This document corresponds to the example in sub-prop. Which demonstrates how we can coin classes on the codes themselves, add further meaning by subPropertying, dimension values, and also model MECEness and other things in OWL.
The file sub-prop/skos-bindings.ttl
shows how we can trivially lift
skos concepts into classes, by creating a direct mapping into
owl:classes with statements like:
skvoc:male a :Male .
The concept of MECE (Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive) for us means that within a dimension, each concept (dimension value) is non-overlapping, i.e. it does not include members of another set, and that the set of dimension values covers every possible value for that dimension.
We believe MECE may be important to model in our datasets and concepts as it will allow us to know whether numbers within the same dataset are aggregatable. Currently we can't assume they are, because of the presence of intermediate "totalling" observations, or potentially overlapping concepts. It's worth stating that not all dimension values can be MECE as it's an overly restrictive for some dimensions, and datasets such as questionnaire results that include a "Don't know" option.
Lets first take a look at a simplified :gender
:Gender rdfs:subClassOf :StatisticalPopulation .
:AnyMECEGender owl:disjointUnionOf (:Male :Female) ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Gender .
:GenderAll rdfs:subClassOf :Gender, :Aggregate .
:gender rdfs:subPropertyOf qb:dimension .
is proposed as the root class for all
concepts we use in cubes that describe a population of people.
, like all other dimension values in this example is a
subclass of this class.
We next express the concept of :AnyMECEGender
owl:disjointUnionOf (:Male :Female)
. This OWL declaration states
that the classes in the rdf List are pairwise disjoint from each other
(i.e. they don't overlap in anyway, and there is no person in the
female population that is also in the male population), and that
and :Female
enterily cover the class :AnyMECEGender
and :Female
effectively then become an an rdfs:subClassOf
of :AnyMECEGender
. This then enables aggregating queries such as
prefix : <>
select (SUM(?count)AS ?sum) WHERE {
?obs a :Observation ;
:gender ?gender ;
:refArea ?area ;
:count ?count .
?gender a :AnyMECEGender .
?area a :Liverpool .
You'll note also that I define the class :GenderAll
as another
class. This is a bit of a hack, and I suspect it can be better
modelled, however it's an attempt to implicitly try and model the
distinction between an aggregated "All" dimension value, that
identifies a total over gender, and the class :AnyMECEGender
we use to find those observations. The reason we need something like
this is because :Male a :AnyMECEGender
and :Female a :AnyMECEGender
and :AnyMECEGender a :AnyMECEGender .
(i.e. all
classes are subclasses of themselves.). We may not need to explicitly
model this as we can use special properties such as
. However I got around this here by modelling
the class :GenderAll
as being outside of the MECE set, but still a
There are some unexpected gotchas with OWL I ran into:
Here we express OWL in RDF triples which we load into stardog. However not all the triples you use to define owl axioms are themselves allowed in the graph of triples OWL will reason about. Presumably this is to avoid stuff like the Russel Paradox, and halting problem. However the upshot of this is that when reasoning is on you can no longer see triples like this:
:AnyMECEGender owl:disjointUnionOf (:Male :Female) ;
Which means that you can't write meta-queries to find MECE children like this with reasoning on:
select ?class where {
:Ward1 owl:disjointUnionOf ?disj .
?disj rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?class .
Trying to hack around by loading the same data twice, once into the TBox and again into a different graph doesn't work, as stardog appears to strip owl predicates and classes by their URI, rather than checking if they're in the TBox or not.
Instead you need to write something more baroque like:
prefix : <>
prefix skvoc: <>
prefix sp: <tag:stardog:api:property:>
# finding mece codes for a dimension class
select distinct ?mece WHERE {
BIND(:Gender AS ?parent_code)
?dc sp:directSubClassOf ?parent_code .
?mece sp:directSubClassOf ?dc .
?mece_2 sp:directSubClassOf ?dc .
?mece owl:disjointWith ?mece_2 .
# Thanks OWL for reminding me that the class
# of "no things" is disjoint with the class
# of things I want.
FILTER(?mece != owl:Nothing)
This query will return the distinct set of MECE :Gender
i.e. :Male
. It is proposed meta queries such as these
could be used to display checkboxes on the interface for Total that
might allow aggregating cubes across many dimensions, even where
aggregations don't exist. Or this information may be used to
materialise these observations in the first place.
Similarly marker classes may be defined like so to explicitly represent the meta-model of MECEness in the model:
:MECE owl:intersectionOf (:ME :CE) .
:AnyMECEGender owl:disjointUnionOf (:Male :Female) ;
rdfs:subClassOf :MECE ; # marker class to identify mece superclasses
rdfs:subClassOf :Gender .
this would allow queries like this to aggregate over a dimension:
prefix : <>
prefix skvoc: <>
prefix sp: <tag:stardog:api:property:>
# finding mece codes for a dimension class
select * WHERE {
BIND(:Gender AS ?dim)
?obs :gender ?gen .
?gen a :MECE .
Having engaged in this exercise I have come from a purely theoretical standpoint to share a view of Alex's that datasets may want to coin codes as they use them, and then integrate them with them OWL later.
A logical consequence and extension of this idea is that the real
meaning of a code is only understood in the context of its dataset.
For example on Scotland we see the use of the code Other
to describe
ethnicity. Unlike concrete concepts of ethnicity like Asian
or White
the code Other
often seems to mean "other
ethnicities not included" in this dataset; which is often a different
set of ethnicities than Other
in a different datasets context.
For example in this
Other means "Not white". There's another interesting point
illustrated by this dataset whichs is that the ethnicities White
(not white) are MECE within this dataset. Though Other
white) if used in a different dataset may not be MECE, depending on
what other codes it is mixed with.
Lets assume this dataset coins codes for the ethnicity dimension:
prefix scot: <>
prefix waeth: <> .
waeth:Other a scot:Ethnicity .
Then later we discover "Other" means not white...
waeth:Other owl:disjointWith scot:White ;
owl:unionOf (scot:Black, scot:Asian, scot:Chinese scot:Other) .
Then a notional observation finder can join in a way it previously couldn't on the dimension value of Other.
Datasets can be related via common dimension-values. e.g.
can both subclass:People
. As could various ethnicities etc. Likewise other concepts such as currencies and monetary values can be modelled as disjoint hierarchies from:People
. The modelling should be richer, more granular and precise than via tagging mechanisms like themes. Though will require careful UI work to represent, and help people navigate it. -
The modelling can be done after the dataset is published as a process of continual refinement; without republishing the dataset itself.
Can be used to model MECEness (though it is not the only way, as we could potentially represent this via XKOS etc).
Performance is already challenging. Reasoning will likely need to be constrained to only certain areas.
What is the relationship of reasoning to non-RDF consumers? Non-RDF users are our main audience, and if reasoning encourages a proliferation of dataset specific identifiers it may be harder for non-RDF users to reconcile and join datasets offline. How can these users do this job without having to learn RDF and OWL? Do we need to offer reconcilation services? Should we perhaps compute correspondence tables for them from OWL? Or perhaps reasoning should only be used for admin and data management, and that dataset codes should somehow be continually reconcilled, if so what does this mean?