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#00000Thank you so much, Triton. I'm sorry we have to saygoodbye now. I wish we could talk a little longer.$#00001I don't mean to be weird, but we started out as friends,and now... No, what am I saying? Never mind... Pleasewrite to me.$#00002Apollo is waiting for you. Please free her fromMedusa's curse.$#00003You must hate me now, but I wanted you to know who youreally are.$#00004You bear the great burden of saving the galaxy of gods,so I wanted you to know that good and evil are notalways clearly separated.$#00005Evil is not confined to one specific person. Evil ispresent everywhere and in everyone.$#00006You know about the elemental stones, don't you? But Idon't think you understand what they really mean.$#00007The four elemental stones represent the four great godswho created the galaxy of gods: Kronos, Rhea, Poseidon,and Medusa.$#00008Those gods correspond to the primordial elements: fire,wind, earth, and water. These elements are also in you,for you are part of the universe.$#00009There is Kronos, Rhea, Poseidon, and Medusa ineveryone. Medusa lurks in every one of us.$#00010Naturally, there's Medusa in you, Triton. It is hard toknow the evil in you and accept it without denying it.$#00011But only by overcoming that evil you can attain trueWisdom. If you only know what is convenient, you cannotbe wise.$#00012Now, as I promised, I will give you my crest. Draw thesword of Athena, imbued with the power of Wisdom... Andfear not, four swords is enough.$#00013The swords of the four goddesses hold the power of thefour gods that created this galaxy. With their power,you will revive Lady Apollo.$#00014I'm only being this cruel because I care for you...Even though it's Aphrodite whose love is usuallytwisted.$#00015You can stare at me all you want. You have cursed bloodin your veins, Triton. So don't come any closer.$#00016I have been waiting for you. I am Athena, goddess ofWisdom... My, you're so dignified. If you keep lookingat me like that, I'll be in trouble.$#00017However, I have to tell you something unpleasant.Please don't be offended, but I can't give you my sword.$#00018Because there is cursed blood in you, Triton.$#00019Are you... Triton? What happened to the sword ofAphrodite? You mustn't forget such things. Go back toAphrodite.$#00020It's not fair that you're leaving me without a singlekiss. But our love grows even more with the distance!$#00021Love is a boomerang, it always comes back. I won't letyou go. My love is like shackles.$#00022Oh my, you've got Athena's sword. That's so hot! Let mekiss you with all my might!..$#00023You can't run! Our love is a bungee jump. No matter howhard we tug, it will never tear!$#00024Let's ride a boat in the Temple of the Titans tonight!We'll talk about our love for each other. I'm gettingfired up just thinking about it!$#00025What? You'll break out in a rash if we kiss? That'sterrible! Now I'll have to kiss you to prove you wrong!$#00026My sugarplumkin! What's wrong? Why are you so glum? Doyou want me to comfort you? My hot kiss will cheer youup in no time!$#00027What?.. My goodness! You're too disgusted to be herewith me being around? That's terrible! I'm going tofollow you instead!$#00028Oh my, you have all the elemental stones! A good manhas all the right stuff. Let me give you something too!$#00029A kiss full of love!.. What's the matter? Why are yourunning away? Hmph.$#00030What? I'm not dapper?! Are you crazy? How on earthcan you say that?!$#00031Have you heard of Bermuda? He's sexy, isn't he? Butyou're even hotter!$#00032Oh my! What. A. Piece. Of. Meat! You're my kind of guy.I'm Narcissus. Would you like to do something nicetogether? I'll be gentle.$#00033You're so cute when you're embarrassed. You are so hot.You're going to Athena now, aren't you?$#00034Have you got the elemental stones? You can't get inunless you've got all four.$#60000Sword of ApolloOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60001Sword of ArtemisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60002Sword of MetisOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60003Sword of AphroditeOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60004Sword of AthenaOne of the swords that sealed the Hydra.$#60005Silver AppleKey to the Temple of the Moon.$#60006Iron AppleKey to the Temple of the Titans.$#60007Golden AppleKey to the Temple of Beauty.$#60008Copper AppleKey to the Temple of Wisdom.$#60009Round stoneUnknown.$#60010Square stoneUnknown.$#60011Star-shaped stoneUnknown.$#60012Triangular stoneUnknown.$#60013SapphireEye of the Sphinx.$#60014OlivesFavourite food of Lady Metis.$#60015Crest of ApolloReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60016Crest of ArtemisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60017Crest of MetisReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60018Crest of AphroditeReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60019Crest of AthenaReleases the sword of the goddess.$#60020- - - - - - N O T H I N G - - - - - -$#60021I took the silver apple.$#60022I've already taken the silver apple.$#60023I've already taken the sword of Apollo.$#60024I drew the sword of Apollo.$#60025I couldn't draw the sword of Apollo.$#60026I took the round stone.$#60027I've already taken the round stone.$#60028I drew the sword of Artemis.$#60029I couldn't draw the sword of Artemis.$#60030I took the iron apple.$#60031I've already taken the iron apple.$#60032I took the square stone.$#60033I've already taken the square stone.$#60034I drew the sword of Metis.$#60035I couldn't draw the sword of Metis.$#60036I took the golden apple.$#60037I've already taken the golden apple.$#60038I took the star-shaped stone.$#60039I've already taken the star-shaped stone.$#60040I took the copper apple.$#60041I've already taken the copper apple.$#60042I took the triangular stone.$#60043I've already taken the triangular stone.$#60044I drew the sword of Aphrodite.$#60045I couldn't draw the sword of Aphrodite.$#60046I drew the sword of Athena.$#60047I couldn't draw the sword of Athena.$#60048The Temple of Wisdom spun around, revealing a door.$#60049The round stone is in place.$#60050The square stone is in place.$#60051The star-shaped stone is in place.$#60052The triangular stone is in place.$#60100Are you sure you want to quit the game?Yes - left mouse button.No - right mouse button.$@