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Deploying OOK


To deploy a jar

Check the ook pipeline on Circle CI for the omni package version number, e.g. main-circle_297_f492fa then do:

cd deploy

New server from scratch

./ # pass image name from last task e.g. ook-base-1620388107 and ook omni package version e.g. main-circle_297_f492fa
./ # pass image name from last task e.g. ook-staging-1620389524

Then add the server to the load-balancer group (and clear-up the old one).

0. Prerequisites


Packer can be installed with brew:

brew install packer

Alternatively you can download a binary from the packer downloads page

This setup was developed using packer 1.7.0.


Follow the installation guide to install ansible. This setup was developed with version 3.0.0 on python 3.7.6. In addition the GCE ansible module requires the requests, google-auth and google-api-python-client packages to be installed:

python -m pip install --user requests google-auth google-api-python-client

Google Cloud SDK

  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK](
  2. Ensure that the gcloud tool is on your $PATH.
  3. Setup an auth token with gcloud init.

You'll need a GCP Service Account to build images and provision servers etc.


You'll need the following secrets (identified as environment variables in the instructions below):

  • $GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_FILE - path to a json file providing authentication credentials for your CGP service account
  • $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - credentials used to access the omni package repository on s3. These are not stored in the image so you can use your personal creds.

An example for encrypting secrets and loading them automatically with direnv is provided in .envrc.example.

1. Building the images with packer

The production server will be provisioning from a disk image built by packer.

1.1 Build a base image

The base image include the OS and ES and shouldn't change often.

There's a script to automate this in

cd packer
packer build -var gcloud_project=<project-name> \
  -var gcloud_account_file=<gcloud-account-json> \
  -var output_image_name=<base-image-name> \


packer build -var gcloud_project=ons-pilot \
  -var gcloud_account_file=$GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_FILE \
  -var output_image_name=ook-base \

You might like to update the base image name in (for the ook-specific image in the next step) if you change it.

1.2 Build an ook image

This extends the base image with a specific version of ook.

There's a script to automate this in You'll need to provide an omni package version (e.g. from CI, see example below).

The remainder of this section explains the packer command.

cd packer

packer build \
  -var gcloud_project=<project-name> \
  -var base_image_name=<base-image-name> \
  -var template_name=<template-name> \
  -var ook_package_name=<ook-package-name> \
  -var ook_package_version=<ook-package-version> \
  -var gcloud_account_file=<gcloud-account-json> \
  -var deploy_s3_access_key=<aws-access-key> \
  -var deploy_s3_secret_key=<aws-secret-key> \

e.g. using a build from CI:

cd packer

packer build \
  -var gcloud_project=ons-pilot \
  -var base_image_name=ook-base-1614968110 \
  -var template_name=ook-staging \
  -var ook_package_name=ook \
  -var ook_package_version=km_package-and-deploy-circle_82_d74bc4 \
  -var gcloud_account_file=$GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_FILE \
  -var deploy_s3_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
  -var deploy_s3_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \

Note the image name (used in the next step).

2. Deploying with ansible

2.1 Provisioning a server from scratch

We use ansible to provision the server.

There's a script to automate this in You'll need to provide an image name (from the last step). You can keep the default server name (unique by datetime).

The remainder of this section explains the ansible command.

cd ansible

env ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook server.yml \
  --extra-vars "profile=<profile> \
                service_account_file=<gcloud-account-json> \
                source_image=<source-image> \


cd ansible

env ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook server.yml \
  --extra-vars "profile=ook_staging \
                service_account_file=$GCLOUD_ACCOUNT_FILE \
                source_image=ook-staging-1614974526  \

2.2 Deploying a build to an existing server

We can also update ook on an already provisioned server using ansible.

The script uses omni to install a given build (package version).

3. Running the ETL pipeline

The ETL pipeline runs as a systemd clojure process called etl.

You can use the script to trigger this remotely with an ansible playbook.

This process can take several hours. If you want to check on it then ssh into the box and run journalctl -f -u etl.

4. Backing-up and restoring the elasticsearch indices

The script will ensure that a GCS bucket called ook-es-repository is in place.

The script will instruction ES to backup it's indices to the bucket. You can use the script to get it back out again.