention of doing so.$#00055Otherwise, she would not have gone to the galaxy ofnothingness with Lord Poseidon's body in her arms.$#00056Lady Athena created the elemental stones as a way toremember the good goddess Medusa.$#00057The four elemental stones represent the four gods whowere there when the galaxy of gods was born.$#00058The round stone is Poseidon. The triangle stands forRhea. The square is Kronos. And the star shape is forMedusa, the sorceress and the prophet.$#00059You may wonder why Medusa's symbol is the star-shapedstone. To explain why, I must first tell you how thegalaxy of gods came to be.$#00060How to get to the Temple of Wisdom? The Sphinx in theTemple of Beauty leads to the shrine in the Temple ofthe Sun. That's the entrance.$#00061There are no sapphires here.$#00062You wish to see Lady Metis?$#00063Wouldn't it be quicker to ask Lucia or Bermuda?$#00064Sorry, I don't know anything about the windmill trick.$#00065Can I help you?$#00066Lord Triton, you must resemble your mother. I've heardshe is from Earth, but I feel like I've seen your facesomewhere.$#00067You've got the sword of Lady Metis, just as I expectedof Lord Poseidon's son. You are very different fromBermuda.$#00068You must be wondering why it was hidden in a rock, butthat was the wish of Lady Metis.$#00069She didn't want anyone to touch it and turn to stone...We mustn't tarry. Lord Triton, go to the Temple ofBeauty.$#00070Remember how the bridge rose out of the water? Theanswer is on the same tablet.$#00071I know where the sword is. Did you see the tablet onwhen you came back from Lady Metis? You can't see itfrom here.$#00072Behind the bridge, there's a tablet that shows what todo. If you are the saviour of the galaxy, a swordshould appear in this temple.$#00073Old Baba used to sped a lot of time in the Temple of theTitans. I heard that Lady Metis held a lot of respectfor her.$#00074I see... So Lady Metis wasn't in a good mood after all.She's been like that for a while now.$#00075Old Baba has known Metis for a long time, so I thinkshe may know the cause of this.$#00076Lady Metis is a very calm person. Try to not make toomuch noise.$#00077I apologise for my rudeness earlier. I thought thatMedusa might have assumed Lord Triton's appearance...Please forgive my impertinence.$#00078Lady Metis is waiting for you, please go ahead. Youmay also take the golden apple. You will need it toenter the Temple of Beauty.$#00079However, Lady Metis is in a bad mood right now. Icannot guarantee that she will see you.$#00080If you are not Medusa, then you should be able to crossthe moat without using magic. Think on your feet anduse your head.$#00081I am Emeralia, priestess of Lady Metis, goddess of theTitans. Who are you? Even if you are Lord Triton, Icannot let you pass.$#00082How can you prove that you are not Medusa? Medusa couldhave easily disguised herself as Lord Triton.$#00083I will not let you anywhere near Lady Metis.$#60000Sword of ApolloOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60001Sword of ArtemisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60002Sword of MetisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60003Sword of AphroditeOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60004Sword of AthenaOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60005Silver AppleKey to the Temple of the Moon.$#60006Iron AppleKey to the Temple of the Titans.$#60007Golden AppleKey to the Temple of Beauty.$#60008Copper AppleKey to the Temple of Wisdom.$#60009Round stoneUnknown.$#60010Square stoneUnknown.$#60011Star-shaped stoneUnknown.$#60012Triangular stoneUnknown.$#60013SapphireEye of the Sphinx.$#60014OlivesFavourite food of Lady Metis.$#60015Crest of ApolloReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60016Crest of ArtemisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60017Crest of MetisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60018Crest of AphroditeReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60019Crest of AthenaReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60020- - - - - - N O T H I N G - - - - - -$#60021I took the silver apple.$#60022I've already taken the silver apple.$#60023I've already taken the sword of Apollo.$#60024I drew the sword of Apollo.$#60025I couldn't draw the sword of Apollo.$#60026I took the round stone.$#60027I've already taken the round stone.$#60028I drew the sword of Artemis.$#60029I couldn't draw the sword of Artemis.$#60030I took the iron apple.$#60031I've already taken the iron apple.$#60032I took the square stone.$#60033I've already taken the square stone.$#60034I drew the sword of Metis.$#60035I couldn't draw the sword of Metis.$#60036I took the golden apple.$#60037I've already taken the golden apple.$#60038I took the star-shaped stone.$#60039I've already taken the star-shaped stone.$#60040I took the copper apple.$#60041I've already taken the copper apple.$#60042I took the triangular stone.$#60043I've already taken the triangular stone.$#60044I drew the sword of Aphrodite.$#60045I couldn't draw the sword of Aphrodite.$#60046I drew the sword of Athena.$#60047I couldn't draw the sword of Athena.$#60048A bridge rose out of the water.$#60049The sword of Metis has appeared.$#60100Are you sure you want to quit the game?Yes - left mouse button.No - right mouse button.$@