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#00000Triton, you are so beautiful. I wish you could stay withme forever. Why are you leaving? The Sea is back, soyou should stay too.$#00001Come swim with me sometime. I will show you my perfectbody. See you soon!$#00002Oh, sweetiepie. Did you miss me? Come here, you cantouch me if you want.$#00003Yes, it's probably that. Don't fall for Athena'stricks. From now on, I will take good care of you.$#00004Cursed blood? Did Athena really say that? What was shethinking?..$#00005Artemis once made me a cognac pizza, and I went barkingbonkers... or did it just start expressing my affectionin a weird way?$#00006You want to touch me? Come here, cupcake, I don't mind!$#00007Why don't we leave all that boring stuff to Lucia andjust have a nice talk?$#00008Did Lucia tease you again? Oh, that girl is absolutelyhopeless. It's all boys, boys with her... Muffin, areyou admiring my perfect body?$#00009Oh my, are you Triton? How rude of you to keep a ladywaiting. My hour costs more than a human life!.. Sowhen will the Sea come back?$#00010When will I get to scorch this beautiful skin?.. What?Lucia? That girl again... Reaching out her tentacles assoon as she sees someone pretty.$#00011Come here, let me see your face. You're so dignified,so unlike your dad. Poseidon told me you were timid,but that's not true at all.$#00012You're handsome. Would you touch my perfect body?.. I'mkidding, ha-ha! Your old drunkard did used to touch mea lot, though. I kind of miss it.$#00013Have you been to the Temple of Wisdom? I'll give you thecrest, go see Athena. Ask Lucia for directions, and letme know if she starts teasing you.$#00014You're a hero now. Next time we meet, I... I'll be justas cool as you are!$#00015I'm going to kill the Hydra. Then even Druia willnotice me.$#00016Men are sad creatures.$#00017Ugh... Druia once told me I was a pathetic man.$#00018I see... Athena hates you, huh? Then I guess you'reone of us.$#00019Wa-a-ah... Druia, my love... Why won't you understandmy feelings?..$#00020Wa-a-ah... Triton, why? Why won't Druia look at me?$#00021I went all that way to see her... Wa-a-ah!.. Damn it,I'm better than Bermuda! Why won't you accept my love?..$#00022Would it impress Druia if I gave her a star-shapedpendant and whispered, 'You're my star'?$#00023H-hey, Triton. If I'm looking for a pendant for Druia,what shape should I choose? I think it should be a star.$#00024Druia, my love! Wait for me! I'll protect you fromBermuda's poisonous fangs!$#00025You found the sapphire? Thanks, Triton! Now I can seeDruia!$#00026Wa-a-ah!.. Druia, my love! Why are you with Bermuda?$#00027The Sphinx had a sapphire in each eye socket. But sinceMedusa came, I lost one of them, and I can't go to theTemple of the Sun any more.$#00028I can't see Druia because of it, and now Bermuda willtake her from me... Ugh. I'm sorry, Triton. You're sokind, that doesn't cheer me up.$#00029If Druia agreed to go on a date with Bermuda, then shemust have feelings for him... Or she wouldn't be goingon a date with him... Wa-a-ah!..$#00030Druia, my love!.. Why would you date Bermuda?!$#00031B-B-B-Bermuda is going on a date? Not with Druia by anychance? Oh no! I was intending to ask Druia out too!..This is the end of the galaxy!$#00032If you've got nothing to give, go home. Threats won'twork on me.$#00033M-my name is Trollovich. What's yours?.. You knowBermuda? Well, that makes things easy. You've come tosee Lady Aphrodite.$#00034She's got the best body in the galaxy. But I've set upa few tricks to keep the wicked ones out. If you wantto meet her, give me something.$#00035Wh-who are you?.. Uh? Who am I?.. No, answer me or I'llbeat you! I may not look like it, but I'm strong! I'venever lost a game of tickles!$#00036H-hey, say something. Look, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry.Please don't glare at me. I'm not much of a fighter.$#00037Before you say goodbye, give me a big hug. And a hotkiss! And tell me you'll never let me go! Hey!..$#00038Hurry!$#00039You're going to the Temple of the Sun, aren't you? Giveme a long hot kiss before you go!$#00040Triton, would you like to make memories with me?$#00041Or maybe you grow fangs at night! But with you, I don'tmind being bitten.$#00042Having cursed blood sounds so mysterious and beautiful.I bet you change shape in the moonlight.$#00043Bermuda's just brought me a golden apple. I feltsomewhat bad for Trollovich. What with Druia havingdumped him.$#00044Girls don't like it if you're being too blunt... butwith you, I don't mind.$#00045You know what I would look like if I turned into stone?A heart full of passion.$#00046There are four elemental stones. Round, triangular,square, and star-shaped. They were created by LadyAthena.$#00047There is a special socket for each of the stones, andif you set them all in place, you can see Lady Athena.Emeralia knows all about it.$#00048When you return to the Temple of the Sun, enter theshrine.$#00049You came back to see me, didn't you? I'm so happy,Triton! I knew you would!.. Huh? You brought me asapphire? You're a sweetheart!$#00050You're so unlike Trollovich. Now hurry to the Temple ofWisdom! Give the Sphinx its eye, use the portal, andenter the shrine on the other side.$#00051The road to the Temple of Wisdom lies through theSphinx. But the portal isn't working right now. There'ssomething wrong with sapphires...$#00052Did Lady Aphrodite say anything? Don't be tempted byher. I'm the one you're meant to be with.$#00053When you press a button, it makes sounds. Count themand press the next button that many times. It's tedious,but that's how we kept Poseidon out.$#00054Poseidon came by every day, even though Aphrodite wasn'ttoo happy about it. But that's the price of Beauty.$#00055If you came to see Aphrodite, then sod off. But if youcame to see me, I'm happy to se... Is that... is thatthe sword of Lady Metis?$#00056I'm sorry! Please don't tell Lady Metis! I'll tell youthe windmill trick!$#00057It's easy! Just press the buttons A through F in order,but a different number of times. Just listen to thesounds they make and count them.$#00058Then press each successive button the same number oftimes. If you do it correctly, you should see astaircase behind the windmill.$#00059It's a little tedious, but that's what Bermuda came upwith. Shouldn't be too hard, right?$#00060You want to know the windmill trick? How boring. Let'sgo swimming in the Temple of the Titans! You want tosee me in a swimsuit, don't you?$#00061You're here to see Lady Aphrodite? You're going to hookup with her, aren't you?.. Hey, why don't you hook upwith the girl in front of you?$#00062Hello, stranger... Oh, is that really you? Yes, you'reTriton. Oh my, you're handsome. I'm Lucia. I designedthis dress.$#00063I design dresses for the goddesses. I can make you anice suit, too. How about we both wear matching outfits?$#60000Sword of ApolloOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60001Sword of ArtemisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60002Sword of MetisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60003Sword of AphroditeOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60004Sword of AthenaOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60005Silver AppleKey to the Temple of the Moon.$#60006Iron AppleKey to the Temple of the Titans.$#60007Golden AppleKey to the Temple of Beauty.$#60008Copper AppleKey to the Temple of Wisdom.$#60009Round stoneUnknown.$#60010Square stoneUnknown.$#60011Star-shaped stoneUnknown.$#60012Triangular stoneUnknown.$#60013SapphireEye of the Sphinx.$#60014OlivesFavourite food of Lady Metis.$#60015Crest of ApolloReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60016Crest of ArtemisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60017Crest of MetisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60018Crest of AphroditeReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60019Crest of AthenaReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60020- - - - - - N O T H I N G - - - - - -$#60021I took the silver apple.$#60022I've already taken the silver apple.$#60023I've already taken the sword of Apollo.$#60024I drew the sword of Apollo.$#60025I couldn't draw the sword of Apollo.$#60026I took the round stone.$#60027I've already taken the round stone.$#60028I drew the sword of Artemis.$#60029I couldn't draw the sword of Artemis.$#60030I took the iron apple.$#60031I've already taken the iron apple.$#60032I took the square stone.$#60033I've already taken the square stone.$#60034I drew the sword of Metis.$#60035I couldn't draw the sword of Metis.$#60036I took the golden apple.$#60037I've already taken the golden apple.$#60038I took the star-shaped stone.$#60039I've already taken the star-shaped stone.$#60040I took the copper apple.$#60041I've already taken the copper apple.$#60042I took the triangular stone.$#60043I've already taken the triangular stone.$#60044I drew the sword of Aphrodite.$#60045I couldn't draw the sword of Aphrodite.$#60046I drew the sword of Athena.$#60047I couldn't draw the sword of Athena.$#60048A staircase has appeared.$#60049The Sphinx's eye is restored.$#60100Are you sure you want to quit the game?Yes - left mouse button.No - right mouse button.$@